Beginners and Beyond

ThursDAILIES have the attention span of a... (Read 38 times)


    obviously you were better trained than me


    You both had me beat.  lol


      I am grateful that I didn't think of keeping my splits from my first marathon. At the time, I didn't even know about even splits and all that. Never even looked at them on my garmin after the race. I remember writing an RR, but there was no mention of splits in it. Thank God for that or I think I would have been burned on a cross.  Of course, I could always go check on the race results of that year, but I don't feel like it. I'm scared.

      PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

              Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

      18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


        I am grateful that I didn't think of keeping my splits from my first marathon.


        I did not either but found this online:


        1:51:34.0 8:31/M 9 1:58:37.4 9:03/M



        1:51:34 at the half, an overall pace of 8:31. 1:58:37 for the second half, an overall pace of 9:03.  Finish time was 3:50:11.


        So a 7 minute positive split, which I actually never knew about until today because like you, none of that mattered to me back then.


          My first two were negative splits 


            My first two were negative splits 



            PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                    Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

            18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010






              Really, I was just not very confident and pretty inexperienced in knowing what MP should feel like.  My last 3 were positive splits and at least two of those I think were better paced.


              Barking Mad To Run

                Gee, that sounds like a fun run, FreeSoul...maybe you and Rocky should have run through the cornfield to get out of the wind a bit.  Or was the corn already harvested?


                Scotty, that last photo was disturbing.  Toronto, don't make fun of my grajee-atin of 'em might have to whomp you with some fixins.... 


                Dang, Phil...won't it be dark by the time you get out there?  And colder too with the sun down.  Stay safe and stay warm!


                At  least you had no wind, onemile, that's a blessing!  Way to go on the 6 in 25 degrees, sheesh! That's like ARCTIC temperature where I am.


                I had another glove fail  LRB, you have to take the glove OFF before you can unzip and pee....


                Also, had my first PT session yesterday. It was fine, she didn't make anything hurt..   Early days yet, Dave, early days....I recall my rehab and PT...the first few sessions they kind of 'evaluate' and see what's what...wait till she really starts getting into it.    Wishing you a speedy recovery!


                Gee, Lauren, lake-and-woods sounds like a bad combination for cold-weather running.....fall into cold water or break through the ice..or....hungry, winter-starving animals looking for a meal..."Hey, there's a Runner!  Chase!"  uh oh...... 


                Sorry about the shoulder, B-Plus, hope that resolves quickly.   Your wife didn't get mad at you yesterday and stab you during the night did she? 


                Corporate meetings...sounds like a run was needed, MarjorieAnn!


                84 degrees!  I want to winter in Miami!  I'd love it to be 84 degrees right now!  I'll swap weather with you, Damaris!  You come live in my house for a while and we'll come stay in yours.  That way too, both sets of cats still get taken care of. 


                and just slightly (or a lot) unstable  Yes, I am!    But it's okay cuz it means solicitors and sales people never come to my house....

                "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                Seven Deadly Shins

                  I'm yet to achieve a negative split in a marathon... just got it in my first half-marathon two weeks ago!



                  My first two were negative splits 


                  Barking Mad To Run

                    Quote from happylily on 11/13/2014 at 12:59 PM:

                    Aren't we a sorry bunch? Injured, always hungry, sick, broke and just slightly (or a lot) unstable. I'm at least 3 of those and on my way to a fourth one. Which one(s) apply to you?





                    Compulsive gambler...

                    "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                      I'm yet to achieve a negative split in a marathon... just got it in my first half-marathon two weeks ago!




                      Half-marathons I can handle much better. Marathons just bring the very enthusiastic side of me, unfortunately.

                      PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                              Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                      18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                      Seven Deadly Shins

                        haha same here!  Maybe we're just born half-marathoners.  Or maybe we are not putting in the training required of a decent marathon.



                        Half-marathons I can handle much better. Marathons just bring the very enthusiastic side of me, unfortunately.


                        Former Bad Ass

                          My fastest are negative splits.  Not sure how to produce them though; they just happen.



                            haha same here!  Maybe we're just born half-marathoners.  Or maybe we are not putting in the training required of a decent marathon.



                            Nah. I know Lily trains harder than I do. She just goes out harder at the start. I've only negative splitted when I intentionally held back my pace the first half even though I felt like running faster.


                              Holy shit, I actually have my stuff packed and ready to go to leave tomorrow.  This is an extremely rare occurrence for me, I'm usually throwing crap in a bag five minutes before I leave on a trip (which is why I usually forget something, you'd think that for someone who travels a lot for work, I'd be better at this. lol).  Since this is my first travel race, I actually made a list and wanted to make sure I was packed today so I don't forget anything.


                              SRD, just sitting around eating all the food. Smile  Shakeout run in the morning and then we'll hit the road.


                              My running blog

                              Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                                I am grateful that I didn't think of keeping my splits from my first marathon. At the time, I didn't even know about even splits and all that.

                                As if you do now?

                                As if I do. My positive split marathon history:

                                #1 - 16 min

                                #2 - 6 min

                                #3 - 2 min - actually something like 1:45, not too bad

                                #4 - 6 min - regressing! Maybe my next one will be 16 min.


                                Every non-marathon race I've done has been a pretty significant negative split (granted not a large sample size, but still). I just suck at marathoning apparently.
