Beginners and Beyond


For the love of all that is good and holy; WTF is this?! (Read 109 times)


Refurbished Hip

    The manpris are just fine.  Your singlet just needs to be tighter to match them!

    Running is dumb.

    Jack K.

    uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

      Oh my...


        Life is good.


          Shoulda gone with one red arm warmer.


            The manpris are just fine.  Your singlet just needs to be tighter to match them!


            FTW! Fashion police up in the heezy. Where were you Sunday?


            Jack, does this mean we are finished?


              But you are looking at the camera like you have no idea why you are there!


              Exactly! So let's just cut to the chase; I got my ass kicked for 13 miles.


              Zel, decisions, decisions....

              Little Blue


                We need more male attention whores around here. Just sayin'... With or without tights...


                Um, watch what you ask for.  You might get more skin than you had in mind.



                  Um, watch what you ask for.  You might get more skin than you had in mind.


                  No big deal. I've seen all kind of skin and body parts. It's the internet after all.  Nothing should shock us here. It just makes for interesting and lively conversations.

                  PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                          Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                  18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010

                  From the Internet.


                    It's still winter. It's hoar.


                    That made me giggle!


                    Lookin' good LRB!


                    delicate flower


                    Barking Mad To Run

                      Isn't that the fine actor, Denzel Washington?  I didn't know he was a runner.... 

                      "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt




                        The manpris look fine, that was not the issue.  But you are looking at the camera like you have no idea why you are there!

                        marathon pr - 3:16





                            Let's see a side-by-side comparison with that basketball short-wearing, iPod-popping, I ain't never wearing anything with shorter thana 7" inseam runner from back in da day.

                            Half Crazy K 2.0


                              Um, watch what you ask for.  You might get more skin than you had in mind.


                              There was the thread with the nude running series link. Plenty of skin. And I now understand why the guys say they need support.
