Beginners and Beyond


Everyone's Happy When FRIDAILIES Walk By (Read 37 times)


    Easy 6.5 just to get the legs turning.  I was going to not run because I had so little sleep (why?  oh, I enjoy going to bed really late for no reason other than fun, and then suffer all the pain the next day), but it's an empty office so I had to go out at least a little.   


    It's almost the weekend!


      7 miles this of work today....that means I get to shampoo carpets while no one is home...have a great day all!

      marathon pr - 3:16


      Skirt Runner

        2 miles on the elliptical and 3 in the TM last night. Yoga after work.

        PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


        I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to


          Ended up stopping at just 5.5 miles - I really needed a second layer on bottom this morning. The skin on my legs went from cold, to numb, to needles and pain. I'll try to make it up tomorrow when it will hopefully be slightly warmer, and I will wear more layer just in case.

          20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


            What a beautiful day! Relatively speaking of course. Upper 20's, and not too windy. 7.1 miles at lunchtime...wish I could've kept going, but I guess I need to try to keep my job.


            Finished the month at 247 miles, a PB (by a lot). Hope I can keep it up. Better go post in the monthly miles thread now!


            Have a great day everyone.




              7 miles OUTSIDE. I'm happy to see the sun again. People here are already freaking out about the forecast for 10 days out. 


              Barking Mad To Run

                Scotty, isn't every run you have an adventure?  Actually, Oski, most of them are just pretty 'normal', nothing happens at all.  Then I get a day like yesterday, lol.   Hope you feel better and hope you are staying entertained on the internet.


                Wow Scotty...... and I thought looking down at my garmin on trails was dangerous lol.  Yeah...I should not look down..I'm such a klutz I could trip over a leaf on the sidewalk, lol.


                Good luck with your intervals, Damaris!  I'm sorry you have no parks to play in.


                Congrats on the double workout, LRB, strength and running!


                Congrats on the 200 mile month, Andrew!


                It's the weekend, Z!  If you're not feeling it, go home, open some wine, relax...


                Nice photos, Phil!


                Sorry about your stomach disaster yesterday, Marjorie, apparently i missed that. Glad you feel somewhat better today!


                Congrats on the 6.5, Yugo. Yeah, like you, I tend to be a nite owl and stay up.  As you said, that gets paid for the next day.


                Ric, log that shampooing carpets as cross-training


                Sounds like you are feeling better, Kristin, all that exercise.


                Glad you did not get frostbite, Step!


                Wow, congrats on the PB monthly mileage, DaveP!


                Yay for the sun in your area again, Hobbit!  What's the forecast prediction in 10 days?  Sounds ominous.


                scottydawg, is there ever a weekend when you don't race?  Why yes there is, Basya...if Christmas Eve and Christmas fall on a Saturday and Sunday...    Hope your gym workout went well!

                "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt

                  (((((((Lily))))))) Shari, have a pleasant run and enjoy your massage. My condolences to your friend's family.


                  FreeSoul87, brava on the 6.3 with Rocky.


                  scottydawg, is there ever a weekend when you don't race?


                  Phil, cool.


                  Damaris, enjoy the five with strides.


                  Rick, bravo on the strength and core work and running.


                  Andrew, sweet seven.


                  Zelanie, have a wonderful run later.


                  Marjorie, enjoy Pilates. Feel well soon.


                  Yugo8, excellent 6.5.


                  Ric-G, great job doing seven.


                  kristin10185, beautiful workouts last night. Enjoy yoga.


                  Shari, fantastic 5.5. I hope that your legs feel OK.


                  DaveP MI, awesome 7.1.


                  Nicole, yay for seven:


                  I'm on my way back to the gym for approximately forty minutes on the TM. I only have time for thatSad

                    Short and sweet 2.3 in 29:42.


                    0:00 to 5:00 - 3.0mph (20:00) at 10.0 incline


                    6x two minutes 7.2mph (8:19)/one minute 1.5mph (40:00) at 0.0 incline


                    23:00 to 25:00 - 7.2mph (8:19) at 0.0 incline


                    25:00 to 29:42 - 3.0 mph (40:00) at 10.0 incline


                      Shari, I just read your post over on RWBF regarding your 35 year old neighbor losing her battle to cancer. I remember you talking about her in the past. I am so sorry for her husband and her two young children... Life can seem so cruel sometimes. I hope that they can somehow overcome this tragedy. My prayers are with them.

                      PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                              Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                      18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                      Wickedly Average

                        It's been a wacky week, but it's Friday!


                        3.5 miles today, with the orange band on. 3 for a sick friend, 0.5 for the cute young lady that was also out running (I'm CERTAIN that the extra half mile impressed her, even though she was running at least 12 miles).


                        Butt was dragging just a little, as it often does during afternoon runs. I gave blood yesterday (first time ever if you can believe that) - I don't know if that had an effect on me or not. Still, it was a good run and the knee seems to be pretty pain-free.

                        Tom (formerly known as PhotogTom)

                        5K - 25:16, 10K - 55:31,  15K - 1:20:55,   HM - 1:54:54


                        Former Bad Ass

                          I did my strides but they sucked!  It was like I was not moving at all.  It was also 82F so whoever wished for heat YOU WISH IT IN THE WRONG PLACE!



                            Finally done dealing with other peoples shit for the day, but the one thing I needed to do for myself, I was unable to.  Figures.


                            Former Bad Ass

                              Finally done dealing with other peoples shit for the day, but the one thing I needed to do for myself, I was unable to.  Figures.


                              Have a glass of wine.  I just had a martini.  Salud!



                              Wickedly Average


                                Have a glass of wine.  I just had a martini.  Salud!


                                Having a beer or two myself. My sick friend is doing better this evening. I'd like to think it was my 3.5 mile run with the orange wrist band, but I think it was the superb work by a team of medical professionals.

                                Tom (formerly known as PhotogTom)

                                5K - 25:16, 10K - 55:31,  15K - 1:20:55,   HM - 1:54:54
