Beginners and Beyond


Insomniac WEDNESDAILIES (Read 44 times)



    Yeah............. that's not going to happen, not unless I want a huge dickhead baby on my hands who THINKS he knows what he's talking about because he raised 4 kids already...... there is no talking to him about shit like that.... just proving him wrong by showing him, or doing it without him knowing and not even telling him. He is behind me on most things like my plans on not vaccinating Dorian but when it comes to fevers, he freaks THE FUCK OUT about it and there is no talking to him whatsoever.  If that boy is even 2 degrees over normal, it must be awful....



    Our fridges are not refrigerating properly because it's been so damn hot up here.


    And B-Plus, suck it up.  (seriously, I hope you feel better soon. Nothing sucks more than an upset stomach).


    Feeling slightly better today, but I barely slept. Today is my SRD, but I will run 5 easy because I'm not sure I'll have time to run all my miles on Friday. We'll be leaving right after work, for a 12 hour drive (we'll sleep somewhere along the way).


    FS, tell your husband that if he thinks Dorian loves you more than he does him, he's not helping the situation by shoving him onto your lap every time he's home. Maybe if your DH spent time with him when he is sick, or bored, Dorian would develop the same need for him as he has for you. As for running with Dorian not being good for him because he's sick, who knows better at this point, the person who spends time with him or the one who does not? Put your big girl's pants and tell him, woman! Men... grrrr....

    *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


    5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

    10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

    15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

    13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

     26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


      Yeah............. that's not going to happen, not unless I want a huge dickhead baby on my hands who THINKS he knows what he's talking about because he raised 4 kids already...... there is no talking to him about shit like that.... just proving him wrong by showing him, or doing it without him knowing and not even telling him. He is behind me on most things like my plans on not vaccinating Dorian but when it comes to fevers, he freaks THE FUCK OUT about it and there is no talking to him whatsoever.  If that boy is even 2 degrees over normal, it must be awful....



      Why are you not vaccinating your child?



      Barking Mad To Run

        I think he just hates that our son and our animals love and respect me more than him lol, he will whine about it but I keep telling him  he makes himself out to be either a ride, furniture or a chew toy all the time, it's all his fault not mine or our son or the animals, it's his freaking fault! He's a freaking pushover and wonders why he is no more than a toy to them, I just laugh about it.

        Thankfully my mom is saving the day and coming out tonight around 6:30 or 7 to watch Dorian, now I have to decide am I going to run my 8 miler in 78 degrees and 76% humidity and a dew point of 70 or just run 3 miles and save my 8 miler for tomorrow morning's 65 degrees, 78% humidity and a dew point of 58..... decisions, decisions...


        Damaris and I would kill for summer temps like that! 

        "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


        Former Bad Ass


          Damaris and I would kill for summer temps like that! 


          Yeap.  It's 105F and 78 dewpoint here.  Send me some of that Winter weather!




            As long as you don't send your shit here, I could do a little dance that might send it your way lol.

            *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


            5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

            10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

            15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

            13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

             26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


              Hey guys.  Miss me?  Got back to San Jose and back on the grid this afternoon, and am trying to catch up!  I was in the rural SE of the country, one of the big coffee growing regions.  I also walked briefly into Panama on Monday because it was sort of on our way.


              I did NOT get any running in.  But I did two "surprise" giant walks while I was there.  On Monday, the family I was staying with asked if I wanted to go for a walk about midafternoon (high of 90, dewpoint 79).  I said, "Sure."  I should have known something was up with the way they were packing supplies and looking at their watch as they left.  Then, they pretty much hauled ass straight up a mountain.  Wearing crocs.  With maxi pads for insoles.  I was just working on keeping up!  They walked for 1 hr 45 min, about 8K, mostly uphill, then we stopped briefly at a corner store for some snacks before turning around and walking back home (at least that was mostly downhill, but it was dark and raining by then).


              I should have known better the second day, but I headed out with them again in the other direction, which was also pretty much straight up a mountain, although probably less steep.  So Tuesday, we only walked 90 minutes before hitting a store and turning around.  I got what I needed done because I was able to drop in on 3 students on the way back, which I needed to do, and they got their walk in.


              They are getting ready for a big pilgrimage to the Basilica in Cartago, which is a yearly tradition in Costa Rica.  Thousands of people walk there from all over the country.  For this family, it will be about 9 days and 250 kilometers.  So they were getting ready.


              Both days, I put more miles and hills on my legs than I would have on a regular "run" day.  I'm not putting the miles in my log because I wasn't running.  But for training purposes, I'm going to assume that it was a similar amount of "work", so I'm taking my usual rest day today and will jump back into my plan as usual tomorrow.


                Hey guys.  Miss me?  


                YES! I was just about to send the search and rescue team for you. 


                What an amazing story! How many people are in this family? And where will they be sleeping when they do their pilgrimage? Crocs and maxi pads for insoles, up a hill... wow, incredible! And here we are wondering how many miles our shoes can take before we need to buy new ones... 


