Beginners and Beyond

2020 Dailies #6 (Read 34 times)



    Just me.  No visible damage other than a barely noticeable scrape on my knee.  No damage to my clothes, thankfully.  I was wearing a pair of my $120 thermal 2XU tights.  And yes, I paused my Garmin immediately.


    Glad your clothes weren't wrecked. I've had that happen a couple times and that's the worst. It's almost made me more mad about tripping and falling. Sorry you're sore, though. Maybe a preemptive epsom salt bath and motrin tonight?


    Former Bad Ass

      Obviously this is me:





        Jetta and I ran 5.

        *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


        5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

        10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

        15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

        13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

         26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


          This is me.




            And I'm over here trying not to do this:

            Image result for chemistry   gif


            UM 45 Ohio 23


              So do we! It’s a shared risk pool either way. The difference is our total outlay is higher, because not only are we paying for the actual medical care, but also to support the multi-billion dollar private insurance industry, which doesn’t even exist in your system. Not to mention the army of medical billing specialists which have to be employed by every doctor’s office and hospital here.


              Somewhere in the bowels of the Canadian government, I imagine there are a whole bunch of people doing things very similar in scope as the private industry in the U.S.  And, even with a single payor system, I would guess that doctors offices and hospitals in Canada employ a fair number of people to properly file claims, just like here. A single payor system might eliminate the issue of who you send the bill to, but that's about it.

              Half Crazy K 2.0



                  Somewhere in the bowels of the Canadian government, I imagine there are a whole bunch of people doing things very similar in scope as the private industry in the U.S.  And, even with a single payor system, I would guess that doctors offices and hospitals in Canada employ a fair number of people to properly file claims, just like here. A single payor system might eliminate the issue of who you send the bill to, but that's about it.


                  That makes sense in principle, but in the end, total per capita health care spending in the US is roughly double that in other countries.



                    My favorite so far!



                    Obviously this is me:




                      How did we not know this?  Or did we and I just missed something?


                      Anyway, if you don't have a shower at work, these are nice to keep in a drawer along with a change of clothes for emergencies.  They actually work pretty good:


                      And Neutrogena has now introduced individually wrapped face wipes that won't take up any space in your backpack or weigh you down, but each cloth is a little bigger than their normal package.


                      Ooh, these are great, too. Thanks! Adding these. Smile


                      UM 45 Ohio 23


                        That makes sense in principle, but in the end, total per capita health care spending in the US is roughly double that in other countries.


                        That's true and it's hard to say it's resulted in better health care.


                        I believe, and I don't have data handy, that the U.S. spends a lot more, per capita, on things like prolonging end-of-life and cutting edge treatments for cancer and other diseases.  Also, most of the rest of the world is free-loading on U.S. drug development by controlling prices. The U.S. could implement similar price controls but it would come at the expense of development.  Nobody is going to invest a lot of money (millions, even billions) developing drugs over very long time frames when most will never make it to market.


                          Then you get certified! Like I said, I didn't even know certification existed -- I did a DSD twice before the divemaster told me that if I was going to keep doing it, I ought to just get certified. I'm not sure if I would have gone that route initially had I known it was an option, even though I was sure I'd like it.


                          Thanks for the clarification. I don't see not liking it happening. The path has been laid and I'm on it. The only question most likely will be how deep will I delve into it. 💫


                            I ran 4 after work. Then almost got hit in the parking lot by the top dog at my company. 


                            My gluteus minimus (little ass) was inexplicably sore. Odd because I haven't done any glute work or butt cheek intervals recently. I guess maybe I used my tail effectively during yesterday's run. That's a first!



                              You're within 2 weeks--is it officially taper time? I think you said new coach is having you do a longer taper? (or more extreme taper?)


                              I guess taper officially starts on Thursday as my coach wanted a 10 day taper but after my 90 mile week it sorta feels like it already started. Minus the crazy workout on Saturday (the goal last week was more intensity but lower volume whereas the previous week was all about hitting the volume target).  It will be more tapery than I am used to with some extra rest days.



                                I guess taper officially starts on Thursday as my coach wanted a 10 day taper but after my 90 mile week it sorta feels like it already started. Minus the crazy workout on Saturday (the goal last week was more intensity but lower volume whereas the previous week was all about hitting the volume target).  It will be more tapery than I am used to with some extra rest days.


                                Shit’s getting real.
