Beginners and Beyond

ThursDAILIES! (Read 45 times)

From the Internet.


    Looks like we'll have to finish out 2015 without the smilies in the results.   I actually ran an extra 0.1 Sunday just to avoid the possibility of having a sad smiley by my name.


    I'm actually okay with this, lol. Right now I'd have to run ~75 mpw to hit my goal so the only time I won't have a sad smiley is if I run several beer weeks in a row.



      I'm actually okay with this, lol. Right now I'd have to run ~75 mpw to hit my goal so the only time I won't have a sad smiley is if I run several beer weeks in a row.


      Well aren't you still in the playoffs? 

      From the Internet.


        Well aren't you still in the playoffs? 


        That's a fair point, but I also ran a big week last week and my last beer week was in June. I can be consistent, but maybe not consistently-beer-week material (or can I? Only time will tell!)


        delicate flower


          Looks like we'll have to finish out 2015 without the smilies in the results.   I actually ran an extra 0.1 Sunday just to avoid the possibility of having a sad smiley by my name.


          That sad smiley pisses me off sometimes.  Last week I ran fewer miles so I'd be fresh for my 5K, then I have a fantastic race and get a frown for the week.  Stupid running.




            That sad smiley pisses me off sometimes.  Last week I ran fewer miles so I'd be fresh for my 5K, then I have a fantastic race and get a frown for the week.  Stupid miles game.


            The miles game isn't about running faster or training smart. It's about running more miles. Which is what a lot of people seem to get caught up in...


              It looks pretty lousy on a phone too.


              I'm excited that I get to like posts on my phone. Somehow they think this is more important than quoting, reporting, etc as those are among 5 options on a tiny drop down option. We have no clue who started any thread until we open it up. Once we do open them all names are to the side with no avi pictures so hard to follow who said what.


              Those complaints are for the iphone version. I think it's okay on my desk top.



                I am shocked, shocked I'm telling you.


                +1. Really.


                48, rain & wind. But really not too bad, just wet. 11 miles with 4x1.5 mi. Pretty happy with the results: 7:35, 7:24, 7:21, 7:20.



                  We have no clue who started any thread until we open it up. 


                  I always thought that was completely stupid, especially given the volume of posters over there. It would be one of the most important criteria in selecting a forum platform if I were doing the decision making.


                  Former Bad Ass

                    They sure go out of their way to make it not want to post there.


                    88/74 here. What the fuck?  What's the high, 103/90?


                    From the Internet.


                      +1. Really.


                      48, rain & wind. But really not too bad, just wet. 11 miles with 4x1.5 mi. Pretty happy with the results: 7:35, 7:24, 7:21, 7:20.


                      That's a nice workout!



                        The miles game isn't about running faster or training smart. It's about running more miles. Which is what a lot of people seem to get caught up in...


                        Other than what I did All Star Week (which was a career high, but not too insane), being in the game had precisely zero effect on what I ran. But I'm sure you're right about a lot of people, especially in the playoffs, when people go nutso. I think the whole hiding your log thing is crazy. But obviously a lot of people disagree.



                          I've never run a single mile more than what I was already going to run. I accepted the all star challenge as a way to experiment for a race, which was  extremely successful. Post marathon last fall I wasn't running jack and I didn't. lol


                          My season has peaks and valleys based on my race schedule and I explain that to the team the first week. Barring injury though I usually hit my pledged goal, which is conservative anyway because I break easily and can't take anything for granted.


                          delicate flower


                            Other than what I did All Star Week (which was a career high, but not too insane), being in the game had precisely zero effect on what I ran. But I'm sure you're right about a lot of people, especially in the playoffs, when people go nutso. I think the whole hiding your log thing is crazy. But obviously a lot of people disagree.


                            I got caught up in the playoffs one year and went nuts.  It took me a couple of months to recover from the pounding, not to mention it injured my hip.  I decided I would not allow that to happen again.  I run what I run, and I hope that one of the side effects is it helps my team.  I did throw some extra miles in here and there during some of the more important weeks, but always kept it in check.  I enjoy the team interaction more than the actual game.



                              Day 2 with 3 sick kids and no run.  One of them is no big deal, but all 3 and it's like a hurricane of dirty laundry and empty medicine droppers.  Other than leaving for work, I can't bring myself to tell my wife:  Hey, I know the kids are puking and spewing germs all over the place, but I'm going to go out and run a few.  Have fun! Smile


                              5k - 20:51 - 9/5/15

                              10k - 47:00 - 5/25/15

                              15k - 1:10:19 - 11/21/15

                              13.1 - 1:42:25- 4/25/15

                              26.2 - TBD (someday)


                                I also never look at the results to see what kind of face I got, or any of the other stats/awards. Although for a while I would check to see if I was in the Top 20.  But certainly if I ever had interest in that kind of detail, having to get on RWOL discouraged it. Even before the latest change. I am sure I would not do the game again if it was back on RWOL. I suppose I can suffer through 4 (or 5?) more postings so Damaris doesn't get mad at me. I guess I will find out on Sunday how awful the new site is.
