Beginners and Beyond


Today's DAILIES: The calender says Wednesday so let's just go with that (Read 31 times)



    Did the higher drop shoes not help at all, or did you not run in them as you stated you would?

    he ran his last 2 runs in 5mm drop 


      4.4 miles and I reached my mileage goal for the year today at 1,500! After the first 3.5, I had to pause my watch and walk a while because I was getting random sharp but fleeting pains in my ankle. This went on occasionally for about 10 minutes and then stopped as suddenly as it started so I resumed running. It was weird.



        Speedy! What was the effort like on those?


        oh, just a light jog.



        Are we there, yet?


          Wait, what?? Who races for 200 miles?? I didn't even know that was a thing!


          A couple of the "big" ones are Tahoe 200 where they race the entire circuit around Lake Tahoe, and Moab 240 which is actually 238 miles. Apparently 100 miles isn't enough anymore.


          BTW did you catch my edit adding Gene's marathon time of 2:54:23?

           2024 Races:

                03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





          Former Bad Ass

            8.25 miles on the work TM. After I ran over my paralegal’s drawer and bang my knee and tibia. Wanna see? 😬



              he ran his last 2 runs in 5mm drop 


              Oh, I must've missed something. I could've sworn he was going to a higher drop to help the ailment...or maybe that was someone else. Thanks for the clarification!


                oh, just a light jog.





                Will you be able to fit a spring half into your schedule before May 4th, or is that not a prerequisite for that race?


                Former Bad Ass

                  LRB, IRS is also closed. So...good luck!




                    A couple of the "big" ones are Tahoe 200 where they race the entire circuit around Lake Tahoe, and Moab 240 which is actually 238 miles. Apparently 100 miles isn't enough anymore.


                    BTW did you catch my edit adding Gene's marathon time of 2:54:23?


                    I had actually saw the time in the article I read. Not sure how to feel about that since there are people who can "roll out of bed and run a sub-3:00 without any training". But yeah, his time and the 60 something year old lady who also broke a marathon record impress me.


                       Will you be able to fit a spring half into your schedule before May 4th, or is that not a prerequisite for that race?


                      Inquiring minds want to know!




                        That's Gene Dykes.  His marathon time was 2:54:23 at Jacksonville, FL.  Unfortunately it probably will not be officially ratified because the race was not sanctioned by USATF.  


                        I wonder why he did not target a sanctioned race. You'd figure he knew he had a shot at the record.






                          Will you be able to fit a spring half into your schedule before May 4th, or is that not a prerequisite for that race?


                          There is one on April 6th that's a cheap, no frills local race that I was thinking of doing but I'm not crazy about the course.  It's actually the route I ran for my LR two weeks ago. There are a few hills and it's an out and back on a bike path.





                            Oh, I must've missed something. I could've sworn he was going to a higher drop to help the ailment...or maybe that was someone else. Thanks for the clarification!


                            I'm not sure but it's a good idea. I was running a LOT in 4mm drop (for a couple years) but then after my achilles flared up I suddenly couldn't tolerate it at all anymore





                              okay it was about as fast as I could make my chubby legs to go (hard effort, def didn't feel like anything I could sustain for a 5k and I've had better :P )

                              No more marathons


                                I think you can jog a mile in 12 minutes while eating a doughnut if you really wanted to, but sure, a run/walk for you in the same time is doable.


                                Saw some dude broke a marathon record for a 70 year old recently. I thought about you and laughed Because I know your response would've been FTS. lol


                                You got that right.




                                Hi Bluesky!

                                Hi onemile - glad to see you're still at it.

                                Boston 2014 - a 33 year journey

                                Lordy,  I hope there are tapes. 

                                He's a leaker!
