Beginners and Beyond


Papers SaturDAILIES (Read 39 times)


    A cop pulls a car over. He walks to the car, the driver's window is open.

    The cop says: "Papers".

    The driver answers: "Scissors, I win!"





        What's up Dailies!


        Coffee is brewing on the stove top.

        Gonna be a cold rainy day. Tonight we're supposed to get a mixture of rain and snow.

        I'll run some miles this afternoon, 10, maybe more, with some MP miles thrown in.

        How about you?


        delicate flower

          Beaten to the dailies by about 30 seconds.  GOD DAMMIT.  Here's my to go edit my thread.......


          I'm waiting for the sun to come up so I can go for my LR.  I probably could have stayed in bed another half hour.  I am not expecting much out of this run...I just want to get through it.


          4 trick-or-treaters last night, so now I've got all this extra candy.  YUMMY!


          And GOOD MORNING to you!  Whatcha got going on today?  OMG speak up already.



            Beaten to the dailies by about 30 seconds.  GOD DAMMIT.  Here's my to go edit my thread.......


            I'm waiting for the sun to come up so I can go for my LR.  I probably could have stayed in bed another half hour.  I am not expecting much out of this run...I just want to get through it.


            4 trick-or-treaters last night, so now I've got all this extra candy.  YUMMY!


            And GOOD MORNING to you!  Whatcha got going on today?  OMG speak up already.


            LOL, it seems like either your thread or this one is going to become one of those, hummm, how do you call them? crazy threads...


            delicate flower


              LOL, it seems like either your thread or this one is going to become one of those, hummm, how do you call them? crazy threads...


              I think the unwritten rule is that the thread that was started first (yours) stays intact.



                As for me, I have a two day seminar (8:00 to 4:30 both days ) that I signed up for way back in May.


                I selected this weekend (out of what was offered) figuring two weeks removed from the big race and no Lions game tomorrow (bye week) I wouldn't mind it as much.


                Wrong on both counts!  I really would like to run this morning and would love to sit on my ass tomorrow and do nothing but watch football, sigh.


                Former Bad Ass

                  Morning.  On the plane leaving soon. Might run in Central Park with hubby later depending on the rain.





                    Morning.  On the plane leaving soon. Might run in Central Park with hubby later depending on the rain.




                    As you wish!   


                    Run to live; live to run

                      Well nothing yet. It us freakin cold for here. And, Quincy was sick again. Silly dog ate part of Hammy's blanket while we were at the movies. He seems good today so far. I will run after puppy pool.


                      Damaris we did like Dracula. The end is a bit confusing for me. Why is the guy from the cave stalking him?



                        At 10k

                        onemile 47:43 (7:42) - blazing, on goal pace

                        Freesoul 1:01 (9:57) - well paced for the long haul, avoided going out too fast



                          At 10k

                          onemile 47:43 (7:42) - blazing, on goal pace

                          Freesoul 1:01 (9:57) - well paced for the long haul, avoided going out too fast


                          Yay, LET'S GO GIRLS!  


                          Former Bad Ass

                            Well nothing yet. It us freakin cold for here. And, Quincy was sick again. Silly dog ate part of Hammy's blanket while we were at the movies. He seems good today so far. I will run after puppy pool.


                            Damaris we did like Dracula. The end is a bit confusing for me. Why is the guy from the cave stalking him?


                            The rest of the end is the start of the Dracula movie but not sure why is the old guy chasing him still.



                              The rest of the end is the start of the Dracula movie...




                              Former Bad Ass




                                They link this movie to the book and the movie. Nothing earth shattering or telling. It is expected. Have you seen the trailer?  It is very clear it links back to the book somehow.  It is, after all, a prequel.  And that scene is not the end of the movie.  It's an extra scene.  I am not telling you something that is a surprise.

