Beginners and Beyond


Sunny FriDailies (Read 18 times)


    5 miles. Slept horribly, was wide awake at 3am but also completely exhausted. Decided to wfh and was really dragging, barely got back from my run for a 930am meeting 



      Which thread?


      The BQ thread on the main forum.



      delicate flower



        Anyway that thread looks like it could go off the rails pretty quickly, let's see.


        Exactly why my participation in the main forums is very minimal.



        delicate flower


          Oh and I'm sitting on a BQ-17.12.  But I don't plan on registering. I may run it again someday, it was certainly a great experience. But it's just a big trip from out here, and there are others I've never done that I'd like to try. For example, back of my mind I'm thinking maybe go for NYCM next year. Of course that might be an even bigger trip $-wise, so there would need to be some convincing on the DW side.


          I understand not wanting to jump into Boston every year if you have to travel here for it.  I've done the math on how much it costs for travelers and there is no way I'd run it every year if it wasn't a day trip.  New York will be pricey though since I'd need to stay a couple of nights, though I am spared the cost of an airline ticket (I'd take the train from New Haven).



          Former Bad Ass

            OK, after reading the 50 page document, I moved on directly to the indictment. That was way more interesting than the bankruptcy case.



            Former Bad Ass


              The BQ thread on the main forum.


              Thanks, off to read!

