Beginners and Beyond


Remembrance dailies (Wednesday) (Read 45 times)

    Marjorie, excellent 11.9. Thank you for starting today's thread.


    Tom, fantastic 4.11.


    Mitch, rocking intervals last night.


    Phil, kudos for braving the ickiness to run outside.


    Damaris, I hope that you've had a pleasant SRD.


    c0derunner, sweet six.


    Gustav, excellent intervals yesterday. I hope that today's seven also went well.


    FreeSoul87, well-timed six.


    Shari, nice 5.42.


    DaveP MI, bravo on the yoga.


    Oski, tough workout yesterday.


    Andrew, amazing six.


    PADRunner, cool four.


    Zelanie, I hope that you enjoyed your track run.


    lilac_jive, beautiful seven-mile MP run.


    Rick, bravo on the soupy seven and four.


    scottydawg, great workout this morning.


    MBC, brava on the gym workout.


    SusanRachel, how do you like Insanity?


    Ric-G, awesome eleven.


    Dave, sweet seven.


    jjs22, I'm glad that your rib is stable.


    TapERie, terrific 3.9.


    Yesterday was a URD. I had an impromptu dinner with neighbors that went lateSmile Today, ab work and push-ups. Also, 10.2 in 1:39:42 on the TM. 9:47 pace.


    Former Bad Ass

      Dinner with friends, nice, Basya!


      I had dinner with a fellow forumite, bingo_jenn.  She says hi:




      Former Bad Ass

        09/11/2001 - I had just finished my morning class and was pulling out of the school driveway when the news of the first plane came on the radio.  By the time my short drive home was done, the world had changed forever.  With no work that day, I stayed glued to the TV, watching unimaginable horror unfold in NYC under the same bluebird sky.  Guns were uncased because who knew what would be next, and I wouldn't let my brother drink any tap water when he got home.


        3.9 easy.


        Nice run.  How long until your taper is over?

