Beginners and Beyond


Prospect Park 10K RR (AKA, "Can I stop doing 10Ks now?") (Read 49 times)


    I just found one!


    As did I.


    Aw shit.


    Super B****


      As did I.


      Aw shit.


      Honestly... if not for the price tag, I'd probably do it.


      Because I feel so lost and adrift with a race-free weekend...

      chasing the impossible


      because i never shut up ... i blog


          Because I feel so lost and adrift with a race-free weekend...


        Ahh, that's why you're doing the time trial. I wondered about that. Why not just do a boat load of 400's?


        Super B****


          Ahh, that's why you're doing the time trial. I wondered about that. Why not just do a boat load of 400's?


          Oh, no.  The time trial is this Thursday, pending body cooperation.  And I'm running the Bronx 10 Mile on Sunday.  (To be fair, I'm not really racing it -- I just need to finish under 1:20.)


          This 10K is on October 25.  There are plenty of other races to choose from that day, but... yeah.  Check back later.  

          chasing the impossible


          because i never shut up ... i blog


            Just for the sake of arguing, I'm wondering if it's better for a runner's long term performance improvement if he/she races often, like you do, or races little like me without losing focus on training. Of course, the good answer is probably to do what you feel like doing, but I'm wondering if one is better than the other... Races are very hard runs, harder than my trainings, yet they sometimes require that you take a couple of days easy before and after. I barely ever have to do that.

            Slymoon Runs

            race obsessed


              HA!  Are you insane?  (There actually aren't many options for that distance in the near future.  Boo hoo.)


              The "big hill" is not really that big... that's just what everyone calls it, I guess because it's the biggest one in the park.


              It rises roughly 80 feet in half a mile, about a 4% grade.  If the course had been the same as last year, we would have had to go up the hill on Center Drive three times... but that's not as steep.




              Super B****

                Just for the sake of arguing, I'm wondering if it's better for a runner's long term performance improvement if he/she races often, like you do, or races little like me without losing focus on training. Of course, the good answer is probably to do what you feel like doing, but I'm wondering if one is better than the other... Races are very hard runs, harder than my trainings, yet they sometimes require that you take a couple of days easy before and after. I barely ever have to do that.

                I'd say it depends on the distance.  Frequent shorter races can be good, but for longer distances, the necessary recovery time is too long to make it worthwhile.  For me, anyway.

                chasing the impossible


                because i never shut up ... i blog


                  I'd say it depends on the distance.  Frequent shorter races can be good, but for longer distances, the necessary recovery time is too long to make it worthwhile.  For me, anyway.


                  True. It also depends on the person and what they like to do. For the past two seasons (before this wretched year) I raced either the mile, a 5k or a 10k every two weeks without issue. That usually included two speed sessions a week and a long run (long for me).


                  It might sound weird, but speed work can be as tough as a race depending on what it is you're doing. That said, I love it!



                    True. It also depends on the person and what they like to do. For the past two seasons (before this wretched year) I raced either the mile, a 5k or a 10k every two weeks without issue. That usually included two speed sessions a week and a long run (long for me).


                    It might sound weird, but speed work can be as tough as a race depending on what it is you're doing. That said, I love it!


                    Speed work is definitely tougher than racing for me, at least the mental grind.  Less accountability when I'm alone.  I like doing races, but after a while it becomes a financial issue and hard to give up an entire Saturday morning when I could just get up at 5am and be done by 7 (for free Smile )


                    5k - 20:51 - 9/5/15

                    10k - 47:00 - 5/25/15

                    15k - 1:10:19 - 11/21/15

                    13.1 - 1:42:25- 4/25/15

                    26.2 - TBD (someday)


                    Are we there, yet?

                      Don't you ever do things the easy way?

                       2024 Races:

                            03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                            05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                            06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.



