Beginners and Beyond

Calm before the storm FriDAILIES (Read 33 times)




    But really, all of you are hitting paces I can only dream about.



    That 3:50 was your debut, wasn't it? That was pretty damn impressive; not too many folks around here ran their first that fast (or that evenly paced), so you ought to have some pretty substantial upside potential if you keep it up.




      This is the one; initially I took it once a week, now I do it once a month.  Which reminds me, I was supposed to take it yesterday and I don't think I did...


      Awesome. Thanks!



        That 3:50 was your debut, wasn't it? That was pretty damn impressive; not too many folks around here ran their first that fast (or that evenly paced), so you ought to have some pretty substantial upside potential if you keep it up.


        4:28 here. I thought maybe if I trained really hard, I could run sub-4 


        Super B****

          The slower your debut, the cooler it sounds when you say how much you've improved 

          chasing the impossible


          because i never shut up ... i blog



            4:28 here. I thought maybe if I trained really hard, I could run sub-4 


            Keep at it and you might still get there!


            4:16 for me. I was shooting for 4:00 at that one, and hit 13.1 right at 2:00. Then marathon happened. I don't think I really had any long term goals, other than to be able to run one without the last 6-8 miles being so excruciating.




              Keep at it and you might still get there!


              4:16 for me. I was shooting for 4:00 at that one, and hit 13.1 right at 2:00. Then marathon happened. I don't think I really had any long term goals, other than to be able to run one without the last 6-8 miles being so excruciating.


              I had been planning to aim for 4:20 but then ended up being hot on race day (Chicago) so I added 10 minutes to that time. I was so afraid of bonking and it ended up being more like an easy run than a race.


              I kinda just figured I was slow and that was that.  I didn't think I could get much faster.


                I ran 5. Kind of annoyed that there's snow before Thanksgiving.


                My debut last year was 3:37. ROS, I think you still have a lot of room for improvement! I think my coach ran around a 3:44 for her first marathon and her PR is a 3:01 something now..


                I could see myself running a sub 1:30 HM easier than a sub 20:00 5K 


                Super B****

                  All I wanted for my first marathon was to run under 3:59:18, because it would have been awesome to be able to say I finished my first marathon faster than my first half marathon.  I missed by about a minute and a half (4:00:48), saw it coming from ten miles away and couldn't do a damn thing about it.


                  Somehow it doesn't sound quite the same to say that my marathon PR is forty minutes faster than my HM PW...

                  chasing the impossible


                  because i never shut up ... i blog


                    All I wanted for my first marathon was to run under 3:59:18, because it would have been awesome to be able to say I finished my first marathon faster than my first half marathon.  I missed by about a minute and a half (4:00:48), saw it coming from ten miles away and couldn't do a damn thing about it.


                    Somehow it doesn't sound quite the same to say that my marathon PR is forty minutes faster than my HM PW...

                    No, you need to say you shaved 2:25 off your HM time


                      I ran a 3:51 13 months after I took up this ridiculous hobby. I was shooting for a 3:42 because that was president Bush's marathon time. 

                      From the Internet.

                        I took a long time getting to the marathon, was in shape for 3:40ish or better for my first with a peak of ~60 miles for about 5 weeks (I was on pace for a 3:42 26.2 during my last 23+ mile long run and had I known what was in store for me on race day I would have banged out that last 5K with a ferocity, lol). Got sick a couple days out from my race and staggered to the finish in 3:48. Certainly would have been over 4 hours if I'd decided to run one a couple years earlier!


                          I had been running for about a year and a half when I ran my first.  Pretty much no speedwork but I think I averaged like 40mpw for marathon training


                          Former Bad Ass


                            +1. Don't get sick or have major dental problems this time, & the sky's the limit.


                            This. I feel so much better since last week’s root canal fix. Apparently, tooth infections are bad so I

                            imagine you would have run even better without that shit!



                            Super B****

                              Because I can’t run until Monday, and I’m going into withdrawal, I’m going diving on Sunday.  Locally.  I may die.

                              chasing the impossible


                              because i never shut up ... i blog



                                Yeah, c'mon Cyber, get your shit together!! Wink In all seriousness though, the sky really is the limit. Sub-2:55 = wow.


                                But really, all of you are hitting paces I can only dream about.


                                Re: running with RP's, as long as there are no pace miles in the LR, I find it helps. But I have some local ladies who always run long Saturdays and Sundays but finding someone who meshes well is really hard. Like maybe a few of the ladies would run my same pace, but they don't have to run x miles at HMP or MP, or a combo of. If you can find someone with a) the same paces as you, and b) the same training plan as you, I'd say you'd hit the ultimate RP jackpot.


                                Yeah, well those are hard to come by. The guy I might be running with tomorrow is the same strength as me. My 10K time is better than his, but his HM time is better than mine. And we get along great! But he trains differently. Less mileage. Can't go on true LRs with him. He wants to up his mileage this winter to improve his marathon time, though. I'm all for it.

                                I will probably run again with the girl RP at times, but I think her pretty face makes me over evaluate how much I really like running with her.


                                About 2:55, don't get excited, guys. It's easy to throw numbers like that at others on a forum, but it's a shit load of work to get there. And as you all know, on that one single day, temps might be horrible, you might not execute well, you might get cramps, and you get nothing to show for all those hard months of training. I ran a great marathon, yep, almost too good to be true, actually. I was probably as lucky as well trained. I still have very little experience (4 marathons) and shit might hit the fan in my next one.  Marathons are unforgiving.


                                I was kind of getting my mind wrapped around a sub-1:25 half. That would be awesome, and awesome is cool!