Beginners and Beyond


FriDAILIES: Up and at 'em? (Read 34 times)


    Docket, that's wonderful news!


    LRB, ouch!  I've been there and it's no fun.  I hope you got some coffee or hot chocolate to help you thaw out.


    4.2 easy on the treadmill.  I've felt pretty blah about my running all week, but today felt pretty good.


    Former Bad Ass



      Glad to hear the good news!


      He said no restrictions as of the day after the surgery, as tolerated.  In fact, I think he waited longer than last time even though he was feeling better but he was lazy.  LOL.


      I just turned off my phone.  So mad that it's my day off and someone at the office keeps calling me for something unimportant that can wait until Monday.  Three times while watching the new Lara Croft in the theaters.



      Former Bad Ass

        D - that's great news. Will you both go back to work now?


        Unfortunately, although if they keep calling my phone I might just not. 



        Former Bad Ass

          I had the worst episode with my hands while running that I can recall. By mile 3, the fingers on my left hand were frozen, by mile 5, the fingers on my right hand decided to join them. At mile 6, I was in pain. Literally. Toughed it out and got inside to the warmth and they started hurting worse! I wasn't ready to subject them to water but was on a time schedule, so reluctantly, I hopped in the shower; YEEEOW!! Gawd was that a bad idea!


          Not sure what was up today. I've run in colder conditions without anything like that ever happening. The air must've been frozen or something. Who knows.


          Anyway, 7.5 slow ass miles done. 👎 👎





            Yeah Winter this month has been like arguing with someone who keeps storming out of the room and then coming back yelling "And another thing!" Just fucking go away already.

            Half Crazy K 2.0

              8 windy and cold miles with about 6 between M and HM pace plus lower body strength training and plyo.


                Docket:  Good news!  About your husband, I mean.  Not about the phone thing.


                LRB:  Wow.  That's kind of scary.  Were you able to use your hands at all?  I can imagine not being able to open the door to get in the house.


                Realized I'd forgotten my running shoes when I got to the Y after work, so decided to go home and run there.  7.4 on the road.  Felt kike it was going to rain the whole time but stayed dry.  Skipped my lower leg and hip stuff.  Maybe I'll do it tomorrow.
