Beginners and Beyond


Today's DAILIES: The calender says Wednesday so let's just go with that (Read 31 times)


    I ran 10 with 3x4x400m. I found out there is a track located about 2.7 miles from work so I tried that today for a change.  Felt super heavy and sluggish (eating like crap the past few days) but the paces ended up okay 1:30 avg


    Speedy! What was the effort like on those?


       I ran 14.2 slow miles with a couple of hills.   It was my longest run in about 4 months


      That's great to hear.


        Back to work. The gym is very quiet, hopefully work is he same.


        Enjoy that. The resolutioners are a comin' and right soon. lol


          Morning! In charge of shutting down 22 people and the office, but I will do 8 miles at some point today.


          I don't get into politics and will not here. I just know I am expecting a refund of a million dollars thanks to last year's tax cut, and I better get it or Imma kick your ass. lol




            Never heard of it. I am so far out of the loop that I am like a dinosaur walking around Times Square on New Year's Eve asking what all the commotion is about. lol

            Half Crazy K 2.0

              6, they were kind of rough.


              Former Bad Ass


                I don't get into politics and will not here. I just know I am expecting a refund of a million dollars thanks to last year's tax cut, and I better get it or Imma kick your ass. lol


                You are complaining to the wrong agency. I think the IRS is also closed but since it’s in my building, I will inquire. 😂



                  I'm not sure my issue is with the Garmin or my phone. I had trouble getting the new watch to sync as well.


                  Yeah but did you get your cupcakes yesterday?? Enquiring Inquiring minds want to know!


                    Ran about 8. Achilles is still  being very finicky.


                    Did the higher drop shoes not help at all, or did you not run in them as you stated you would?

                    Half Crazy K 2.0


                      Yeah but did you get your cupcakes yesterday?? Enquiring Inquiring minds want to know!

                      Yep. Got 13, bought 1 dozen and then got a free one for my birthday.


                         You are complaining to the wrong agency. I think the IRS is also closed but since it’s in my building, I will inquire. 😂


                        All right, you get a pass. So for people filing bankruptcy, do they get a pass too?


                        Are we there, yet?

                          Saw some dude broke a marathon record for a 70 year old recently. I thought about you and laughed Because I know your response would've been FTS. lol


                          That's Gene Dykes.  His marathon time was 2:54:23 at Jacksonville, FL.  Unfortunately it probably will not be officially ratified because the race was not sanctioned by USATF.  Gene also holds the 70-74 US AG records for 50K, 50M, 100K, and 12-hours which he set at D3 last May (when I was running the 50K event) in  addition to having a bunch of 200 mile races to his credit.

                           2024 Races:

                                03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                            Yep. Got 13, bought 1 dozen and then got a free one for my birthday.


                            Excellent! I bought two bumpy cake cupcakes but they were and unremarkable dry so I threw them in the garbage. I ain't got not calories to waste!


                            Former Bad Ass


                              All right, you get a pass. So for people filing bankruptcy, do they get a pass too?

                              Nope. Courts are open until Jan 11. After that we are all fucked, people.




                                That's Gene Dykes.  Unfortunately it probably will not be officially ratified because the race was not sanctioned by USATF.  Gene also holds the 70-74 US AG records for 50K, 50M, 100K, and 12-hours which he set at D3 last May (when I was running the 50K event) in  addition to having a bunch of 200 mile races to his credit.


                                Wait, what?? Who races for 200 miles?? I didn't even know that was a thing!
