Beginners and Beyond


Totally NRR. Totally Mom related and sappy,,,,you were warned... (Read 349 times)

Just B.S.

    In 2 hours our son will be home from university. Our other son is going to pick him up at the airport.

    He lives half way across the country and has for the last 3 years. We saw him in May when we went

    to visit him for his 21st birthday (and run a marathon of course) and he came home in August for 5 days.


    I have not seen my boy for 4 months. I am always excited to see him of course but it is never enough.  

    Yes he is 21 years old  but he will always be my baby and ever since what happened at Sandy Hook

    on Friday I have been seeing his face as a 6 yr old and only imagining the grief those parents are going



    I am counting the minutes until I see him again. He was the victim of a random completely unprovoked brutal

    assault by a stranger in April and had to have major surgery, I was scared out of my mind.  We were woken up

    at 5am by a phone call from the E.R. in a city 12 hours away and felt completely helpless.  It was something I

    did not talk about on RW at the time simply because it was too private and fresh. But in reflecting I can relate

    somewhat to the panic the parents felt when they heard the school was in lock-down and rushed to the scene.


    I know I will cry (even more than usual) when I hug him today. And I will cry for the parents who cannot hug

    their children today. I'm sure all of us who can have been hugging their kids just a little tighter in the last

    few days.


    He is a boy, he is smart but sometime he does dumb things, but I always love him and I thank God for

    every day (even the ones where he does stupid things!LOL).



    EDITED TO ADD: Probably one of my all time favorite family photos.


    There have been many times where I have been very sad that he lives so far away. Missed birthday's,

    Mother's Day etc etc. But he is happy and thriving and where he wants to be. Every parent should be

    so lucky and the events of Friday have given me a new perspective on this. And thank God for Iphones

    because we text multiple times per day!LOL



    Former Bad Ass

      Awwww. I am sure he misses you too and is looking forward to see you.



        Handsome young man Smile


          Hugs for you both!

          20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


            He looks like a fine young man!  I hope that y'all have a wonderful holiday and that you have a lot of wonderful family time while he's home.   Merry Christmas!

            But The Smile That I Sent Out Returned With You.



              Wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday season together. 


                Oh, man: "Mom related and sappy" - that was all I needed to read and I opened this thread first!!!!  Oh, Beth, he is oh-so-handsome - clearly, he got his looks from his gorgeous Mama.  You can just feel the love that you have for each other in that pic of you both!   I am so glad he recovered from that horrific assault.  How awful.  I can't imagine how helpless you must have felt at that very moment. I am so glad your "baby boy" is coming home.  Thanks for sharing!  I am happy for you!  What a great Christmas prezzie! 

                Purple Toes

                  What a great post, thanks for sharing.  Very nice photo of you two!  I hope you have a wonderful time!


                    Great post! 

                    Just B.S.

                      Thanks so much everyone. 30 more minutes and counting! The requested lasagna (his favorite dish) is

                      ready and waiting!


                      Hubby is off work after today until Jan 2nd and son doesn't return until Dec 28th. Lots of family time planned.....

             nights/movie nights/family dinners and just vegging together.....


                      People always talk about how awful it would be to have a Christmas Birthday. Well mine is Dec 26th and every

                      year I am so happy to be born on that day. My family is always together and that is the best birthday gift I could

                      ever have! Plus I get to pick what we do together that day. This year we are all going to see the Hobbit!


                      Heidi, hope I didn't make you sad. He is my birthday gift. (But I already know that am getting another gift because

                      I saw the money come out of the bank account, from a jewellery store no less!LOL) My Christmas gift is a "girls only"

                      trip to the Disney Princess 1/2 marathon in February.  You will find out as your boys grow up that there are many

                      advantages to being the only girl in the house, you get a little spoiled!LOL


                      Old , Ugly and slow

                        Great post I understand.


                        Both my kids came home friday. My son is a freshman and my daughter is in law school.


                        This is are first year with them both gone and it is hard.

                        first race sept 1977 last race sept 2007


                        2019  goals   1000  miles  , 190 pounds , deadlift 400 touch my toes


                          What a gorgeous family you have, Beth. I always feel the love you all have for each other every time you write about your boys and your husband. You are a blessed woman, and they are blessed to have such a caring, loving and fun mother/wife. Yes, hug your son extra long when you see him and tell him again and again how much you love him and are proud of him. And thanks for reminding me to do the same with mine, as soon as he gets home from school. I cannot think of anything that matters more in life for mothers like ourselves.

                          PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                  Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                          18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010

                          Vegan Ang

                          Formerly sdnyc99

                            What a beautiful post, and as a mom, I understand!  My only daughter is 14 and beginning to talk about far-away colleges and my heart breaks just a little bit every time I think about the inevitable day she leaves.  Yet at the same time, I'm encouraging it because I want her to grow and experience as much as she can.  


                            I talked to her a lot over the weekend about Sandy Hook.  And when I drove her to school Monday morning, I felt compelled to talk to her about what she would do if there were ever a dangerous situation in her school.  And I cried after she got out and I drove away, because no one should ever have to have that conversation with their child.


                            I'm glad your son is home and your family will be complete for a little while!  Have a wonderful time together and soak it all up!!
