Beginners and Beyond


2015in2015 Team Assignments (Read 71 times)


delicate flower


    You cannot plan your racing schedule around the game. If it happens, it happens.


    True only for me.  I expect the rest of my team to plan around the game.




      You cannot plan your racing schedule around the game. If it happens, it happens.


      True dat. I let them know day one I would have a few low mileage weeks over the course of the year and didn't think about it again.


      That's not something people need to worry about...or at least I didn't.


        I think our team was all in race recovery mode when the playoffs started.


          I think our team was all in race recovery mode when the playoffs started.


          Either that or in taper.


            Thanks, everyone. On my way out the door now, but please contact those who you know. There are still 5 missing. Thanks for the 'info' on some.



            "It's not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves."

            ~ Sir Edmund Hillary


              Thanks, Damaris and others for your help. Waiting on contact with a few still, especially newbie Neel Skelton and asummersett.


              I totally agree with posting on time. If you're not prepared to commit, then don't play the game. I guess for those who choose not to communicate much with the group it's about the motivation of regularly posting the miles. For me it's more about meeting people, playing the game and getting into the competitive aspect. I don't need motivation to log my miles, I do it anyway. Posting on RW is just the last step in the process.


              Good luck with the game this year, everyone! Watch out for Team 2 (which may end up being our actual name, lol!). 



              "It's not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves."

              ~ Sir Edmund Hillary


              Former Bad Ass

                asummersett has been in the game for years.  She will find her way home!



                  Update for Team 2: we are progressing nicely now, thanks for your help. We have all but 2 on our f/b group page. MercuryRising has touched base but apparently doesn't do f/b. Just waiting for asummersett now, and it sounds like she'll be with us soon.


                  Watch out for us... name to be announced shortly!



                  "It's not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves."

                  ~ Sir Edmund Hillary
