Beginners and Beyond

Banditing Boston and no one knows who they are yet (Read 124 times)


    JFC the sanctimonious BS that is spewed in here is unbelievable. Losing their jobs over this?


    Thanks for checking in

      JFC the sanctimonious BS that is spewed in here is unbelievable. Losing their jobs over this?


      You're right, stealing and lying are perfectly acceptable, carry on.


      My running blog

      Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


        the bigger travestshamockery here is that the 4square founder, D. Crowley, a 37 y.o. male, finished Boston in 5:27:00.


        Way to take Boston seriously.

        Hip Redux


          You're right, stealing and lying are perfectly acceptable, carry on.


          They're not acceptable, but the punishment has to fit the crime.   We're talking petty theft here, a misdemeanor, maybe?   Should everyone who commits a misdemeanor be subject to this level of criticism?  Or is it just because they ran Boston?   My bother got caught lifting candy from the 7-11 when he was 16, should he have been thrown in the clink?  lol


          Ban them from future races, sure.  That's perfectly suitable for their dumbassery.   But that's kinda where it should stop.


          My God, did I just agree with Fsocks?  



            My God, did I just agree with Fsocks?  


            No, he agrees with you. 


            I cannot get mad at any of it, there is nothing there that moves my needle.  Now the one who dressed as a bombing victim however, that was in extremely poor taste.




              You're right, stealing and lying are perfectly acceptable, carry on.


              Yeah, and everyone who breaks any law (legal or ethical) should be fired.  What a wonderful world we'd have.

              You people have issues 



                Yeah, and everyone who breaks any law (legal or ethical) should be fired.  What a wonderful world we'd have.


                I prefer to think of how wonderful the world would be if people acted ethically and expected the same of others, instead thinking that things like stealing and lying should be overlooked.


                Don't worry, I'm not losing any sleep over this, but I can hope that society in general might stop thinking that it's ok.  Yeah, I'm a dreamer.


                My running blog

                Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!



                  They're not acceptable, but the punishment has to fit the crime.   We're talking petty theft here, a misdemeanor, maybe?   Should everyone who commits a misdemeanor be subject to this level of criticism?  Or is it just because they ran Boston?   My bother got caught lifting candy from the 7-11 when he was 16, should he have been thrown in the clink?  lol


                  Ban them from future races, sure.  That's perfectly suitable for their dumbassery.   But that's kinda where it should stop.


                  My God, did I just agree with Fsocks?  


                  Petty theft only if it was a qualifying entry. $350 for invitation to $4000 for charity would be a higher level, maybe felony for a charity. I think the 4 Square guy could at least donate at least $4k to the charity of the runner who's bib they copied.


                  Squidward Bike Rider

                    I know if it were me that had looked for my race photos only to find someone else that had copied my bib number, I'd feel pretty pissed off and almost violated. Like someone was deliberately impersonating me.


                    But...I'd rather just see them own up to it, and apologize than to have their lives ruined. And also some sort of restitution to the BAA.


                      As I said before, I'm not outraged at the bandits, I'm simply annoyed at what they did. It's Boston, for heaven's sake. Something serious happened there last year and the BAA asked that there be no banditing this year. Can't people ever have any respect for some things anymore? We're not talking about the actions of a bunch of 15 year olds, here. Those people look like they were about 25 years old. At that age, you can drive, vote, have kids and go to war. So you are responsible for what you do. If you do something stupid and illegal, even if it's something most of us consider a very small crime, you must expect that someone will pick it up and spread it on the internet. These idiots grew up in the age of Facebook and such, they know very well how it works out there. And if they didn't, well now they do. They learned a lesson. I'm certainly not going to display some fauxrage at the people who are upset at the bandits, because THAT is even more ridiculous. Anyway, in two weeks, the story will be forgotten and we will all be talking about some other idiotic social media scandal. So those of you worried about those 'poor' kids not getting a future potential job can relax, it won't happen.

                      PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                              Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                      18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                        FWIW - Current race director Dave McGillivray bandited his first Boston Marathon.


                        Sourced from ESPN.


                        Dave McGillivray is the [Boston Marathon] race's director — responsible for all the details of the oldest and most prestigious marathon in the world. And for the past 41 years, he has also run all 26.2 miles of the course. For the past 27 years, he's done so after his work duties are done - year after year, he heads out to Hopkinton after tens of thousands of runners have crossed the finish. He completes his 26.2-mile trek as the sun sets, after the spectators have gone home and the volunteers have cleared the water stations.


                        On a whim, he decided to run his first Boston Marathon as an unofficial "bandit" at 17, in 1972. McGillivray alerted his grandfather, Fred Eaton, a World War I veteran who lived in public housing in Brighton, Mass., near the marathon course. Eaton promised to greet him as he ran through the Coolidge Corner intersection in Brookline, Mass.

                         Youth Has No Age. ~ Picasso / 1st road race: Charleston Distance Run 15 Miler - 1974 / profile




                          No more marathons

                            I agree that on the grand scale this is so not an issue.

                            BUT - those asswipes essentially poked their collective fingers in my chest during the marathon and said


                            "Ha Ha.  We're special and you're not.  We laugh in the face of you who actually earned your way here."


                            Pretty hard not to take that personal.

                            Boston 2014 - a 33 year journey

                            Lordy,  I hope there are tapes. 

                            He's a leaker!


                            Former Bad Ass



                              I kind of hope they do.  Actions can have consequences, and imo, this speaks to these people's integrity and character (or lack of).  They forged a bib and stole a medal, plain and simple.  Why is it ok these days to basically not be a good person, just because the offense is minor?


                              Agreed.  I don't care if it's a big deal or not but why should I care if people lose their job for something stupid they did.  You're out there in public, you have to take the consequences.


                              Slymoon Runs

                              race obsessed



                                I concur w Oski, LRB, Flop and Lily...


                                JFC indeed