Beginners and Beyond

TUESDAILIES: Three Out of Seven Ain't Bad (Read 45 times)


delicate flower


    All Star? You mean DD? Yes, track season starts soon and they are training now.  "Alpha runner..."  LMAO!!!


    I think you'll have her in the longer distances for a while, but she is going to destroy you in shorter distances.  Big grin  Man, those kids can freakin' fly with a little bit of coaching.



    Former Bad Ass

      Hi, Jack.



      Former Bad Ass

        Just got back to the office and everybody is noticing I'm limping.  This stupid pain, sigh.



           All Star? You mean DD? Yes, track season starts soon and they are training now.  "Alpha runner..."  LMAO!!!


          Well maybe she will be someday and yes Alpha!

          Jack K.

          uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI


            Well maybe she will be someday and yes Alpha!


            Her problem is that she does not like the competition. It's just not in her. She has legs like a giraffe and knows how to run but she just does not have that competitive spirit. Eh, that's of because she is just about the nicest and sweetest kid you'll ever meet. On the bright side, she runs for fun and will probably be a lifelong runner. We ran a HM last summer and she ran a 1:40 without even trying. When she finished she said "That was fun. We need to do more of these." As a dad, that was cool. Now my younger DD who swims, she is a competitor. Every time she gets in the pool she wants to kick your ass. She has run a little bit so we'll see what she does in a few years.


              Ended up on the indoor track rather than the treadmill - really wish I had a nice long one like the one I raced on, rather than 10 laps to the mile on this, but you work with what you've got. All of the treadmills were occupied. I think it is because our YMCA's February motivation challenge - they call it the Indoor Ironman. You sign up, get a shirt, and have a month to finish all of the distances for an Ironman. It is a good way to encourage the resolutioners to hold on for another month. I've never done it, though, because I'm not really a swimmer and I don't want to disrupt my running time to get the rest of the things done. Maybe I should see if they would just let me count all of my running - I could hit 140 miles!


              Anyway, 6.5 miles done a bit faster than I probably should have (darn music - always speeds me up on the track) and a strength training class that has me still shaky 1.5 hours later.

              20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.

                DaveP MI, nice nine.
                Damaris, have fun, whatever you do.
                Shari, those 6.5 miles and that strength workout sound wonderful..
                Rick, smokin' seven.
                Marjorie, fantastic 5.2.
                jjs22, I'm happy that you're becoming accustomed to running.
                Andrew, bravo on the twelve.
                (((((((scottydawg))))))) I hope that tonight's sleep is peaceful. I'll be heading to Israel to run the Jerusalem Marathon for the second time.
                kristin10185, just do it. Your body will thank you.


                FreeSoul87, enjoy the core an strength work. Good luck with Romeo's appointment.


                Damaris, is the veggie burrito yummy?


                Jack K., great to see you! I hope that training for you and DW goes well.


                I think I'll head back to the gym tonight for the following:


                0:00 to 5:00 - 5.5mph (10:55) on a 5.0 incline
                5:00 to 8:00 - 7.2mph (8:19) on a 0.0 incline
                8:00 to 9:00 - 5.5mph (10:55) on a 0.0 incline
                9:00 to 12:00 - 7.2mph (8:19) on a 0.0 incline
                12:00 to 13:00 - 5.5mph (10:55) on a 0.0 incline
                13:00 to 16:00 - 7.2mph (8:19) on a 0.0 incline
                16:00 to 17:00 - 5.5mph (10:55) on a 0.0 incline
                17:00 to 20:00 - 7.2mph (8:19) on a 0.0 incline
                20:00 to 21:00 - 5.5mph (10:55) on a 0.0 incline
                22:00 to 25:00 - 7.2mph (8:19) on a 0.0 incline
                25:00 to 30:00 - 5.5mph (10:55) on a 0.0 incline


                Plus push-ups and ab work, of course.


                  Hey, hey!  10 easy miles quickly and work work work!  I hope everyone has successful runs/rest days and happy Tuesday!




                    Her problem is that she does not like the competition. It's just not in her. She has legs like a giraffe and knows how to run but she just does not have that competitive spirit. Eh, that's of because she is just about the nicest and sweetest kid you'll ever meet. On the bright side, she runs for fun and will probably be a lifelong runner. We ran a HM last summer and she ran a 1:40 without even trying. When she finished she said "That was fun. We need to do more of these." As a dad, that was cool. Now my younger DD who swims, she is a competitor. Every time she gets in the pool she wants to kick your ass. She has run a little bit so we'll see what she does in a few years.


                    Hi Jack! I hope your training goes well. Hopefully your DW will be ok with a 44 mile max plan. I know when I went for my sub 4 I maxed around 60. But everyone is different - mileage isn't the only indicator of running sub 4.


                    I wondered today if my DD is going to be competitive or not. To be honest, I wasn't competitive until I started running and put in the time.

                    - Andrew



                      I think you'll have her in the longer distances for a while, but she is going to destroy you in shorter distances.  Big grin  Man, those kids can freakin' fly with a little bit of coaching.


                      My 18yo can outsprint me, but he can't run a mile, it's crazy. lol


                      My running blog

                      Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                        Happy Chewsday!


                        I finally remembered to bring earbuds to the gym.  Makes the cardio crap a lot more bearable.  Did about 900 "calories" before hitting the TM for 2 mi.


                        My feet are finally getting used to the idea of running.  Now  my ankles are acting up.  A day after my last run, getting up out of a chair, I get a sudden intense pain in my peroneal tendon (outside ankle) area.  Could not walk w/o a serious limp.  A few minutes later everyrhing is fine.


                        Basya - I have great memories of Turkish coffee.  Before the ugliness broke out I spent a few days in Sarajevo.  The food itself was so-so, but the coffee was Turkish and the pastries were Viennese.  And down a back alley was a place you could get bread straight from a wood oven - hot and steamy with a crunchy layer of salt.


                        Okay that made me hungry!  Time to get some coffee in me.


                        That's my hometown, the town of my birth and raisedness (I like to make up words, yes) until my family came to the US in 1998!  Nicely put - it was, indeed, ugliness.

                        Jack K.

                        uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI


                          Hi Jack! I hope your training goes well. Hopefully your DW will be ok with a 44 mile max plan. I know when I went for my sub 4 I maxed around 60. But everyone is different - mileage isn't the only indicator of running sub 4.


                          I wondered today if my DD is going to be competitive or not. To be honest, I wasn't competitive until I started running and put in the time.


                          I know what you mean about the mpw. With her schedule there is no way she could do the Pfitz plan. She is pretty fit from playing soccer every week so I think she will do ok. Like me, she is competitive and stubborn and she wants to race it. In regards to the mpw I have to remind myself that it is a plan for a 4:00. It's all fine.


                            We ran a HM last summer and she ran a 1:40 without even trying.


                            Was that the one where she took a selfie en-route to said 1:40?


                              That's my hometown, the town of my birth and raisedness (I like to make up words, yes)...


                              You are fitting in quite nicely in only 16 years of being here.  lol


                              Former Bad Ass


                                You are fitting in quite nicely in only 16 years of being here.  lol


                                But, are you going to require him to sing America, The Beautiful in English?
