Beginners and Beyond


Awood is running a marathon, what about the rest of Saturday Penguins?? (Read 47 times)


    Afternoon penguins-


    Kristin-- Sad  sorry running isn't going so well.


    Zel-- Yay@ 15.1!  That is a great run for sure!


    Jimmy- woooohooo, glad you had such a good race!  I'll be looking for your RR.


    Awood-- CONGRATULATIONS!!!  Hope it was the race you hoped and trained for.  Can't wait to hear details.


    I did an easy 7 today.  My baby girl is 20 years old today.  So I need to get her fixings for her b-day dinner shortly.  Her boyfriend was flying in from LAX yesterday, and with the shooting got delayed, had to fly into Phx, and didn't get here until 3:00 this morning.  They're sleeping still, so we haven't got to meet him yet. But soon... Hope everyone else is having a great day!


    HI all the Awood congratulators!


    "We do not become the people who this world needs simply by turning our backs on anyone we don’t like, trust, or deem healthy enough to be in our presence. "  ---- Shasta Nelson


      Great job, Awood!


      And congrats to you, Zel, on the 15-miler; and Jimmy for the 10K.


      Today we drove out to t he Delaware Canal so I could run there and get a little familiar with the course before my HM. DH explored on bike while I did my tempo run. The weather was nice, the scenery was beautiful...and my run was crappy. Instead of my target 7.5 miles @ 10:20, I struggled for 5.75 @ 10:40.   At that point I met DH and just jogged back to the car.  I've had some really good runs lately, so I guess I was due for a clunker.


        Ran my first half today Smile 2:58:29 So happy I cried.


        Smaller By The Day

          I felt like I had been beaten up at the end, but I feel pretty good now.  Both feet flared up around mile 22.  The hammies started screaming at mile 23.  The the hips and calves joined the party.  I realized I was starting to fall off pace, and wasn't going to be able to correct it.  I settled on JUST KEEP RUNNING!  I wanted 3:50, but sub-4 is pretty sweet.


          Weight 100 pounds lost

          5K 31:02 Sept. 2012 / 23:36 Sept. 2013 (Same Course)

          10K 48:59 April 2013

          HM 2:03:56 Nov. 2012 / 1:46:50 March 2013

          MARATHON 3:57:33 Nov. 2013


            Congrats Awood and Pew! Awesome!


            Today is absolutely gorgeous--not a cloud in the sky, fall colors, 45 degrees. Ran a great 5. My knees mostly behaved, despite one 1/2 mile long hill.

            Call me Ray (not Ishmael)


            Skirt Runner

              Yay awood and P3!!

              PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


              I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to


              Barking Mad To Run

                I did the Wurstfest 5 miler this morning at 8 a.m.  - my 61st race of 2013 - and am shortly going to a local park to do the Day Of The Dead 5K, which starts at 6 P.M. Texas time (Central Standard Time), my 62nd race of 2013.   Reports and photos to follow, will probably be posted tomorrow!


                On Thursday evening, I did the Hocus Pocus Halloween 5K - report and photos here: - so this one tonite is my 3rd race in 3 days.

                "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                Return To Racing

                  Congrats on your first HM, P3.  You can stop crying now !!!!



                  delicate flower

                    Awood is in at 3:57:33!!  Great run!!



                    Freakin' nice!  Great job, Awood!


                    From the Internet.

                      Hi pens!


                      Kristin - ugh I'm sorry to hear that Sad Try adding in heel walks to strengthen the tibialis anterior (tibialises?tibiali?) in addition to the other stuff you're doing.


                      Go Awood and P3! Big grin Nice job!


                      Busy as per usual - this weekend is packed with private school open houses. No clue if we'll get enough financial aid to actually send the kid, but a girl can dream. I got in 5.25 this morning and my legs don't even feel like I ran at all right now, so that's progress I think Smile Very weird run though, my knee started bugging me after a mile, stretched out quads and ITB-area muscles a couple times but what really helped was running faster. I'll be foam rolling like crazy for the next couple days, not too worried about it yet though.


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Hi!!! Hubby and I did the NY 5k.  No PR for him but close enough for him considering the course.



                          Is this the Penguin thread? Or the Awood thread? HAHA


                          Kristin, sorry about the shins.


                          Jimmy, congrats on a great race, so glad for you being pain free.


                          Cherie, nice run. It's sad to see the "babies" getting older. Ours is 26.


                          Zel, WTG on the 15 miler.


                          Awood and P3, congrats to you both.


                          You guys remember the Oak Barrel Half I did back in April? Whiskey bottle, wooden medal? Registration opened on the 27th, and in just 3 days, it is about 47% booked. It has a 1200 runner cap due to the small town. I cannot believe this! It is really becoming a hit for an early spring race. I'll be signing up next week before it sells out.


                          I probably won't do a RR for the runs this morning, but I run a 52:14 10k, and my splits were pretty darn good for a change, 8:27, 8:22, 8:29, 8:10, 8:24, 8:27, 7:37. I took 1st in AG of 6, and finished 10/47 OA. After this, I was assigned to pace the 5k at a 9:22 pace, or 29:00. My oldest GS volunteered, and the 2 younger GS's did the 5k in 31:24 and 34:56, I am so proud of all these boys. I was able to run with my phone and got some great pics of them along the way.


                          Bought new shoes for $35, but after the "other stuff" was added, ended up spending $180 total. Shoe pic tomorrow.
