Beginners and Beyond


Workaholic Wendesday Penguins (Read 21 times)

Jack K.

uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

    Hi Pens.


    I might do a few easy miles later today while DD is swimming. My weight is 159 And that's about right for me.


      Well I'm gonna go jog a marathon 




      Dad on the run.

        Mmmmm Mmmm - Pork Chops (the other white meat). Just had me a big ol' grilled Pork Chop for lunch, grilled them lastnight to a nice medium to medium well. Boy was it a yummy chop! Oh and I'm in love with Publix meat, I'm done buying my meat from Wal-Mart.

        Chasing the sub 20 5K.


        Former Bad Ass

          Well I'm gonna go jog a marathon 


          My doctor said today he is OK with my jogging intervals until I can run next saturday.  Jogging?


          Jack K.

          uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

            Well I'm gonna go jog a marathon 


            I know you could do it. Smile


              Awood - good job on the weight loss and the speedy intervals. Have fun at your race Saturday.  You are getting fast.  I seem to be stuck more or less at the same place for the past year, 133, which is good but not as good as the 123 I reached when I was injured the first time and couldn't/wouldn't eat.  I think this is the weight I can sustain, rather than an ideal weight which I can't sustain because I'm not willing to completely give up my favorite foods.  Last year I ended up gaining some weight while not running, but I lost it pretty quickly and went back to my plateau.


              Damaris - have fun with Marjorie tonight.  So the doctor says you can now jog intervals but did you tell him you've already been doing that?


              Jimmy - nice job on the 7 day streak.  When is your next race?


              Mitch - hope you manage your goal at the Rumpshaker.  Enjoy your tempo today.


              Bin - it's nice that you get a later start for a while so get to run more in the morning.  Adjusting your schedule now that your wife is back at work turned out not to be as much of a problem as you thought, it seems.


              Z - good luck on your intervals, and in resisting the Girl Scout cookies.  I always tell the girls, "Sorry, my husband is diabetic, so we can't have them in the house"  but truth is, I'm the one that has a hard time resisting, so I keep them far away.


              HopesMom - I hope you don't end up overworked with playing catch up alone today.  Have fun at quartet practice tonight.


              Scotty - good luck tomorrow.  I hope you get an all clear once again.  Sounds like a lovely run yesterday.  Does beer count as a clear liquid?


              Lauren - good job on keeping up with the weights and toning the muscles.  I don't have the discipline.  It's still too cold here for shorts, but too warm for my winter wind pants.  I need to get some capris, I guess.


              AFM:  another beautiful sunny day in the high 30s.  I'm hoping to get a couple of miles in this afternoon.


              Former Bad Ass

                He told me yes before but since people think I am crazy and that there was no way he said that, I asked again.


                Dad on the run.

                  Ginny - The 15th. Next Saturday!

                  Chasing the sub 20 5K.


                    Awood-- that's a fast goal, but you do have a chance at it.  Just go for it!


                    Docket-- Hope you all have fun!  Jog intervals...LOL, nice!


                    Jimmy--- I'm just tickled with all the gains you've been making in your running lately.   With your running going so well, I'm surprised that the weight hasn't started coming off again.


                    Mitch-- is the Rumpshaker a 5k coming up this weekend?


                    Bin-- Yay@ you actually having some time for yourself.  BTW, are you going to write up an RR for your race last weekend?  Or maybe you have it up and I just haven't noticed (that happens A LOT!)


                    Zelanie-- did you have a good b-day yesterday?  Good idea to move the cookies.  I tell my DH that he needs to use more of those little tricks like that to keep from the mindless snacking.


                    HsM-- I think a lot of people would be better off not obsessing about their weight.  You have your head in a good place.  Don't work too hard manning it all.


                    Scotty-- ugh@ your menu for today.  That's so not fun.  Good job on your run yesterday!


                    Lauren--- LMAO @ your arm descriptions!  I bet you look seriously buff!  Yes I think there's something to that muscle weight-- vs --- untoned weight.


                    Jack-- 159lbs and 6-3" --- which means you look like a runner!  I have a neighbor built like you who runs.  He's probably 6-7  & his daughter is 6-2 and they're both spooky, spooky fast, like you!


                    Tracilynn-- hehehe@ you.  You always make me laugh.


                    I did an easy 2 mile JOG today and a short stationary bike ride.  I've considered trying to get more miles in this week, but decided, my legs just really feel like they need a good break.  As far as weight, other then when I quit smoking or was pregnant, I've probably been within 97-107 every since I was 15 years old.  (Did I mention I was really freaking short?)  I do however feel like my body looks better now than I did 10 years ago, just because of the increase in fitness.


                    "We do not become the people who this world needs simply by turning our backs on anyone we don’t like, trust, or deem healthy enough to be in our presence. "  ---- Shasta Nelson

                    Dad on the run.

                      She Can - Well if I would stop consuming twice the calories I burn I probably would start losing again. In all honesty though I have lost weight the last 6 weeks, dropping about 1 lb the first 2 weeks and the following 4 weeks have been 200.6, 200.4, 200.3 and 200.... see I'm losing! :/

                      Chasing the sub 20 5K.


                      faster than a glacier

                        Jimmy I know what you mean. One moment of weakness and  it takes 5 minutes to eat the calories (and then some) you spent an hour burning, so frustrating. 


                        AFM, still no running or pretty much anything this week. I am doing some strength training, careful not do anything like sqauts that might irritate my IT bands.


                        Yesterday was the first time in 2 weeks I was able to walk without pain in my feet. I still feel it but it doesn't hurt. I can still feel my knees too if I go up or down stairs or move a certain way, which is a little disappointing. Oh well, in another week I'll try some light cycling, and maybe a week after that try a short test run. We'll see. It's talking all my will power (which isn't much) to be patient 



                          I know you could do it. Smile


                          Wish I could. I can't even jog a marathon over the course of a week!   Shins hurt just thinking about it




                          Dad on the run.

                            SO42 - Have you tried squats and noticed irritation? Weighted squats was one of my main exercises while dealing with IT Band issues.

                            Chasing the sub 20 5K.

                            Amazonian Princess

                              G'morning! For another fifteen minutes, anyway!


                              Ginny - thank you for the explanation yesterday of how you designate your runs, it was really helpful and I'm saving the info for reference. I try to mix up what I do (e.g. rolling hills on the treadmill and long runs on the paved trails) but I think being able to identity what type of workout I'm doing will help when I move into a training plan


                              I won't be sharing what my weight is, but I will say that while I'm pretty sure I outweigh the male penguins, I'm also wearing a pair of pants in a (smaller) size that I haven't worn in about 20 years. Nonetheless, the line of discussion made it easy to pass by the donuts today!


                              And can I ask a big ole newbie question? How do I know what my HM pace is? Lots of plans and people refer to it but when I Googled it, the majority of answers have to do with calculating finishing time which seems premature when my long run/walk is around six miles right now.

                              I can. I will. I am. 


                              faster than a glacier

                                SO42 - Have you tried squats and noticed irritation? Weighted squats was one of my main exercises while dealing with IT Band issues.


                                Yeah I tried some pistol squats and immediately felt it. They are part of the routine I am starting, but I will have to skip the squats until the irritation calms down some. Once it does I'll be doing them for sure
