Beginners and Beyond


Too Busy TuesDailies (Read 19 times)


Former Bad Ass


    Did it also dispense a free firearm?


    Only one? One would think it would release 10 firearms and 2 AR15s.




      Only one? One would think it would release 10 firearms and 2 AR15s.


      And pamphlets encouraging you to shoot non-males.

      Half Crazy K 2.0

        Daffy, cute pup. What breed? I was thinking he/she was a smaller dog from the last picture, but not sure if it's the angle or a growing dog.


        DavePNW< very TX waffle. DO they give out bounty info with breakfast? Or is that with anotherr meal?

          Daffy, cute pup. What breed? I was thinking he/she was a smaller dog from the last picture, but not sure if it's the angle or a growing dog.


          DavePNW< very TX waffle. DO they give out bounty info with breakfast? Or is that with anotherr meal?

          She’s a Mini Bernedoddle, 8 months old, 24 pounds this morning


            She’s a Mini Bernedoddle, 8 months old, 24 pounds this morning


            She's adorable!
