Beginners and Beyond


Losing a lot of weight. Have you? Do you need to? (Read 189 times)


The c word is repulsive

    Congratulations to the people here that have lost weight.

    I agree with what many are saying about the show, I do find it uncomfortable viewing in many respects.


    Team TJ

      A lot of awesome progress among this thread.  Congrats to all of you!


      I have lost 60 pounds since Aug 2011.  I have been at a stand-still for a while weightwise, however I have not gained any back.  My running slowed some during the summer due to sheer laziness but I'm headed back in the right direction now.  I started at 317 and would love to get to around 220...or even better 217 so I can hit the 100# loss mark.

      Running for TJ because he can't.



        I watch the show for the "wrong" reasons too, Coralie. It's so unhealthy, but so entertaining! I like that they trimmed it down to an hour once a week this year. Less filler.


        I'm on a med that causes weight gain, so I used that as an excuse for years, but recently decided to see if watching my diet would help. Well, it does. I've been cooking more, WAY less pasta, smaller portions, lots of veggies, and just healthier. I've lost 3.5 pounds in 2 weeks. I'm looking to lose about 15 altogether, so I'm happy. The biggest thing won't be the weight, though, it'll be the waistline. Stupid gut.


        But that's way less than 30 or--WHOA!--100! That's awesome, guys!

        Call me Ray (not Ishmael)



          70 lbs down here, a bit more to go.


          I don't watch the Biggest Loser, but have caught snippets over the years.



          I do have the Biggest Loser game for the Wii. Thats actually quite a fun way of Cross training.

          5K  20:23  (Vdot 48.7)   9/9/17

          10K  44:06  (Vdot 46.3)  3/11/17

          HM 1:33:48 (Vdot 48.6) 11/11/17

          FM 4:13:43 (Vdot 35.4) 3/4/18


          Jess runs for bacon

            I had nothing to do today and am feeling fat and disgusting so now I am in the middle of season one on Hulu. Worst part is, they keep promoting Subway and so guess where I went for lunch. I had a 6 inch whole wheat turkey with no cheese or anything except spinach and raw onion. It was good. So, even though the show is bad, I guess it kind of is good.



            You Rang?

              I have seen only snippets and ads for The Biggest Loser.  I have not had the privilege to watch an episode from start to finish.  I did see the segment where they take the contestants and enter them into the Disneyland Half Marathon.  Having run this race twice, It was interesting to see the background shots.  It seems that the sixteen minute mile pace and three hour and thirty minute cut-off  that are strictly enforced on all the other entrants do not seem to apply to the Losers, as they crossed a deserted Anaheim Stadium and finish line


              From my experience, people who get as big as the folks on The Biggest Loser and folks who get as big as I was (366 lb.) are using food as a coping mechanism for psychological/psychiatric problem.  In my case I was sitting in a dysthymic fog from the collapse of my business.  Instead of dealing with the pain that caused, i tossed 4,000 to 6,000 calories a day down my neck.  But I don;t suppose talk therapy makes for very good television.  Watching fat people engage in physical exercise and cry when they step on a scale is good TV.


              I'm now proudly wearing trousers with a 42 in. waist although they are a bit loose.  I shed 140 lb. over a year an a half, and running was the catalyst that started the process of me putting my life back together.  The desire to run a 5k race and not be swept restored to me the courage to try things that are bigger than myself.  The Couch to 5K program gave me the means to achieve my goal.  Running blew the fog from my head and gave me the prospective to see my life for what it really was.  I saw my life as bigger than the fog.  Running gave me the mental acuity to log my calories and shed the weight.  Running led me to the mental state to see why i was eating the quantity of food I was eating. Running gave me the courage to chase dreams that are bigger than myself again.  I've run a handful of half marathons.  I'm now training for my first full marathon, and I want to qualify for and run Boston.


              I would hope but I suspect I doubt that The Biggest Loser is addressing these issues in the contestant's lives.  I've had two morbidly obese friends get gastric bypass surgery, and before they get the surgery they are put through psychological testing and after the surgery, they are sent to counseling.  But as mentioned above, I don't think that would make for a good reality TV show.




              PR: 5k 25:01 (10/15) 10k: 57:44 (7/14) HM: 1:57 (5/15) FM: 4:55 (1/15)


              Skirt Runner

                My aunt just did a Biggest Loser type thing without the being on TV part. She went to a weight loss and food addiction treatment center in Tennesee for a month. There, she had several workout and personal training sessions each day in addition to being given a healthy diet by nutritionists and dieticians and given a lot of counselling. They took participants to restaurants and grocery stores and educated them on healthy food choices. In individual and group therapy, they addressed the route of her food addiction. My aunt could have been considered morbidly obese. Not sure her weight exactly but I would estimate well over 300 maybe 400. She lost 70 lbs in 30 days. I hope it works for her.

                PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


                I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to


                delicate flower

                  That TV show was put on the air to entertain me, and that it does.


                  I told DW I wanted to go on that show.  She said they'd make me eat more.


                  Dad on the run.

                    I agree with Baboon, its entertaining and I watch it, plus this season has Ruben Studdard on it and I'm curious to see how much he loses...


                    As for what Coralie said, I too feel I am well prepared for the zombie appocalypse.

                    Chasing the sub 20 5K.


                      A few years ago my wife and I volunteered along the Boston course before the half point. After the runners were just about gone we were packing up, but hanging out for the remaining stragglers. 1 guy came running ahead to announce that a BL former contestant was coming, so we clapped for him. Not watching the show we had no clue who the guy was, but thought it was cool that he had a support staff.


                      The c word is repulsive

                        We used to have the UK version of the show over here but I think they pulled it, which is why we now get the USA version. The USA version is more entertaining because it's bigger literally and yes, the contestants cry a lot more.


                        I guess that the end could justify the means if the contestants were given ongoing support after the end of the series. I wonder what they are offered? Also severe obesity is as much psychological and physical so ditto, I wonder what ongoing help they're offered in that capacity also.

                        Dad on the run.

                          Its much like the Extreme makeover weight loss edition. Only that show deals with one person per episode. I find it interesting at the amount of weight the body is capable of losing in a years time. However, I also wonder how bad it is for you to undergo that drastic of a change... I always google the contestants after the show just to see where they are at today and while a lot put weight back on there is some that have managed to keep it all off.

                          Chasing the sub 20 5K.


                          The c word is repulsive

                            Its much like the Extreme makeover weight loss edition. Only that show deals with one person per episode. I find it interesting at the amount of weight the body is capable of losing in a years time. However, I also wonder how bad it is for you to undergo that drastic of a change... I always google the contestants after the show just to see where they are at today and while a lot put weight back on there is some that have managed to keep it all off.


                            What I wonder is that if you lose so much weight in such a relatively short space of time, what happens to the skin that once held that weight? Does it ever shrink back too?


                              I wonder that, too. I think the answer is sometimes? I know some of those folks have had skin removal surgery.



                              What I wonder is that if you lose so much weight in such a relatively short space of time, what happens to the skin that once held that weight? Does it ever shrink back too?

                              Call me Ray (not Ishmael)

                              Dad on the run.

                                If the contestants are capable of losing X amount of weight, I think its close to 50% of their starting weight than the show pays for them to have plastic surgery to remove all of the excess skin.



                                What I wonder is that if you lose so much weight in such a relatively short space of time, what happens to the skin that once held that weight? Does it ever shrink back too?

                                Chasing the sub 20 5K.
