Beginners and Beyond


Romeo 2 Richmond Half Marathon Race Report (Read 57 times)


Former Bad Ass

    I think you did great after all the shit you've gone through since last year.  And I agree with your statement of: "you can daydream about all the PR's and fantastic finishes you want, but getting out there and actually fighting through the mental and physical fatigue of the race is another story!"  This, always.


    Congrats on a gutsy performance. I see a PR in you soon, either later this year or next.



      The report made me feel like I was there suffering with you.


      yes...and you still did not pack it in which says a lot...nice job no matter what...congrats!

      marathon pr - 3:16


      Are we there, yet?

        I wouldn't describe that as the wheels falling off, more like why did someone lock the emergency brake on. It 's a smart racer who knows when to listen to his body AND understand what it's saying, then follows acts on that knowledge. It's a tough racer who continues to push to do the best they can that day even if PBs and goals are out of reach.

         2024 Races:

              03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

              05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
              06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





          I wouldn't describe that as the wheels falling off, more like why did someone lock the emergency brake on.


          That's an interesting analogy, one I have not heard. I think I like it.


          Keeping my cadence up while the fade was is in full effect was very important Ric. I'm not sure I have ever managed to that before.


          It was actually suggested back in April that this year might be a step back for me D, maybe that is the case. In any event I have learned that racing for PR's and racing are indeed one in the same. It's been tough but I am better off for the experience.


          Cy, though rare (think Halley's comet) every now and then something intelligent flies outta my pie hole.


          Thank you Scotty.


            All told, while falling short of my modest expectations, I did my best on this day. And anytime you can say that about a run or a race (or anything for that matter), it was a good day.




            Absolutely, that's all we can do, race the best we can on that given day.  If you can walk away knowing that it was the best effort you could give on that day, then you can be proud, doesn't matter what the clock says.  Nice work! Smile


            My running blog

            Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!
