Beginners and Beyond


Frigorific Friday Penguins (Read 29 times)

on my way to badass

    You got it Obie.

    Still waiting for the perfect race picture. 5K PR-33:52 , 10K PR 1:11:16, First HM 2:42:28

    Dad on the run.

      Obie - So sorry to hear about this, what terrible news to have to hear all in one day. Prayers to you, friends and family.

      Chasing the sub 20 5K.

      From the Internet.

        I feel weird about doing this, but I'm reaching out for support wherever I can get it. Whatever you can provide in the way of comfort is appreciated: prayers, vibes, kind words, good energy.


        I got a call on my way to work: a friend of mine died unexpectedly this morning from cancer/chemo complications. A few minutes after I got off that phone call, my mom called: my beloved great uncle, who's like my best grandpa, is vomiting blood and his blood pressure is plummeting and he's in the ICU. He's 94 and had successful surgery several days ago to put a rod in a broken leg and they said he was as strong as a much younger man, but something is very wrong now.


        It's a hard day.


        Thanks for letting me share.

        What a shitty day Sad You're in my thoughts, I hope your great uncle pulls through. 

        Jack K.

        uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

          Obie - So sorry to hear about this, what terrible news to have to hear all in one day. Prayers to you, friends and family.


          From me as well.  Xoxo


            Thanks so much, you guys. You're the best.

            Call me Ray (not Ishmael)


              That sucks Obie. Sorry to hear all this Sad






              Smaller By The Day

                obiebyke - prayers.  So sorry that you're going through this.


                Weight 100 pounds lost

                5K 31:02 Sept. 2012 / 23:36 Sept. 2013 (Same Course)

                10K 48:59 April 2013

                HM 2:03:56 Nov. 2012 / 1:46:50 March 2013

                MARATHON 3:57:33 Nov. 2013


                  obie-- what a hard, sad day. I'm so sorry.  i hope your great uncle pulls through.  :-(  @ any friends death.


                  Jimmy- does sound catchy for sure.


                  Got my 5 miles in on the TM.  I just couldn't face the wind.


                  "We do not become the people who this world needs simply by turning our backs on anyone we don’t like, trust, or deem healthy enough to be in our presence. "  ---- Shasta Nelson

                  Dad on the run.

                    So my Dad just called me this morning regarding a job at Aliant Bank. I spoke with the one of the men doing the hiring and I'm going to be sending my resume over and praying for an interview. The job consist of being the responsible tech for the seven birmingham al branch location. I would be responsible for all the PCs and phone systems. Not to mention it would cut about 25 mins off my drive to and from work and it would pay about 15k more a year! Fingers are crossed, this would be HUGE!!!

                    Chasing the sub 20 5K.


                      Obie - sorry you're getting so much bad news.


                      Jimmy - good luck.  I hope you get an interview soon.

                      Dad on the run.

                        So my wife's boss just gave her 4 VIP tickets to the Alabama game tomorrow! Heck yea! Private booth, free food! Can't beat that!

                        Chasing the sub 20 5K.


                          Obie, not sure you will see this, because it's getting late. I'm very sorry to hear all this bad news. Hugs and prayers to you and families. This colony is here for more than just running.


                          Jimmy, I like the name too, kind of catchy. I sure hope all goes well with your running this go-round. Are you for sure doing the Mercedes? Half or full?

                          Amazonian Princess

                            scotty - Brrrrr! Since coming back from vacation I can't seem to get warm enough. Luckily DH is nearly almost always warm so I have somewhere to place my icy hands and feet Big grin


                            StoneFence - Another Brrrr! Hope you dressed warm and kept as dry as you could today.


                            Awood - Safe travels and if you find yourself pointed toward Northern California (which isn't near where you're headed, but you'll be closer than you usually are) give a wave!


                            Philliefan - Hope you enjoyed your swim and have a great time in the mountains.


                            Docket - The photo scotty posted kinda looks like you, but not nearly as Bad Ass. Enjoy kickboxing! Cool


                            Jack - Very cool avatar photos; enjoy your miles with strides!


                            Zelanie - I vote arm warmers. I got my first pair (camo print) and love 'em! I also dig cuffs with thumbholes because I'm a newb. Have a great race this weekend, you dynamo!


                            Lauren - "learning to attack hills on fatigued legs" sounds like good advice!


                            She Can - Your weather sounds wonderful to me, but I love the feeling of the wind in my face. When people ask why I started running I tell them because I love the feeling of wind in my face and I'm too cheap to buy a convertible!


                            Jimmy - Good luck with the Monday run and the blog!


                            h4l - Meant to say sooner, nice ink! I can't exactly explain what seeing your new tattoo made me feel, but it had an impact. Thank you for sharing Smile


                            Bin - Sorry to hear you're having pain. Hope it gets better soon, and hope your beautiful babies are doing well!


                            Ginny - I saw your post when you mentioned that someone who saw you running said it looked like you might have a limp. Have you ever run on a treadmill in front of a mirror? I use the TM at work and try to remember not to lean forward at the waist but to pretend someone is pushing me forward (it was advice I read on RWOL)


                            (((obiebyke))) - It's not weird at all to reach out for support, and you have mine.


                            AFM, I've been a crapload of busy since coming back from vacation. It rained on Tuesday so I kinda put everything on hold and ran 3 miles outside. Got soaking wet but it was one of my best runs ever! Plan to start my weekend with some more run/walk tonight after the elliptical and stationary bike.


                            BTW, if anyone would like to see a video of my Hawai'i vacation pictures, please PM and I'll send you the youtube link. I thought about it, but I'm too self-conscious to post it where it could be mocked (guess I'm still traumatized after seeing what L & O did to a forumites selfie)

                            I can. I will. I am. 


                              I tried to send a pm bacon but I'm on the iphone(aka total pain in the ass when it comes to anything forum related) so I'm not sure it worked.


                              We have some cold weather coming. Maybe freezing rain maybe some Sleet. The high Sunday is 36. Zoiks.


                              I joined a gym today. I think this is the first step in divorcing running. Ha. Maybe it will help my chronic shin splints or maybe I will find a substitute for running. . Sucks. I really like running but running doesn't like me. Angry they do have an indoor running track. Cushioned. 11 laps =1 mile. Ha. Sounds fun right? And dizzy







                              Former Bad Ass

                                Damaris has a clone!   This lady is one of our recent university alums, in our local public news when she recently got married and got a new job as a teacher.   To me, she looks kinda like Damaris!


                                 photo damarislook-alike_zpsa4c69018.jpg


                                Ahem.  She looks nothing like me! Scotty and Baconista need glasses:


