Beginners and Beyond


Saturday - December style (Read 30 times)


    I ran 7.


    delicate flower



        19:17.  5 OA, 1 AG.  Four little bastards beat me.




          Hotel is awesome location. I can see the start of today's 5k from the hot tub.


          3 easy shake out miles. Cold but pretty perfect running weather so tank, shorts and arm sleeves it is.


          Bib #9328

          Goal is to have fun! And run 940-950 pace if it means I can not hate life.


            Nice job Baboon!


            onemile you are tough for braving those conditions.


            docket i I would have worn gloves in 35* too. At least to start.


            I was so jazzed to run outside bc it’s warm out (25°!) but the snow melted yesterday, creating a nice layer of ice on the ground. 🤨 So 8 on the TM for me. I switched around shows and finally landed on Twilight. Don’t judge.


            ETA can’t wait to track you Whiskers!!!


              Nice job this morning, Baboon!


              Good luck tomorrow SD! I’ve got tracking set up, you’re going to do great!


                I looked outside, 37 degrees, grey, damp, puddles everywhere and just couldn't. I went to the gym instead and said I'd do what I could. I did 2+ miles on the treadmill at 8:30 or so, 10 hard minutes on the exercise bike, another 1+ on the treadmill, and felt like I had enough...


                ...and on my way home stopped at a different gym and made myself run another 2 miles. I swear that come this summer when I'm doing a half, it'll be these days in December when I run 5-7 miles instead of 2-3 that will matter more than the easy 11-12 mile warm spring runs.



                  No, better to wear old-school baggy gray sweatshirt & sweatpants, and a wool hat with a pom-pom on top, then still beat everyone’s ass.


                  This! Let them underestimate you Smile


                    Ran 17


                      I ran 10 miles with the boys. It was pouring rain, 37 degrees with 20+ mph winds and when they were done I decided I didn't want to go further either.  Maybe I'll do a few more later


                      Did you invite one in for coffee? One of them must have been cold too!


                        19:17.  5 OA, 1 AG.  Four little bastards beat me.


                        Great time!


                          I looked outside, 37 degrees, grey, damp, puddles everywhere



                          aka every day around here from November through March, aka perfect running weather.


                          6 miles in that.



                          Former Bad Ass

                            Hotel is awesome location. I can see the start of today's 5k from the hot tub.


                            3 easy shake out miles. Cold but pretty perfect running weather so tank, shorts and arm sleeves it is.


                            Bib #9328

                            Goal is to have fun! And run 940-950 pace if it means I can not hate life.


                            Good luck tomorrow!


                            Baboon, great job!


                            RoS, that's what throwaways are for.  I had a hoodie in the corrals.




                              Did you invite one in for coffee? One of them must have been cold too!

                              We just wanted to get out of our wet clothes as soon as possible.


                              Wait, that sounded wrong   we weren't near any of our homes, and thought about coffee but we were completely drenched so just went home


                                We just wanted to get out of our wet clothes as soon as possible.


                                Wait, that sounded wrong   we weren't near any of our homes, and thought about coffee but we were completely drenched so just went home




                                Yeah, I get just wanting to go home after such a run Smile
