Beginners and Beyond

ThursDAILIES! (Read 45 times)




    I am going to try to get 30 minutes or so on that stupid elliptical thingy that's sitting over there in the corner silently mocking me. When I'm done I might pee on it.


      Tempo work today. It'll probably be 4 x (1 mile T w/ 1 minute Easy)



        Good morning!


        I ran a few on a beautiful morning.  Clear, frosty, and right at freezing.  That's still shorts weather.


        LRB, I'd just sweat on it extra heavy.  But, it's your house.


        I hope everyone has a great day!

        Runner with a riding problem.

        From the Internet.

          LRB, LOL - that's one way to assert your dominance I suppose!


          Mid-long with hill repeats in the dark and fog for me. Right at 50 degrees, decidedly shorts and t-shirt weather! It was nice, if a touch slow - still working out some post-race kinks, today it was the calves' turn to complain. Nothing major, just a little tight.


          Former Bad Ass

            Morning.  My cold moved to my chest (well, the sinuses are still fucked up).  It's not a super bad one but I can tell I have not slept much in days.  Meh.  Day 4 of the cold.



            delicate flower

              'Morning, folks.  My legs are feeling pretty tired and sore from the last two days of running.  I've got 5 easy miles to do later today.  Windy as hell out there.



                Good morning!!


                8 miles this morning, ok, I'm lying, it was 7.88, I wasn't paying attention and by the time I realized it, it was too late. lol  Still a good run. Smile


                Happy Friday Eve!!


                My running blog

                Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                Are we there, yet?

                  For those of you who still visit the RW forums, beware there was a software upgrade last night. The new format is not to my liking and quite a few others have also expressed disapproval. It's particularly poor design for anyone who accesses them on a PC.

                   2024 Races:

                        03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                        05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                        06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.




                  Half Crazy K 2.0

                    For those of you who still visit the RW forums, beware there was a software upgrade last night. The new format is not to my liking and quite a few others have also expressed disapproval. It's particularly poor design for anyone who accesses them on a PC.

                    It looks pretty lousy on a phone too.


                      For those of you who still visit the RW forums, beware there was a software upgrade last night. The new format is not to my liking and quite a few others have also expressed disapproval. It's particularly poor design for anyone who accesses them on a PC.


                      It's horrible.  Like I posted over there, it's almost like they go out of their way to find the worst format/software they can.


                      My running blog

                      Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                      delicate flower


                        It's horrible.  Like I posted over there, it's almost like they go out of their way to find the worst format/software they can.


                        It really is a pretty lousy format.  Then again, creating a positive user experience has never really been high on their priority list.  Being able to push out more advertising content is Job 1.



                        Former Bad Ass

                          For those of you who still visit the RW forums, beware there was a software upgrade last night. The new format is not to my liking and quite a few others have also expressed disapproval. It's particularly poor design for anyone who accesses them on a PC.


                          I am shocked, shocked I'm telling you.


                          The mobile version of the prior software sucks imagine now if I cannot see it on a Mac or PC as well.  Grrr.  Off to check it out.


                          From the Internet.

                            For those of you who still visit the RW forums, beware there was a software upgrade last night. The new format is not to my liking and quite a few others have also expressed disapproval. It's particularly poor design for anyone who accesses them on a PC.


                            Oh good lord that's horrible. WTF Runner's World?


                              I'll see it Sunday when I post a zero in the miles game for the fourth consecutive week FFS.


                              They made it pretty clear right before the Exodus of 2012 that the forums were not a priority. I forget the guys name who posted it but he stated emphatically that the "upgrades" and website software were done with the writers in mind, not the forum users. Apparently, that is still the case.


                                 It's particularly poor design for anyone who accesses them.


                                Looks like we'll have to finish out 2015 without the smilies in the results.   I actually ran an extra 0.1 Sunday just to avoid the possibility of having a sad smiley by my name.