Beginners and Beyond

What were you doing the year Kristin was born? (Read 110 times)

    Prince was the man


    And still is!  Best superbowl halftime show in recent history.


      Sheeit Purple Rain was the shiznit girl are you kiddin'.  I didn't see the tour but saw the movie and there wasn't an empty seat in the building!


      Prince was the man at that point and time and I would consider myself lucky to have seen any of his shows from back then, especially that one.


      That was great music and entertainment with him The Time, Sheila E, Sheena Easton, Vanity, Appolonia The Family and that entire crew!


      I live a 5K from Paisley Park studios. I didn't really appreciate Prince until I got older but he is mega-talented. And one of the best guitar players around.


      Check out this the  3:30 mark Prince takes over. "While my guitar gently weeps" at the 2004 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame...






        I was 10.  It was our last year in Houston (oil crash meant everybody moved out that year), and we moved to New Jersey.  I realized that the kids there didn't like going to the rodeo.


        Squidward Bike Rider

          I was 10 too.  My mom and I took a road trip from NJ to Nebraska and then back again.  Luckily for her, I was easily entertained by books, maps, road signs, and drawing.

            I was 10.  It was our last year in Houston (oil crash meant everybody moved out that year), and we moved to New Jersey.  I realized that the kids there didn't like going to the rodeo.

            *Excuse* me. I take it you never made it to Cowtown. Pro Rodeo circuit in SJ. We really enjoyed it. In fact, that's one of the few things I can remember our family doing as a family. Probably in the 50s. (By the time I was old enough to do a lot of things, my brother was old enough that he didn't want/have to go.)  We just watched. No rodeo riders in the family.

            "So many people get stuck in the routine of life that their dreams waste away. This is about living the dream." - Cave Dog
            Tar Heel Mom



              Old Dave is only a year older than me? Great.  Smile


              scottydawg and I are older than both of you.


              The only concert I remember regretting was The Grateful Dead in 1993. Jerry was not well and they were AWFUL.


              It's likely I saw Little Feat the year Kristin was born, though. I think I saw them once a year for many years.

              Nolite te bastardes carborundum.



                Whilst not directly linked to the Year Kristin was born.


                One of my co-workers recently realized she has more years with this company than our new hire has been alive.


                She used to joke with a lady who is retired about that. Now she is in that position herself.



                I don't joke about it, as I know my turn will be coming quickly...

                5K  20:23  (Vdot 48.7)   9/9/17

                10K  44:06  (Vdot 46.3)  3/11/17

                HM 1:33:48 (Vdot 48.6) 11/11/17

                FM 4:13:43 (Vdot 35.4) 3/4/18




                  NDG is a very fancy area these days. Million dollar homes and condos. I lived on Rosedale Street for a few years. We sold our house just before the market went crazy. Beautiful neighborhood.  I didn't know that you have a twin sister, Meaghan. Does she run?


                  She doesn't run (she bikes) but she listens to me drone on about my training and racing with minimal complaint!  (Yes, she is the best)


                    This is fun.


                    Bluerun and meaghan I'm younger than both of you and I have plenty of grey hairs!


                    Hey, I don't have a one!  Though I bet people think I do now that I've started coloring my hair...

                    No more marathons

                      Since this is a running forum - 1985 was the year I set my 15K PR, and the year I stopped running for 23 years.

                      Boston 2014 - a 33 year journey

                      Lordy,  I hope there are tapes. 

                      He's a leaker!


                        Since this is a running forum - 1985 was the year I set my 15K PR, and the year I stopped running for 23 years.


                        It was the spring of '83 when I tried out for the high school track team at the behest of my football coach.  The **** that was charged with taking me on a tryout run (Darrell D) literally tried to kill my ass!


                        It was an indoor track on the second floor that had banked turns, and it was all I could do to not let that **** lap me!  I swore I would never run again and I didn't until 28 years later in 2011.


                        Who knows what may have been had there been some type of proper introduction to the sport and not a race to the death.  


                        Super B****

                          This is fun.


                          Bluerun and meaghan I'm younger than both of you and I have plenty of grey hairs!


                          I don't have grey hairs, I have white ones!  Though that's been happening since I was in high school, and I didn't help matters when I started getting highlights because now I'm not sure if I'm seeing blonde or white.  I say I should just dye it all white and be done with it

                          chasing the impossible


                          because i never shut up ... i blog


                            This is a spinoff of the "User Name" thread.  Kristin was born in 1985.  What were you doing that year?


                            I was a senior in college.


                            You were a senior in college?  Ugh, we're the same age, you just must be smarter than me because  I was only a sophomore in College.  I also was got married the year, Kristin was born.


                            "We do not become the people who this world needs simply by turning our backs on anyone we don’t like, trust, or deem healthy enough to be in our presence. "  ---- Shasta Nelson


                            Barking Mad To Run


                              scottydawg and I are older than both of you.


                              The only concert I remember regretting was The Grateful Dead in 1993. Jerry was not well and they were AWFUL.


                              It's likely I saw Little Feat the year Kristin was born, though. I think I saw them once a year for many years.


                              And we still look good too!

                              "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                              Barking Mad To Run


                                Like most things I did as a teenager, it seemed like a good idea at the time. Big grin


                                Yeah...I stowed away in my cousin's van at 15 and ended up going to Woodstock...of course when I got home my parents 'grounded me for life"...but it was worth it!

                                "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt