Beginners and Beyond

TUESdailes are sleeping in (Read 60 times)


delicate flower

    PT done, haircut done, an hour on the spin bike done.  Up next:  Salmon, potatoes, and SPROUTS.


    YAYpril - B-Plus

      Scratch the double. I got home from work, and suddenly, not doing shit seemed like a better option than going back out. Smile


      Former Bad Ass

        I am driving and it's not towards the park.  Mommy is coming to get her!



          There is no such thing as too much garlic.  Recipe, please!



          Quinoa-white bean-red pepper burgers



            Scratch the double. I got home from work, and suddenly, not doing shit seemed like a better option than going back out. Smile


            Sometimes not doing shit is just perfect.








              Easy, easy 6.5 miles @ 10:51.  I needed a slow run like that.  I actually got passed by a guy, which almost never happens on the bike path.  I honestly thought to myself, "I could burn that mother fucker if I wanted to".  I guess that made me feel better lol.








                Got my first double done.  2.5 whole miles woo hoo!  Shoes felt great, I really hope this works out.


                Shari, a 5 lb bar holding 55 lbs worth of weight sounds odd.  You could always just use the Olympic barbell, which weighs 45 lbs by itself until you're comfortable with that.


                April, I lol'd!


                Supp Mr. Skywalker!


                  Ricky Rick!







                  Hip Redux

                    4 mile hilly neighborhood run done

                    PT done

                    Food in progress





                    Former Bad Ass

                      Fuck the run.  I just got home so I'm moving my run to tomorrow.  Plus snuggling with a half shaved cat is better.....



                        Plus snuggling with a half shaved cat is better.....


                        Honey, you ain't never lied!


                        Go figure


                          Honey, you ain't never lied!



                          No you didn't.

                          Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn

                          YAYpril - B-Plus

                            Fuck the run.  I just got home so I'm moving my run to tomorrow.  Plus snuggling with a half shaved cat is better.....


                            Yay! So glad she's home Smile

                            Hip Redux

                              Fuck the run.  I just got home so I'm moving my run to tomorrow.  Plus snuggling with a half shaved cat is better.....


                              Happy to hear she's home!



                              Former Bad Ass

                                She is already hiding under the bed, figures.


                                It's going to be 44F tomorrow morning. I think that run will go better than the 70F right now, anyway.  :-)
