Beginners and Beyond


Injured Again (Read 85 times)


    Could just be a symptom of getting old(er).... it's my lower back.  Couldn't be happening at a worst time, I'm right in the middle of a rental house rehab.   Running is out of the question, just being able to stay mobile is going to be hard enough.  I think I strained it clearing some trees a few months ago, been bothering me ever since.  Now just being active makes it hurt.  Gotta save all my physical reserves for the important tasks at hand.  There will be no running until this is 100%.


    I will return.  Save my spot.


      Sorry to hear you're hurt.  Take it easy with the rehab work, if you can.  Hope you heal quickly.


        Could just be a symptom of shit happens?


        Yes, shit happens to me all the time.


        Former Bad Ass

          Ugh.  Hope the back feels better soon.



            Ugh.  Hope the back feels better soon.


              Sorry that happened and hope your recovery goes well


              Super B****

                Well, that sucks.  Feel better ASAP!!

                chasing the impossible


                because i never shut up ... i blog


                  I'm back, baby!  I got moobs and love handles now, sweat burns my face like acid, my toenails hurt, and my Altra Instincts apparently decomposed, but I'm back, back, back! Well, not all the way back, but enough back to at least start building a base again.


                  Anyways... I'm back!


                  Former Bad Ass





                      I'm back, baby!  I got moobs and love handles now, sweat burns my face like acid, my toenails hurt, and my Altra Instincts apparently decomposed, but I'm back, back, back! Well, not all the way back, but enough back to at least start building a base again.


                      Anyways... I'm back!


                      Running with moobs beats not running with no moobs. Glad you can run again.

                      Runner with a riding problem.


                      delicate flower

                        Welcome back to the wonderful hobby of jogging!



                          I need a new avatar...


                          <<<--- this isn't my dog.  She's just a good friend of mine.  Peach is so cute, though.  Hey, Peach.


                            Sweat burns my face like acid...


                            Wow, I haven't thought about that in forever. I actually ran with something called a sweat gutter my second year of running to prevent that.


                              Glad your back at it!  Explain the burning sweat, though.