Beginners and Beyond


Too much to talk about Tuesday Penguins! (Read 36 times)


    I think today will be a health club day on the weight machines.  Also, need to go to Dollar Tree to buy a Valentines Day card.  Does Dollar Tree sell roses too ??? 


    Jerry, step away from the Dollar Store roses.

    Dad on the run.

      Mitch - I work 1pm - 9pm. However I have my daughter at home with me until I leave for work. So between her, the 2 dogs, getting ready for work and cooking up something for lunch then leaving in enough time to get my daughter to my mom's plus a one hour drive to work I just have a hard time finding time to get a run in between everything else. I'm not sure what we are doing Sunday, I think we are going to try and come out.

      Chasing the sub 20 5K.


        Morning, penguins!  Tempo run went great last night, RD for me today!  If anybody is interested, I posted a link to a video of DD's team's robot doing its thing.  Their first scrimmage is this weekend.


        Jimmy- The running shoes will still be there when you're ready.  And spring is coming.


        Gustav- Glad you enjoyed the massage!  Hope you are able to get your run in today!


        Mitch- Still sending the "good race" mojo!


        Awood- Good luck with the tempo tonight!  Glad you enjoyed the robot!


        Lauren- That sounds like an excellent way to add another day in.


        D- Hope you're feeling better today!


        Margo- Hoping for tailwind instead of headwind for you!


        Kristin- Glad you had such a good run!


        Jerry- Dollar tree? Angry  Either skip the day or find something better, seriously.  You can probably get some adorable little fancy chocolates for like $5-$8 somewhere.


        Scotty- Sounds like you have a great week ahead of you!

        Singer who runs a smidge

          Hi Penguins!!  Well, I did rock my seminar yesterday, woo-hoo!!  Luckily I got there really early, because I had two movies in the talk, and neither of them worked because they weren't on the local machine.  But I was able to log into my Dropbox, where I'd stored the movies, pull them down, and re-link them for the talk.  I also couldn't get my notes to display while the slide show was going, but I remembered most of what I'd wanted to say.  My run-through was 17 minutes (for a 50-minute talk, eek!), but they asked a lot of good questions during the actual talk, so it ended up being just at 55 minutes.  Good stuff!

          Now I have to do all the work I've been ignoring for the past few days, bleh!  Brought my stuff in for a swim this afternoon, then quartet practice tonight!

          jblack -- work and weather totally messes things up!!

          Gustav -- autocorrect makes me laugh!  I texted DH the other day with the word "Ouch."  My phone changed it to "Lichen."  Really?

          hog -- I would LOVE to run about 9 in the morning!!  Too bad I have to leave the house about 7:45 for work ...

          awood -- sounds like fun tonight, good luck!!

          lauren -- sounds like a good plan for today, enjoy!!

          Docket -- hope you're feeling better today!!

          Phillie -- I know about those data deadlines!!  Unfortunately I know even more about missing them ...

          kristin -- so glad you're back out there!!

          Jerryb -- I need to get DH a card too ... probably tomorrow on the way to work!

          Scotty -- you know we're all jealous of your weather, right?  Have fun this afternoon!!

          Zelanie -- have a good RD!!

          When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.

          Bin Running

            Had to work half day on holiday.. Then go to friend's house for a card session.. (It's a tradition.. hee) Then off to mum's place for chilli crab and popian (sort of like a tortilla..)


            So, you guess it.. didn't  had time to run..


            Question: I missed almost whole of last week due to sprained ankle.. Do I jump right back into my training plan or shld I adjust everything down?

            Last week I had 8miles and abt 40mile before that.. If I jump right in, I shld clock 51miles this week.

            2015 Races

            2XU HM - 29 Mar

            Bin Running

              Jimmy, hope the spring come erly for you.

              Gustav, Good to have a warm house.. Auto correct is making it diffcult to use phone posting.

              Mitch, Can't wait to see how your comeback HM will be..

              Awood, wow! Autographed copy.. P3 know how to get a good present.

              Lauren, 5 days is good if you can make it.. Helps to spread out the load on all the joints..
              Damaris, Hope you are well enuff to run some today..

              Margo, Hope the wind behaves for you..

              Kristin, Good luck with that plan.. Personally, I like to follow plans.. Else, I always tried to make excuse.. Tongue

              Jerry, I dun know what is dollar tree but I will googles later.. It make sense to have them selling roses if they are selling card.. Maybe?

              Scotty, you shld throw a dice to decide which route to run.. Smile

              Mel, Enjoy the RD.. Post the video already..

              Hopesmom, Awesome work on the seminar.. Know you would be a rockstar there..

              2015 Races

              2XU HM - 29 Mar

              Jack K.

              uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                hi pens...

                7 miles last night. The jury is still out on the Newtons. I think they take some getting used to.  Younger DD is moving to a new pool for training today and there is as nice track there so I might do some speed work. Only three more days until our (DW and me) mini-vacation to Zion! Hiking, running, relaxing...  Nice!!

                From the Internet.

                  Oh I'm silly. I may skip the recovery mile - I totally forgot that I did a short but kind of tiring run Sunday followed by a hard workout yesterday and I had planned to run tomorrow too. Four days in a row might be a bit much for me.. if the legs feel like they need a shakeout after lifting maybe I'll give it a shot and either skip or shorten tomorrow's run, or maybe I'll hop on the stationary bike for a few minutes instead. So indecisive!


