Beginners and Beyond

Thursdailies (Read 35 times)


    It's supposed to get up to 40 today, while tomorrow says a high of 19 with wind gusts to 30mph.  So it would probably be a good idea to move workout #2 to today.  But, I am not sure if the paths will be clear of snow.


    Did it drop below freezing overnight? If so, you might be looking at a repeat of yesterday's adventure.



      Did it drop below freezing overnight? If so, you might be looking at a repeat of yesterday's adventure.

      It never got above freezing yesterday. I'll be running in a different spot than yesterday and that path is typically plowed but not sure if it'll be slippery


        5 miles in our "winter' storm this morning.


        I was completely soaked within 2 minutes. Was supposed to be 7 miles with 10 x 400 at 5K +10s. Yeah no. I only slept 11-230am because the kiddo was coughing all night. Then it was crazy windy and monsooning, think sideways hard rain almost the whole time. It was hard to see where I had to jump over the rivers especially while running fast. I only kept pace through the first 3 reps then called it quits in the middle of #5. I planned to at least get in 7 miles but then the chafing began and I just headed home. I almost never give up on a workout so I'm not going to feel bad about this one. I think the lack of sleep had a bigger impact than the weather.


        At work now where a global town hall is about to start. These are never good...


          It's supposed to get up to 40 today, while tomorrow says a high of 19 with wind gusts to 30mph.  So it would probably be a good idea to move workout #2 to today.  But, I am not sure if the paths will be clear of snow.


          Similar dilemma. Mid-upper 30's here during the day, but still below freezing at night. I have a workout scheduled for tomorrow, and do not want to do it on the treadmill, but no idea of the condition of the trail. I assume it is in bad shape. I was going to test it today on my short easy run, but chickened out.




            At work now where a global town hall is about to start. These are never good...


            Reminds me of a hasitly arranged meeting in January 1999. Once we were situated, the owner of the company came in barely able to walk he was so overwhelmed with grief. Through tears, he announced that the company was closing due to fraud from several people on the board of directors. The closure affected roughly 500 people and had a ripple effect in the industry. Weirdest shit ever.



              Reminds me of a hasitly arranged meeting in January 1999. Once we were situated, the owner of the company came in barely able to walk he was so overwhelmed with grief. Through tears, he announced that the company was closing due to fraud from several people on the board of directors. The closure affected roughly 500 people and had a ripple effect in the industry. Weirdest shit ever.


              My company recently acquired another huge company so we're expecting layoffs and/or site closures. I'm not even sure how many employees we have now globally, probably 40-50K.


              Former Bad Ass


                My company recently acquired another huge company so we're expecting layoffs and/or site closures. I'm not even sure how many employees we have now globally, probably 40-50K.


                Ugh, good luck.




                  Similar dilemma. Mid-upper 30's here during the day, but still below freezing at night. I have a workout scheduled for tomorrow, and do not want to do it on the treadmill, but no idea of the condition of the trail. I assume it is in bad shape. I was going to test it today on my short easy run, but chickened out.


                  I guess I'll just go out and see how it is and then decide. After last week's workout session in 11 degrees + wind I would really love to avoid that.



                    My company recently acquired another huge company so we're expecting layoffs and/or site closures. I'm not even sure how many employees we have now globally, probably 40-50K.


                    Yikes. Let us know how it goes. Good luck with everything.


                    I'm going to actually attempt to run outside today. It's 22, and at least the salts are able to do their job at melting the ice/snow on the roads (I've heard they don't work below the teens??). I'll put on my Yaktrax and my shades (b/c the sun is shining  Wink and will take it nice and easy. Tomorrow it's a high of 10 and we're planning on going skiing/snowboarding. I haven't been for about 20 years. It should be fun. Big grin 


                      Good morning all!  I worked until 8pm both Tuesday and Wednesday so no running for me those days. I have been made Project Manager of our medical billing software conversion so I fear this is going to be the case for quite a while. As anyone who knows me already knows, I have never been a morning runner but I may have to suck it up and start doing that if I want to get runs in.


                      LRB, I’ve been meaning to say I hope your butt gets better 



                        Ugh, good luck.


                        Lots of talking but nothing important is being said. Sounds like it'll be July before "all changes are finalized".


                        I'm not too worried about my site as we're part of Research. It's more that it seems like we're always in limbo between one reorganization and the next. Very distracting.


                          I ran 9 with 12x30 sec hill repeats. It was 33ish. Wasn’t too slippery, just slushy in parts



                            LRB, Booty, booty, booty, booty, rockin' everywhere 


                            Thank you. 


                              Think I'm pretty much done with Lifelock. I've paid them bitches every month for 6 years and have recieved ZERO alerts. Yet, my credit card companies, Experian and even Transunion seem to notify EVERY time I make a move. For FREE. What a fool I've been.  #sucker


                                Good morning all!  I worked until 8pm both Tuesday and Wednesday so no running for me those days. I have been made Project Manager of our medical billing software conversion so I fear this is going to be the case for quite a while. As anyone who knows me already knows, I have never been a morning runner but I may have to suck it up and start doing that if I want to get runs in.


                                We'll have morning daylight in something like two weeks if memory serves me correctly. We'll then lose it after about two weeks (don't get me started on that! ) and plunge back into darkness until sometime in early April.