                Zel-Mel the Explorer. That's who you are to me. 

                PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                        Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010

                  DaveP MI, have a relaxing and refreshing rest day.


                  Damaris, I hope that court wasn't too bad. Enjoy Pilates and running.


                  B-Plus, have an excellent eight-miler.


                  Shari, are you feeling better?


                  outoftheblue, have an amazing four-miler.


                  scottydawg, beautiful 3.4 this morning.


                  (((FreeSoul87))) Does DH have other children? I've have mini-nightmares about such situations. SO has two children from his first marriage. They've become wonderful young women. Perhaps I'm irrational. I concerned that, if we were to marry and have kids, he would do similar things, with the excuse that he's already done it twice, so he knows better


                  Jay, I hope that PT goes well.


                  Slymoon Runs. 12+6+4? Whoa.


                  Marjorie, beautiful 10.1.


                  Lily, feel 100% soon. Have a great run.


                  Zelanie, I'm happy that you returned I San Jose safely.


                  URD, except for push-ups and cardio. I have almost nothing in my tank. I'll do quarter-mile repeats tomorrow morning or Friday morning.


                    Mom and Dad are going, a family member is coming to stay with the family.  Mom's done the trek before, Dad is newly retired so this will be his first time.


                    It's such a big deal here that there apparently is a lot of support.  You walk with only what you need for the day,  and there's a truck that will carry your supplies to a camping spot for the night.  Random passers by as well as the Red Cross checks in on the walkers regularly.  My family here will also be doing the walk, although from here it's only a 4-hour walk, not a 9 day journey.

                    Slymoon Runs

                    race obsessed


                      14! Then 6+4.  But yeah not a lot of recovery between the 14 and 6.   The 4 + strides should feel pretty good in a few hours.


                      Quality in the morning.  yay!




                      Keep in mind we tend to be sensitive and crave attention.  The kiddo wanting mom more makes us feel unwanted and powerless.  Unfortunately that's how it normally works with babies. (Both kinds)


                      I acted better but felt the same way until my DD was almost 3.  Even now at nearly 8 she wants her Momma when she gets hurt.


                      meh, tell him to suck it up and it will slowly get better. Add a 'bitch' after if you really want to sink the point.  Wink



                      I'll be down there this weekend.  Where on the river walk area can I burn 10-12 miles early in the AM?



                        He does, they're grown now and he raised them as a single parent on 2 jobs, he is a lot more of a push over now with Dorian than he was with them. But for some reason he freaks out when Dorian isn't feeling well, and he is old fashion in thinking a mother's love and care is better than all.

                        Honestly I shouldn't complain, hopefully all my work will reward me in the future, with Dorian being more active and wanting a healthy, outdoors lifestyle instead of unhealthy and not very active outside of work (like his 2 brothers) due to his close bond with me. I am hoping and praying for that outcome.

                        By the way, he is feeling MUCH better.



                        (((FreeSoul87))) Does DH have other children? I've have mini-nightmares about such situations. SO has two children from his first marriage. They've become wonderful young women. Perhaps I'm irrational. I concerned that, if we were to marry and have kids, he would do similar things, with the excuse that he's already done it twice, so he knows better


                        *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                        5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                        10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                        15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                        13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                         26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)



                          Yep yep yep, luckily he deals better than other men lol.

                          We were chatting on fb (he is still at work) and he asked if i needed to run tonight when i told him lil guy is feeling much better. I told him my mom will be out later tonight, so at least he was thinking about my running.




                          Keep in mind we tend to be sensitive and crave attention.  The kiddo wanting mom more makes us feel unwanted and powerless.  Unfortunately that's how it normally works with babies. (Both kinds)


                          I acted better but felt the same way until my DD was almost 3.  Even now at nearly 8 she wants her Momma when she gets hurt.


                          meh, tell him to suck it up and it will slowly get better. Add a 'bitch' after if you really want to sink the point.  Wink


                          *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                          5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                          10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                          15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                          13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                           26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)



                            Yeap.  It's 105F and 78 dewpoint here.  Send me some of that Winter weather!


                            64 and drizzle


                            Former Bad Ass

                              Pilates and nothing else.  It was a nice stretch workout.  The same one I did the first time and thought I was dying.  Perspective and a lot more strength now than then.


                                Zelanie - sweet!  What a contrast - they walk hundreds of kilometers to visit a church, while here we have drive-thru wedding chapels in Vegas.



                                So!  PT thinks it is garden variety overuse/strain of a weak glute medius.  He checked for imbalances, found nothing damning, and definitively ruled out sciatic and bursitis issues.  I have a battery of core strength, balance, and stretching exercises to do and am to run 10 minutes a day after biking, while continuing to ice frequently.  Once the pain has dropped to zero, I'll be allowed to start ramping up run time again with focus on better mechanics.  Sounds like a plan.
