Beginners and Beyond


Wednesdailies - For the 20th time (Read 35 times)



    I don't know.  Last thing I would like to do is being outdoors in the sun in this shitty weather.  Not even in a convertible.  Not even the wind helps.

    Truth. We got rid of our jeep wrangler about 3 months after moving to Florida. Taking the top off was like being inside a microwave.


      Totally with you on that. I much prefer a darker ale than a hoppy, sourish IPA.

      Didn't run today - too stinking hot - just wanted to chime in on the beer stuff.

      DH loves the hoppy stuff. It's like drinking a Christmas tree!


      Former Bad Ass

        Truth. We got rid of our jeep wrangler about 3 months after moving to Florida. Taking the top off was like being inside a microwave.





        I lost my rama

          DH loves the hoppy stuff. It's like drinking a Christmas tree!


          3/17 - NYC Half

          4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

          6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

          8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours
