Beginners and Beyond

IMTPT (Read 1309 times)

    Happy Birthday Marjorie!


    Mike, I actually like those kind of runs.  Cold enough to make you dress warmer, but not too cold that you freeze your nuggets off.


    Doug, hope the knee is OK.


    Damaris, what races do you have coming up, I think you mentioned that you're doing a lot.


    Hey Pam, and Hope's Mom.

    Take Charge. Train Harder. Suck Less. No Excuses.


    Fibromyalgia Fighter

      Happy Bday Marjorie!

      Relentless forward progress


      Former Bad Ass

        Happy Birthday Marjorie!


        Mike, I actually like those kind of runs.  Cold enough to make you dress warmer, but not too cold that you freeze your nuggets off.


        Doug, hope the knee is OK.


        Damaris, what races do you have coming up, I think you mentioned that you're doing a lot.


        Hey Pam, and Hope's Mom.


        I have NY this week, and a double tomorrow (semi local - Mid Florida).


          A double that starts tomorrow?  And then NYC on Sunday?  Good luck!

          Take Charge. Train Harder. Suck Less. No Excuses.


          Former Bad Ass

            No, NYC and then a double the week after.  I was sleepy when I wrote that.  I am sleepy still.



            Fibromyalgia Fighter

              Morning. Walk at the gym this am, laundry, and pumpkin carving on the schedule today.

              Relentless forward progress

              Singer who runs a smidge

                Happy belated birthday, Marjorie!!


                I'm getting a new (to me) work laptop today.  Our IT folks are phasing out Windows XP since they're dropping support in April.  The new one is Windows 7.  So expect me to drop off the face of the planet at 1pm ...

                When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.

                Wandering Wally

                  Morning all!


                  Van - Yeah, I like to avoid any frosting of the old twig and berries.


                  Damaris - Take care out there.  That's a lot of running coming up.


                  HopesMom - Win 7 is nicer than XP.  You'll adjust pretty quickly.


                  Marjorie - Hope you had a nice birthday.

                  Run!  Just Run!


                  Trail Runner Nation Podcast


                  Run to live; live to run

                    I agree 7 isn't so bad. Minimal changes from xp. Only took me a few moments to adjust.


                    Just had had the doc tell me my labs were perfect. Made my day. And to have normal HDL when that has been impossible for me before is freakin awesome (Inherited ratio issue). I'm stoked.   Cholesterol was always fine but couldn't get a normal HDL   Yes, I will still run even more now Smile


                    Wandering Wally

                      "Attending" a webinar.  Where's the coffee?

                      Run!  Just Run!


                      Trail Runner Nation Podcast


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Coffee is at Starbucks.  Place your order.



                        Run to live; live to run

                          Thinking on which movie we will go see tomorrow.  We don't do Trick or Treat because of the rude kids!  Haven't done it in several years.  Having kids say I don't like that candy don't you have something different? That was enough for DH and I to say no more.  We did help my dad give out candy right after my mom died but we haven't done it for over 13 years in our own home.


                          Singer who runs a smidge

                            I have my new computer.  It's a little confusing, but there's a lot less dust!!  Blush

                            When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.

                              I don't think we are handing out candy either.


                              Good Luck with the new computer HM.


                              And good lab results rock!


                              Webinars, well not so much.


                              Pumpkin carving is messbut but save the seeds!


                              And I really dislike Starbucks.  Can't stand the stuff.  Shrugs.


                              Hey peeps.

                              Take Charge. Train Harder. Suck Less. No Excuses.

                              Singer who runs a smidge

                                I have chorus rehearsal tomorrow, so no candy handing for me either.  I think DH is going to hide in the house with all the lights out.  Trick-or-treaters make Dusty go bonkers anyway!

                                When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.