Beginners and Beyond

Question of the DAILIES (Read 47 times)



    Yeah but he hates everything.


    Just tell him I completed each in 5 min and he'll be cool with it.


    I ran a big and surprising 10k pr 4 days later.


      I recall doing 5 x 1 mile @ 5k in the 80 mpw hansons plan last year. It seemed to drag on forever.

      That is crazy. What are the recoveries? I would hope they are pretty generous.




        That is essentially a VO2 max workout, an important aspect of racing regardless of the distance.  One would not stop training the body's ability to deliver oxygen to its working muscles because they are running a marathon.


        Of course the deeper you get into training, the more you do race pace specific stuff but you absolutely want to give these type of workouts your best shot early on during MRT.


        Yes, I get that. The thing is that when I was training with Pfitz, he had me do the 3x1600 @ 5k pace three weeks before the marathon, after the sixth 20 miler of his plan (you know, those 20 milers that you so much love, LRB? ). It can be easy to get injured at that moment, or run off pace due to exhaustion and then see it as a bad omen for your upcoming goal race. It's a very tricky workout, but a good moral booster if you nail it right. After 14 marathons with Pfitz, I can honestly say that I've only nailed it 50% of the time...

        PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

        18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010



          That's crazy! What's the point of doing 5 miles at 5k pace before a marathon? I bet LTH would not agree (he does not like the 3x1600m workout. I can only imagine what he'd say about 5x1600m intervals! )


          It's part of your plan! Unless I read it wrong, lol. You can change it to 5-8 x 1200 if you don't want to upset lth. That's something I always consider when I see mile repeats on the sched.


            That is crazy. What are the recoveries? I would hope they are pretty generous.






              Yep, that's a lifetime!


              Former Bad Ass

                Zel, I hate that 3x1600m @ 5k pace workout and I've been known to skip it once or twice in the past. Let it be a great confidence builder for you. You made it through. Bravo!


                I had quite an ugly run myself. The 12 miles turned into 10 because my legs were very sore. Not sure why that is. I should have brought my foam roller with me on the trip, but I didn't think I'd need it. Anyway, not only were the legs very stiff and achy, but my pace was off and I could only average 6:49 mpm for each of my 400m intervals. I'm pathetic. I'm on vacation, I should be full of energy, but I've been running slower than usual. The temperature at the gym was very cool, so it had nothing to do with that. Oh well... c'est la vie, n'est-ce pas? At least I'm running, instead of being injured like I was last summer. I'll run an extra 2 or 3 later today, when I come back from my walk.


                Was your last run on the TM or outside?  The one before this one.  If hot and humid, IMO, the soreness is normal.  I am more sore when I run in 90F and humid than in 80F and humid, no matter whether I adjust for pace or not.  I think it's more in relation to how more dehydrated you get.




                  It's part of your plan! Unless I read it wrong, lol. You can change it to 5-8 x 1200 if you don't want to upset lth. That's something I always consider when I see mile repeats on the sched.


                  F*ck that! Why did you have to tell me? I was blissfully ignorant about it up to this point. Damn you. 

                  PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                          Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                  18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010



                    Was your last run on the TM or outside?  The one before this one.  If hot and humid, IMO, the soreness is normal.  I am more sore when I run in 90F and humid than in 80F and humid, no matter whether I adjust for pace or not.  I think it's more in relation to how more dehydrated you get.


                    You could be right, D. All of my runs in the last 6 days were outside and I finished the week with 76 miles. It could be a combination of both outside conditions and higher than usual mileage. But how do I make the pain go away without a stick? Would walking help or hurt me?

                    PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                            Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                    18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                    Former Bad Ass

                      Hydrate!  A lot!  Unfortunately, beer does not count.




                        Hello ladies and gents! I haven't posted at all in the past couple of weeks because of taking care of DD#2. She's doing well and so is DW. Today is my first day back at work since the delivery. It's going ok. Smile


                        Running-wise I've only been able to go out twice a week for the past two weeks. I average around 7 miles each time, and during my Easy runs I did 10 strides. I tried to do a Tempo run on Sunday, and it didn't go so well. It's actually the first run in a LONG time that I've had to shorten because I couldn't hack it. It was also 82 degrees out, which didn't help. I did get 7 miles in, with 3 of them at my Threshold pace.


                        In the new few weeks I look forward to getting back to my new normal, which will hopefully include more sleep. I can't wait until DD#2 starts sleeping more through the night. Last night we had a stretch where she slept 4 hours straight, which is awesome.


                        Take care everyone!

                        - Andrew


                          Hydrate!  A lot!  Unfortunately, beer does not count.


                          Correct. Beer is for carboload.


                            Hydrate!  A lot!  Unfortunately, beer does not count.


                            Urgh... I'm bad at hydrating. But I think you're right. I'll grab a glass of water before I head outside. Of course, after I'll have this urgent need to pee, 4 miles away from home, while staring at the ocean. 

                            PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                    Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                            18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010



                              F*ck that! Why did you have to tell me? I was blissfully ignorant about it up to this point. Damn you. 


                              Ha! I know you sometimes like to ignore your plan, but what - do you just get up in the morning and look at that day's workout?


                              Actually I was going to ask whether you are doing the same one B+ was talking about, because I was just curious about the main differences between these kind of plans not in the book vs. the Advanced Plan in the book.



                              Former Bad Ass


                                Correct. Beer is for carboload.


