Beginners and Beyond


Long Beach HM RR and "real" PR (Read 52 times)



    Congrats on the PR!! Yay for beer as well.

    Runner with a riding problem.


    Return To Racing

      Go get that 1:59:59 !!!



        Congrats on the PR and getting through the heat and nausea and washing it down with beer!


        Former Bad Ass

          Congrats on your now real PR!  A friend of mine was doing the full and his forecasts looked horrid!  Glad they started you guys early (7:30am is too late, IMO, ha).


          Little Blue

            Congratulations, you really nailed that PR!  And the heat and conditions sound miserable.  Beer is good, it settles the stomach.


              Bluerun, thanks!  I always  enjoy reading your RRs to follow your quest for new PRs  


              Jessie, re: cooler weather.  I guess one day I will wake up and finally realize that the perfect SoCal weather isn't always so perfect after all.  But not yet!


              Half Crazy, I drink very little if the weather is cool.  I should have drunk about half as much, probably, just enough to wash down the GU.  I need to keep telling myself that I won't die of dehydration during a race.


              Ginny, Freesoul, PAD, OOTB, Ric, PleasantRidge, LittleBlue, Damaris, WorkinProgress, and Cyberric - Thank you!


              Lauren, sorry for the flashbacks.  


              Jerry, I'm gonna try!


              LRB, ha, I knew someone would ask about that!  I kept it next to my cheek, sort of squirrel-like, and as it dissolved more and more I manage to swallow it!


              Scotty, somehow the throwing-up feeling dissipated within about a minute after crossing the finish!


              Lurch, yes, those miles were miserable, and just as you turn around and think "at least that's done" there are two hills before the finish!


                Congrats on the PR


                Penguin Power!

                  Enter the lottery for the NYC Half.  It is late March in NYC so it'll be nice and cool :-)  I ran it last year (and will again this year) and it was an awesome race.  A little spendy, but totally worth it to run through Times Square. =D  You could also take your chances on the Brooklyn Half in May, but the weather for that this year was terrible (in my opinion, but probably heaven compared to these race conditions)

                  Upcoming Races: Run as One 4M (4/24) * Japan Run 4M (5/8) * Brooklyn Half (5/21) 


                    Wow!!! Such wonderfully even splits and what a great improvement over the years! Bravo and congratulations on your official PR!!!

                    PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                            Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                    18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                      Mitch, thanks!


                      Jill, I thought you'd mentioned NYC in the Penguin thread so I replied there. Smile  I'm thinkin' about it!  It's more expensive than most of our local races, but I know lots of runners who pay $200 for a half!  (Disney is obviously big around here)


                      Lily, thank you!  I glance down at my watch quite a bit to keep my pace steady.  I wonder if everyone else does that, or am I supposed to be able to "feel" it?  (I actually do feel like I settle pretty well into a pace, but keep my eye on the watch to see if I need to pick it up, dial it back, or whatever)


                      Are we there, yet?

                        Nice to get an official PR!


                        Donut holes during the race? I love donut holes but I'd gag on those if I tried to eat one during a race. I don't think I want to know what you eventually did with it.


                        Why is donut flagged by the spell checker? Does it expect us to spell it doughnut? That's dumb.

                         2024 Races:

                              03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                              05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                              05/25 - What the Duck 12-Hour

                              06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.



