Beginners and Beyond


TUESDAILIES: It Ain't Friday Yet (Read 35 times)



    Anyone and everyone can post your runs, cross-training, abdominal work, rest days, race plans, training questions, etc.. The only stupid question is the one you did not post. There’s a great mix of beginners and veterans, runners and walkers, and maniacs and returners, from injury to running. We're all a little crazy here, too! While this thread is a terrific source of motivation for runners and serves as outstanding accountability, you’ll quickly find this remarkable group to be highly supportive of all life experiences. So, come on in, put your feet up, and stay a while (not literally)! And whoever is up first is welcome to start the thread and we definitely keep some weird hours here.

      I need coffee.


      Light weights and the TM at the gym tonight.


      Carry on.


      Former Bad Ass

        It ain't Friday yet?  No wonder the crying faces in the title paragraph!


        Morning!  9 with 6 X 800s tonight.


        Basya, enjoy the weights and TM tonight.


        Have a great day, all!



        delicate flower

          'Morning!  At least it's a four day work week.  I spent the last three days eating too much.


          Thanks to a lot of rain, my last two runs have been treadmill runs.  I'll be looking to end that streak today and get back outside.



          Skirt Runner

            Back to 3 week break has come to an end. Today was a SRD but since I ran 3 miles yesterday instead of 6.2 I may try to log some miles later.

            PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


            I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to


              Good morning everyone!


              First day of school, woohoo! Smile  Just sent our first grader off to school.


              Planned on some recovery miles yesterday, but after housework and yardwork, I was done.  I'll get some easy miles in later today.


              Hope everyone has a great day!


              My running blog

              Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                At least it's a four day work week.


                Glass half-full guy 'eh?




                I stepped out into the cool darkness this morning and got in lively 7 miles, thinking about my marathon the entire time.  Mentally it was a very engaging run, I would give it four stars but since it was just an easy run, I will just say it was good.


                I will get in 4 more miles after work, where (outside or on the belt), will depend on the weather.


                delicate flower


                  Glass half-full guy 'eh?



                  Always!  Big grin


                  Less than two weeks until my goal HM.  I'm already getting excited and nervous thinking about it.  I'm excited to see what I can do.  That 1:45 PR is going to fall in a big way, if all internet calculations and race estimators are correct.



                    "That 1:45 PR is going to fall in a big way, and the internet will implode shortly thereafter.  And then my siggy will say; I broke the internet!"



                    Hip Redux

                      What up homies?


                      Rough night sleeping.   My neck muscles spasmed so badly I couldn't move my head and my arm was totally numb.  I finally got moving again and then ended up with wicked hip pain that kept me awake.


                      I am a friggin wreck.


                      Today will be 3-4 miles, and hopefully my final PT session for the groin issue tomorrow AM if that goes well.   Then I may start PT for the back.   Y'all keeping up?  Good.


                      BTW - I love coffee.




                        Good morning dailies!


                        My busy weekend went well. My friend's wedding was a lot of fun, and the food and drink were quite enjoyable too. Yesterday wasn't much of a day off. DH and I spent the entire day helping friends move. I'm pretty sore and tired today. A robust thunderstorm rolled through around 4 this morning and our poor dog would not settle down afterwards.


                        Tuesdays are usually speedy days, but I'm just going to see what the body will give this evening. I bruised my left knee during the move yesterday, so I'm thinking easy miles will be on tap later.


                        Tuesday is also meeting day in my office. Joking


                        Have a good one!


                        Former Bad Ass

                          Meeting day the day after a holiday?  Yuck.


                          Can I go home already?  Starbucks was closed because the AC broke so I've had no coffee!



                            Morning!  First day of school for me!  Also a RD. Smile  Hope everyone has a good one!


                              Dropped DS off for his first day of second grade (how did he get so big so fast?!?), and about to go to my first strength training class in about 3 months. Time to get that routine started again! Today will mostly be just going through the motions; I'll milk the "I just ran a marathon" excuse for a couple more days. The best part about the routine of strength training class? It is followed by lunch with friends! We hardly saw each other over the summer, so it will be great to catch up.


                              Have a good Tuesday, all!

                              20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.



                                Morning dailies.


                                It was a nice 55 degrees and sunny out this morning (still is) - pretty nice! That there would be great racing weather. Too bad I only had 5 Easy on tap for today. Legs responded well, but afterwards I was sore. It's a little odd, it may just be my cumulative mileage adding up during this FM training period. I'm about 2/3rd of the way through, so hopefully I can pull through and make it to the start of the race. Smile


                                Have a great day everyone!

                                - Andrew
