Beginners and Beyond


Superbowl weekend SATURDAILIES (Read 38 times)


Run to live; live to run

    Lily if you got a bruise somewhere else the blood got pumped  there during the run.  Common thing. We see, for example, after a bad shoulder injury they may get bruises several days later further down the arm. They don't hurt and aren't hot etc. the blood from the injury site spread out, (hard to explain). Does it hurt at all?  Is it warm to the touch?  Is there any discomfort there?

    Could you run, yes. Should you, probably not. Without seeing it in person we can't say do it. We wouldn't want to risk that it is caused by a clot or the vessel isn't healed and is tearing and you end up seriously hurt etc. give it a day.


    Hip Redux



      I had planned 6 easy, but I have a new problem: Although nothing hurts anywhere and the area when the groin was pierced is looking normal (only the 4 or 5 points where the doctors went in are left with marks and they are small), it seems like I bled internally after my run last night and the blood accumulated in the pelvic area, where no work was done on it previously and there was no bruising there before the run. Now, it's like a 4 inch bruise (very dark purple). It's not sore, in fact, it feels very normal. It appeared right after my run, I noticed it in the bath. The nurses told me to go back to the hospital if there was any bleeding that I could not stop myself (but they meant external bleeding), or if there was swelling or pain to the foot, calf or entire leg. Not the case... Sigh... I DON"T WANT TO GO BACK THERE! I want to run 6 miles today... What should I do?


      Call the doctor.



        Dave I did the same thing last month for the New Years Eve race which I did not run.


        The not running part was fine, it was all the quality workouts leading up to it and the uncertainty of it all that was a mind job.


        So the temps turned out to be in the teens that day with 20 MPH+ winds and I bagged it. I have talked to a few runners though who said it was a great day for racing because you were never running into the wind for long. 


          Lily if you got a bruise somewhere else the blood got pumped  there during the run.  Common thing. We see, for example, after a bad shoulder injury they may get bruises several days later further down the arm. They don't hurt and aren't hot etc. the blood from the injury site spread out, (hard to explain). Does it hurt at all?  Is it warm to the touch?  Is there any discomfort there?

          Could you run, yes. Should you, probably not. Without seeing it in person we can't say do it. We wouldn't want to risk that it is caused by a clot or the vessel isn't healed and is tearing and you end up seriously hurt etc. give it a day.


          Thanks, Marj. That is what I was thinking. No, it doesn't hurt, so yes the blood must be from somewhere else and just sort of pooled there. Yes, the possible clot thing is what concerns me a little... I guess I can wait another 24h before I think of running again...

          PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                  Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

          18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010

          From the Internet.

            Hi dailies!


            PT was extremely helpful - as I suspected, very weak glute medius, and weak glute maximus and slightly misaligned pelvis too. I got a bunch of stretches/exercises to work on at home, and I go back on Wednesday to be poked with needles!


              Bitch away... Bad weather is horrible when you have to run in it. And bitching is like free therapy, we all need a dose of it.




              If you cannot bitch here about running related issues WHERE THE HELL CAN YOU?!


              But alas, you can, so all is well.




                Andrea, you have LOTS of time to train for the marathon. Start today, one day at a time. You can do it, you know it. And please don't say cottage cheese...


                I had planned 6 easy, but I have a new problem: Although nothing hurts anywhere and the area when the groin was pierced is looking normal (only the 4 or 5 points where the doctors went in are left with marks and they are small), it seems like I bled internally after my run last night and the blood accumulated in the pelvic area, where no work was done on it previously and there was no bruising there before the run. Now, it's like a 4 inch bruise (very dark purple). It's not sore, in fact, it feels very normal. It appeared right after my run, I noticed it in the bath. The nurses told me to go back to the hospital if there was any bleeding that I could not stop myself (but they meant external bleeding), or if there was swelling or pain to the foot, calf or entire leg. Not the case... Sigh... I DON"T WANT TO GO BACK THERE! I want to run 6 miles today... What should I do?


                 Sorry, I just wanted to find a description best to detail my disdain for my legs... especially after all the hard work I've put in over the last 3-4 years to lose as much of the fatty stuff on the back of my thighs and butt. And that's what I told DH, I've got plenty of time as long as I don't do anything stupid.

                That doesn't sound very good, I would definitely suggest going back to get that checked out. Better safe than sorry.... but it seems you already talked to someone about it, so that is good.

                *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                 26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                delicate flower

                  'Morning.  Travel day/rest day....thank God.  My legs really need a break.  Spent all of yesterday skiing in the trees again.  What a fun vacation.  *sigh*




                    Leaving in a few minutes.


                    Lily, I'm not going to say a "if I were you" but a "if it were me". I would probably do as I usually do, that is no doctor unless absolutely necessary. I would skip today's run and be very mindful of that area to see if things seem to be worsening, stay stable, or improving. This is obviously not a recommendation of my part, just sharing what I'd do. Maybe give the doctor (or nurse) a call, describing the operation you've had, and what you're seeing...


                    Hopefully I'm better with computers than at giving medical advice though. Ok, off to Seattle.


                    delicate flower

                      So I have a 5k scheduled for tomorrow, already registered. Temp forecasted at race time is 18F with windchill of 6F. Not too excited about that, but the bigger problem is 5-8 inches of snow in the forecast. Which I have known was coming for a while, but thought would not be till later in the day. They are now saying it will start at about 2AM. So hard to say what the roads will be like by race time at 9AM, but not sounding good. I can certainly do an easy run in snow, but cannot imagine doing anything fast, and in fact seems likely to end up with me on my ass.


                      This pisses me off because (1) the road conditions have really been OK the last few weeks; if the race was today it would be no problem. (2) I have already backed off some training runs this week in anticipation of the race. (3) I was stupid enough to think planning for this race was a good idea.




                      While conditions may suck, they will suck for everyone.  With a race like that, I'd do it just for the memories alone knowing my performance might not be very good.  "Remember that really shitty race in the cold and snow!?"  I remember fondly the 91 degree humid HM I ran.



                        You could also do a 5k time trial today.


                          I'm going to try that pelvic alignment exercise then do some core work today.  Maybe a couple of slow miles if all goes well.  I took a long, hot bath last night, and that felt great.


                          Cy -- long airplane rides are the worst.  So uncomfortable.


                          Marj. -- interesting, I've never had a massage either, except for what I do with the stick and foam roller.


                          Lily - I wouldn't run -- why risk it?


                          Dave -- I don't blame you for not wanting to race in those temps and conditions.

                          Life is good.


                            Morning!  I didn't get a run in yesterday, so 6 today.


                            Lily- I have no idea what the best course of action would be, but you have my sympathy.


                            Cy- Welcome to the west coast! Smile


                              I just re-read LRB's post from yesterday -- I guess I should take today off if I'm going to try that realignment.


                              I've never had any type of hip popping sounds or ankle kicking.  I'm wondering if my issues are more related to my glute and hamstrings.

                              Life is good.

                              Slymoon Runs

                              race obsessed


                                My medical opinion: do not run.


                                Yup agreed
