Beginners and Beyond


Where's the pie WednesDAILIES? (Read 35 times)

    Hey, people!

    Shari, thank you for starting today's thread. Great intervals.

    Damaris, have a wonderful workout tonight. I hope that you feel better long before then.

    Mitch, have a fun run tonight.

    Phil, amazing runs. Good luck tomorrow.


    Brrrr, fantastic five.


    Sarah, enjoy your run.


    Dave, terrific thirteen.


    FreeSoul87, enjoy doing whatever you do.


    Jack, bravo on the intervals.


    Rick-G, have a great run.

    Except for ab work and push-ups, Monday was a RD. I was coughing up a lot of nasty stuff. Yesterday, I ran slow 3.0 during my break; I did ab work and push-ups at home.

    Today, I did a mile at 6.1mph (9:50), followed by stretches and six quarter-mile repeats/two-minute recoveries. I also did ab work and push-ups. Before my two doctors' appointments and going to work. And picking up prescriptions for Zyrtec, a Z-pack, Albuterol, and another inhaler with a steroid. Good times.

    Tonight, I leave for a looong weekend in New YorkSmile


    rather be sprinting

      I don't like pie (I wish every holiday just had cake!) but I do like pi and did a lot of circle-based math with my student today... so that was fun.


      Lifted yesterday (Bulgarian split squats, squat to press, overhead press, chinups, lat pulldowns, cable pullthroughs, core work...) so dang my glutes were sore.   It was also raining.


      5 treadmill miles... started 7.1 bumped up to 7.6 over the course, wound up with 41:20 time, 8:16 pace.  Really freaking boring and honestly it makes me scared to run on the treadmill as my stride feels 'off' and I'm very worried about reinjuring my femur.  Going to do my very best to run on the treadmill VERY rarely, no more than once a week.

      PRs: 5k 19:25, mile 5:38, HM 1:30:56

      Lifting PRs: bench press 125lb, back squat 205 lb, deadlift 245lb


      Barking Mad To Run

        Home from the doc and now sitting around taking it easy.   Got my spinal arthritis injections and the doc also "cleaned out"  a bit some of the worse places of my arthritis.   That's the part that is really annoying.  I don't feel anything since I'm on a local; but  sometimes I  can hear the 'scraping" as the arthritis gets cleaned out, that's a little annoying, makes you really grit your teeth like when you hear fingernails on a chalkboard., yuk!  I actually am doing okay, my arthritis is about the same as it was during my last visit, so no progression, yay!  And this time I lasted longer between injection.  Usually I get these injections about every 4 months.  But this time I lasted from the last ones a little over 6 months.  So yay, my strengthening and exercise program is working! Doc was really happy with my results overall.  Me too!  Today is a rest day,  holiday party tonite at a friend's house, and then 5K tomorrow morning - - my 67th race of 2013.  Our rain is gone now - it is nice and sunny here in San Antonio - but it is still cold!  33 degrees at 8 a.m. this morning when I went to the doc's office.  Tomorrow my 5K starts at 8:30 a.m. and the temp will be 40 with a 'feels like' temp of 36.  That is cold for we South Texans.  But at least it will be sunny!  Big grin     As for other running:  yesterday after work I went and did 3.6 miles of hills.  Felt really good, but apparently that was not enough for me.  After I got back to the gym, I did a full body-weight training circuit for an hour.  After THAT, I was tired and had enough, lol.  Today I am just resting up and being lazy after my doc appointment.   Tomorrow the meds will be 'coursing" all through my body and I will be feeling great and feeling no pain when I do my 5K.


        No pie for me, Step, I actually don't like any kind of pie. Well, Eskimo pies are okay.   Gail was appalled to find out when we first met, that I don't like pie,  lol.   Ouch on the pain, Step, during the run. Sounds like PF might be trying to creep in.  If that IS what it is, ice the foot by rolling it on a frozen water bottle;  Do some gentle stretches - hold your toes and gently curl them back toward the top of your foot, to help stretch the PF band and arch area - and get in the habit  every day of rolling each foot on a golf ball to help break up any scar tissue that may be forming, and then pick up the golf ball with your toes for 100 reps.   PF sucks, I dealt with it for about 3 months long ago; but ever since my PT has had me doing the golf ball thing, I have not had a recurrence.   Good luck!


        I am curious, Damaris.  I know you get allergy shots and I know your hubby is not an allergist, but he is a doc, so couldn't your allergy doc show him how to give you the shots at home to save you some time?  Sorry about the migraine.


        People here in Bama looked at me all crazy last night when I was out at 38* with feels like 29*.  lol, Mitch.  I get the same reaction here in San Antonio when I go out in our 'bad' weather.   Sounds like Bella is enjoying her running now.


        Manchester Road Race, I have heard this is a great event, Baboon, and it is on my "Races To Do" Wish List.   I understand it sells out pretty quickly.    15,000 folks and 4 point-something miles, right?  Can I crash on your couch someday when I finally decide to do it?  Joking   Good luck to you, MBC, and Oski.  BTW, what is the weather predicted to be like for this one?


        11 degrees!  You'd have some darn hardy Turkey-Trotters out there, Andrew, if you had one!


        No Turkey Trot for you tomorrow, Sarah?  Not even one to just walk easy?  Should be lots of them up there in North Texas.  Have a great Thanksgiving!


        Hi again, Dave!  "Saw" you in the Penguins thread.


        FreeSoul, no doubt in my mind you are going to have a really good race tomorrow!   Make it so!  Sometimes attitude can make all the difference, even if the race does not go quite as you planned or wanted it to.  Stay positive and keep your sense of humor through it all, no matter what, and rock that race!  I have faith in you, you will be smiling at the end.


        Jack...back away from the avatar beer and behave yourself.  Wink   Nice running for you!  Even with the cold lungs and eyeballs.


        Dang, Basya!  You are one tough runner!


        Scap, you don't like pie either?  Finally, I know another person who does not like pie!  We're the only normal ones, all these pie-eater are weird. Joking  I'm with you on the TM, hate the darn thing!  Just ...can'!   Have to be outside.  What kind of 'adventure' can you find on a treadmill?  Other than I do tend to fall off the damn thing a lot.  Probably  one of the reasons why I don't like it, lol.

        "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


        Former Bad Ass

          Scotty, they need to be given in a clinic with CPR procedures or a hospital.  I can go into shock or anaphylactic attack during the shot.




            My goal for tomorrow's race is a modest 24:58, I figure that is good since my 5k PR was 25:29 in May. I am just hoping I don't freeze, so I'll probably get there in time to do an easy mile or whatever.

            *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


            5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

            10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

            15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

            13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

             26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


            delicate flower

              Manchester Road Race, I have heard this is a great event, Baboon, and it is on my "Races To Do" Wish List.   I understand it sells out pretty quickly.    15,000 folks and 4 point-something miles, right?  Can I crash on your couch someday when I finally decide to do it?  Joking   Good luck to you, MBC, and Oski.  BTW, what is the weather predicted to be like for this one?


              Our spare bedroom is always open for out-of-town event goers as long as they don't scare us too much.  Soooo....TBD, I guess.  Big grin  Clown  Tomorrow's weather is looking sunny, strong wind, temps in the 20's with a wind chill in the teens.  I am fully expecting to freeze my cajones off.


              Good luck with your 5K tomorrow!  Nice to hear the arthritis is in check. 



                My goal for tomorrow's race is a modest 24:58, I figure that is good since my 5k PR was 25:29 in May.


                You should run that backwards!  Shoot for the sky girl shit, 24:58 pfft.


                  Oh man, that was a hard run. 8 w 3x1600 @ 6:30.

                  Whether you hit them all or not, that is a straight up ball busta!  You are going to kill your race you hear me?  Kill it!


                  Run to live; live to run

                    Hi Dailies.  I'm still here.  Just been busy.  Hip is healing.  It has settled into the sacrotuberous ligament.  Same as what I had in the left hip in June. Probably what was going on all along.  I have it taped to support it so it feels really good.  Hope this is the last of it.  My hips can stop this crap now.


                    I'm not big on pie so no pies here.



                      Good morning, daily folk!


                      Good morning!  Nice way to take care of that hoof!


                      Supp D, happy shot in the ass.


                      Supp Mictch, it is good to see you running strong!


                      Supp 3B, take care of the legs that take care of you.


                      Time to add another r Drew!


                      Good luck with the pie, Pink!


                      Supp RG, enjoy the rest, or the run!


                      That is a long ass time to run in cold rain Dave, hope you have warmed up!


                      That is funny B, for some reason I thought you were in New York!  Enjoy your weekend!


                      Scap, when running on that stupid thing, make sure you are centered over your feet, as opposed to having them out in front of you.  As long as you are doing that, you should be okay.  Although there was a member who posted here who had a problem on one particular treadmill, but no others, so look out for that.


                      Hi Marj, hope you are feeling better!


                      Scotty, I would have to wear headphones while getting scrapped out!  lol

                      Jack K.

                      uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                        Whether you hit them all or not, that is a straight up ball busta!  You are going to kill your race you hear me?  Kill it!


                        Thanks, LRB! You are the man!!


                          Thanks, LRB! You are the man!!


                          Well, there is that.  Cool

                            Somewhere back there Pink said something about chocolate bourbon pecan pie?? Man that sounds good......I'm going to look that recipe up!


                            6.1 miles in the brisk 27 degrees..


                            Happy Thanksgivng Eve everyone have a great night!

                            First Race

                            Hot Chocolate 5K Chicago November 4, 2012 30:17

                            Second Race

                            Penguin in the Park 5K Decatur Illinois March 23,2013 27:08


                            Jack K.

                            uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                              Here is today's Zion update. Nice sheep!



                              rather be sprinting

                                Scotty, USUALLY the way I create adventure on a treadmill is to run 5 x 1 minute at 12.5mph and freak out the entire gym.  But clearly that sort of behavior is why I got a stress fracture.  I'm glad to have a non-pie-fan buddy--I mean, I will eat pie, I just leave the crust behind because it's like wtf, you put some awesome pudding in a random dry shell that has no flavor.  I can get behind phyllo, but not piecrust.  As for your knee, if you feel like PMing me I would love to hear more about arthritis treatment.  My dad has bad arthritis in his knees and it's giving him a lot of pain right now.


                                LRB--yeah, I tried to stay centered and not overstride, mostly sort of kicking my own butt with my heels.  Hope that helps.


                                FreeSoul--Good luck racing!


                                Jack K.--whoa, that's some serious skill with the 1600s. Well done.


                                Not feeling well and just got home from work (why do I have MORE work over the holidays? ... oh right that's when my students have off school and thus call me to freak out about assignments...).  Sigh.

                                PRs: 5k 19:25, mile 5:38, HM 1:30:56

                                Lifting PRs: bench press 125lb, back squat 205 lb, deadlift 245lb