                    Bin, the link is at the end of yesterday's thread. I don't think I can get it posted here from my phone very easily.


                    Former Bad Ass

                      Asthma is like that.  And no, resting won't cure it or help it.  I was just too exhausted from the asthma to run.


                      Rach, so sorry to hear about your Dad.  Condolences, thoughts, and prayers for you and your family.


                      Posted by Lauren on Monday: Can't tell if my shin is actually cranky or if it's just getting irritated because I can't stop prodding at it

                      Yeah, I can relate, I have that problem with my....umm....never mind....darn 'old man' stuff...  Roll eyes Wink


                      Jimmy, sorry your schedule and the weather is preventing you from getting out there.  Hope Mother Nature starts cooperating for stop being a wimp and get out in the weather!  Wink  Just teasing, of course; I wouldn't go out in a storm either if there is lightning, a risk to your safety, etc.   Seriously, hope you get to run soon!


                      Enjoy your run today, Gustav!  Hope the massage helped you. I'm actually afraid to get a massage, lol. I don't think I've ever even noticed the auto-correct on here.  At home, however, I get auto-corrected by my wife quite a bit!


                      Heck, Awood, Spring is here for us already!  It will be 71 degrees today for my run after work.  Right now, though, it is 52 and raining like crazy, with some lightning,  so a bit chilly.   Good luck with your 10 and enjoy the movie!


                      Good luck with your upcoming race this weekend, Mitch!  So you are in taper mode right now? Must be fun.... Roll eyes


                      Lauren, good luck with your workout and hopefully your shin/leg will be good to you.


                      Good luck with your run today, Margo.  I'm right there with you on how you feel about the wind.   Good luck with your experiment stuff.......''s's alive!"  Big grin


                      Wow, Damaris, no running, you must've REALLY been sick!  Hope you feel better, and I wouldn't push the run today, give your body a couple of days or so to get back to 100%.  No relapses, young lady!


                      Glad you had a good run, Kristin!


                      Happy weight machines, Jerry!  You can get roses at Dollar Tree for a dollar?  Those must be some really nice roses! Wink  Yeah...let's see.. Valentine's Day is Thursday...which is also mine and Gail's 28th anniversary...and then Friday is her birthday, sheesh.  Luckily, I have already got all my ducks lined up, already got the cards and gifts...and since Gail has all this week off work ( overtime hours she has to use-or-lose) I took Thursday and Friday off of work, so we will be doing something together those two days, which is nice; rare for us to be able to get together during the work week.


                      AFM:  After this rain moves out of San Antonio later, lots of sunshine and a 71-degree day.  I plan to run about 4 miles or so...somewhere...haven't mad up my mind which of my 100-or-so available local running routes I want to use today.



                      Former Bad Ass

                        Not sure.  If you are used to the higher mileage (your base mileage being larger than 35mpw before you started Pfitz), I would say yes, jump right back in.  If not, I would repeat the missed week and if you feel good, go to the next one (jumping the one that would've been this one).


                        Had to work half day on holiday.. Then go to friend's house for a card session.. (It's a tradition.. hee) Then off to mum's place for chilli crab and popian (sort of like a tortilla..)


                        So, you guess it.. didn't  had time to run..


                        Question: I missed almost whole of last week due to sprained ankle.. Do I jump right back into my training plan or shld I adjust everything down?

                        Last week I had 8miles and abt 40mile before that.. If I jump right in, I shld clock 51miles this week.



                          Morning penguins!


                          Rach^-  if you happen to look in, my thoughts are with you.  Have a safe trip.


                          Lauren- LOL@that autocorrect.  That feature on my phone just drives me nuts.  I don't mind it giving me options, it's just that I like to make the final decision myself.


                          Docket-  hope you're feeling better soon.


                          I planned on 6 easy miles today, but woke up to a cold, snowy winterland,  and decided what the heck, day off again!


                          "We do not become the people who this world needs simply by turning our backs on anyone we don’t like, trust, or deem healthy enough to be in our presence. "  ---- Shasta Nelson

                          Tori Runs in PA

                          Pittsburgh RN!

                            Guess what penguin just got offered and accepted her first job as a nurse? MEE ME MEEE!!! :-)


                            My start date is tentatively April 7th contingent that I pass my NCLEX (state boards)!!!


                            Getting a job 2 1/2 weeks BEFORE I even graduate=best feeling EVER...I feel so blessed and lucky!!!


                            and YES, I cried when the nursing recruiter called me. It's on a medical oncology floor...which is my dream!! I have always wanted to be an oncology nurse...and my end goal is to end up in an outpatient cancer center!!


                            I am on CLOUD 9 FELLOW PENGUINS!! Off to buy 007 Skyfall since it was released on DVD today!! I love me some Daniel Craig! LOL

                            Do or do not, there is no try. 


                            My first races EVER! 

                            Saxonburg Distance Series 5KRaces: 

                            #1: 7-14-2012 Cross Country Crusade 5K: 42:50 

                            #2: 8-11-2012 Roebling's Run 5K: 38:54

                            #3: 9-8-2012 Festival of the Arts 5K: 36:37


                            From the Internet.

                              Congrats Tori!! Big grin

                              Singer who runs a smidge

                                Tori, that's awesome news!!!  Big grin

                                When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.
