Beginners and Beyond


DAILIES for Monday (Read 50 times)


delicate flower


    How close are you to running at this point?


    About four weeks.  When I start up, it'll be slow and short.  I'll have restrictions until July.


      I just checked the race results online. I did it in 42:21. Eh? I asked someone... I was told that the first time was probably from the moment the starting horn sounded and the clock began running and that the second time is my actual time, the time it took to reach the finish line from the starting line.


      Go figure


        Sounds to me like you need to lay off the hill sprints.

        You're welcome.


        That was my attempt to inject some feeling back into my legs.  I'm grasping at straws though really.


        Thanks for the thoughts.  I'm sure most of it is having just been sick and having way more days off than I'm accustomed to.  A stiff drink sounds like a pretty good idea, regardless.

        Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


        Former Bad Ass

          Oops. Too late.  Will start now.


          Drink LOTS of water!




          Former Bad Ass

            Are you tapering?


            Hey all.  I think my body is messing with me right now, and I feel like I'm falling apart, mentally and phsyically.  I'm trying not to freak out, but it's getting hard.  I swore the legs I was running on today weren't mine.  I felt like I didn't even know what my stride was anymore.  On top of that, I now have this weird pain on the very top of my calf/behind my knee.  It's almost like a pulled a muscle, but I know I didn't.  Who knows!


            Oh, my run was 7.65 miles with 8x10sec hill sprints.



            Go figure

              Are you tapering?




              I don't know what I'm doing. Not tapering per se, but it's taper time, if that makes sense. I'm all thrown off from missing the 4 days when I was sick.

              Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


                Oops. Too late.  Will start now.



                Always a good idea to drink lots of water after an adjustment.  Especially one that corrects an existing ailment.  Chug chug!

                Do you even run?


                Former Bad Ass

                  Sounds like it.




                  I don't know what I'm doing. Not tapering per se, but it's taper time, if that makes sense. I'm all thrown off from missing the 4 days when I was sick.



                  Former Bad Ass

                    Will do!  Just chugged some raspberry iced tea.



                    Always a good idea to drink lots of water after an adjustment.  Especially one that corrects an existing ailment.  Chug chug!



                    Skirt Runner

                      SIAR sorry your run felt so off. Hopefully you juat need to shake off the cobwebs after the missed days. I wpuld second (third? forth?) the idea of relaxing having a drink, and not stressing about it. You're running Boston, right?

                      PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


                      I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to


                      Go figure

                        SIAR sorry your run felt so off. Hopefully you juat need to shake off the cobwebs after the missed days. I wpuld second (third? forth?) the idea of relaxing having a drink, and not stressing about it. You're running Boston, right?



                        All I had in the house was a margarita in a bottle, so I went with that lol. I'm actually doing Toledo on 4/28, and pacing a 1:30 half Sunday. Hopefully enough time for me.

                        Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


                          All I had in the house was a margarita in a bottle, so I went with that lol. I'm actually doing Toledo on 4/28, and pacing a 1:30 half Sunday. Hopefully enough time for me.

                          You're just going through a rough stretch, we all have been there.  Keep the faith, it will come together on race day.

                            SIAR, I had that funky feeling behind one of my knees a few months ago. My upper calf an lower hamstring were very tight, causing the popliteus to be strained. I kept training, but made sure to roll and stretch my calves and hamstrings.


                            Ab work is done. I'm off to take Tylenol, roll, massage with some sports cream, eat, and go to bed. Good night, everyone.


                              LOL  My 5yo is the one playing t-ball Smile


                              7.4 miles done, loving the weather, 70* at 10pm! Big grin


                              My running blog

                              Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!

                                Hi dailies:


                                SIAR - you'll be fine, with all those killer runs you've been doing the past few months.  Maybe a fartlek would be good?


                                SRD tinkering with my cranky hot water tank, hoping it may be ok for now.

                                Spring peepers, thunder, the smell of rain -- a new season may actually be here.
