Beginners and Beyond


Capitol Memorial Run 5k Race Report (Read 107 times)

    Wow.  Congratulations!  Very cool looking Masters award.  You earned it.

    “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” - T.S. Eliot


      Great job, and awesome trophy! How close to your PR was it?



      "It's not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves."

      ~ Sir Edmund Hillary


        Congrats on the master win!   That was one kick ass mile 3 you ran.    And, wow, that is quite a long drive to run a 5K.    It looks as though it was worth it tho!

        Life is good.



          Congrats on the Masters win! All that work is paying off and you're looking great in your pic to boot!


          Chief Unicorn Officer

            Awesome job!!! Super proud of you. Smile

            Mile 5:49 - 5K 19:58 - 10K 43:06 - HM 1:36:54


              Thanks peeps!


              The 40-45 age bracket was tough, this was my first race in the 45-49 bracket and let's just say that this will likely be my only masters win lol!  The boys in this bracket are sick!


              I shaved 8 seconds off my previous time, which oddly barely registered on my what did I care about most meter.  Going in, I wanted to run sub-6:30's for this race and aside for a slight lapse in focus at the end of mile 2, I was able to do that.


              I was actually more happy about that than my time because I finally executed a race plan for the first time this year.


              I say lapse in focus because I have come to realize that I am physically able to run 6:15's, or perhaps even better.  Mentally though, I haven't quite figured out how to do it yet and thus I am my biggest obstacle...if that makes sense.


                Congrats Rick! That is an awesome time and your all smiles at the end. Nice picture. Smile

                Running is my mental-Ctrl-Alt-Del. 

                Will run for scenery.

                  Wow Rick, that was one awesome race.  Congrats on your AG win !

                  Stupid feet!

                  Stupid elbow!


                  Fear is a Liar

                    Sweet! Great job!

                    I'm so vegetarian I don't even eat animal crackers!

                      Rick... good job dude.  How awesome masters overall.  The river trail is pretty nice.  I'll have to check what part you ran.  Part of it was under water for the Lansing Half, which caused it to be rerouted.





                      Caretaker/Overlook Hotel



                        Was that a PR for you?

                        That is pretty sick fast!  Nice job!



                          Congrats on the Masters' win and on executing your plan!  Now you know to tell your brain to STFU when it thinks you should stop!


                          I agree with you on the tough bracket- the ladies in 40-49 are also speedier than 30-39.  So I have like 2 years to get faster before I have to face them.

                          Love the Half

                            I am not a talker when I race.  Several people were saying things to me as I headed in like, "Good job", "You're in fourth overall", "You're looking good man" but I gave nary a wink.


                            I hate to come across as a prick but if I am waving to the crowd or saying what up doe to other runners or any of that nonsense, my pace is likely dropping.  We can talk all day when it's over but during the event, I am in the zone baby!






                            Agree completely.  During a race, well, during most races, my focus is exclusively on racing.  The exception is in ultras and when I went to Boston.  I recall my first marathon I started talking to some guy around Mile 5 and the next mile was my slowest of the whole damn race.  I haven't made that mistake since.  And hell, I can't imagine talking during a 5K.  I can barely breathe.


                            Congrats on the Masters bling.  That is always cool.

                            Short term goal: 17:59 5K

                            Mid term goal:  2:54:59 marathon

                            Long term goal: To say I've been a runner half my life.  (I started running at age 45).


                              This is great!! You have really emerged as a great runner for any age, but definitely as a good representative for the "old guys". WTG, as they say on the internets.



                                I agree with you on the tough bracket- the ladies in 40-49 are also speedier than 30-39.  So I have like 2 years to get faster before I have to face them.


                                This is very true. Men and women of a "certain age" do not casually run races. If we are out there, we've trained for it. We're not there because of drunk bet we made last weekend Big grin
