Beginners and Beyond


The DAILIES don't have a Bucket List... (Read 44 times)


    Can't say I know who she is.


    Gonna sleep for about 30 hours straight.


      LRB any races soon?


      Ive been out to some all-comers track meets. Fun times, get to watch and race against a lot of folks.


      My next event is a 10k on the 14th, a couple of weeks after that I have a 1 mile race which sadly will wrap up my spring/summer racing season.


      There may or may not be a couple of 5k's in July but the weather will be such that I will most likely be using those as experiments in one way or another.  There is also a 10k in late August but the only premium there will be to finish the stupid thing without quitting.  lol


      I am actually enjoying the respite from racing surprisingly as there is no pressure to do anything right now and I like that.  I get so wound up over them sometimes that the mental drain gets to be as tough as the physical one.
