Beginners and Beyond


Whoop Whoop Wednesday Penguins! (Read 32 times)


Barking Mad To Run

    Race pic where I look very scared, ha Smile


    Lauren, you look great!  I'd chase you any day!  Big grin


    Happy mini-taper, PAD!

    "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


      Bin, congratulations again. Don't worry about running, spend time with new baby.


      Jimmy, those hills will be okay to start with, you can increase the time/distance later.


      Gustav, nice intervals!


      Kristin, get some rest and take meds to get well before race. I had a bunch of life stuff happen before my best half. I only run like 5 miles the week of my race, it turned out to be the best ever. Can you get a steroid shot to help dry the crud up?


      I just finished 5 miles with some fartleks, couldn't believe it, but I hit a 5:35 for a nanosecond or two. I'm sort of racing a 15k this weekend, I really just hope to beat my pitiful time from 2011. Maybe 8:55 for overall pace? I'll check back in later tonight.

      Singer who runs a smidge

        Morning, Penguins!  I'm feeling a bit off today -- probably allergies, possibly combined with yesterday's flu shot.  I'm way tired as well, so I may find a little time today for a little power nap.  I've got samples to run and a couple of online classes to attend, but nothing ridiculous other than that.  And because we had quartet last night, I get to go home tonight, hang with DH, and get to bed early!

        jblack -- happy early birthday!!  You're such a young'un ...

        kristin -- I don't know much about tapers, but I'd suggest resting.  The hay is in the barn, as the saying goes.

        Phillie -- bosses have to have meetings to make sure they know what's going on, to report to their bosses!  

        awood -- have a good short run!!

        Bin -- many congrats on your new daughter, she's beautiful!!!

        Gustav -- wow, awesome pace!!

        D2 -- It was only sprinkling here, I suspect it'll move our way by this afternoon ...

        scotty -- your running is going so well lately, woo-hoo!!

        Jerryb -- have a good run tonight!!

        Docket -- have a good 4 with hubby!!

        PAD -- enjoy your mini-taper!!

        Lauren -- you probably won't have a bad transition, just take it slow and enjoy it!!

        hog -- can't wait to see how your race goes!!

        When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.

          Good Morning!


          Bin-Congrats on baby girl!!!


          Today I plan to do 2-3 miles, unfortunately on the treadmill, since I'm positive I will run out of daylight.


            Morning!  Yesterday I ran my 6 on the track before I had to pick up DD.  There was a soccer game going on so at least there was something to watch.  Today I've got a dentist appointment in the morning, then I head in to work for a bit, then I have to work on writing a grant this afternoon.  But after work I get to run 4.  I might also walk with DH if the timing works out.


            Jimmy- Good luck on the hill sprints!


            kristin- Rest up!


            Margo- I know the feeling!  Sometimes I feel like my meetings have meetings!  Glad your running is going well.


            Awood- Glad the tempo went well for you.


            Bin- Congrats!  Maybe have them look at your cough while you are there. Wink  I don't think anybody gets to stay 3 days over here anymore with an uncomplicated delivery.


            Gustav- Yay for 200s!  I really do think they're a lot of fun.


            D2- A little rain is enough to scare the runners off out there?  Bah!  Out here I'm only by myself only on the nastiest days.  Even then there's usually one or two people to commiserate with.




            Jerry- Make sure to wave to D as she goes by!


            D- Have a good run!


            PAD- Enjoy the mini-taper?  Does that come with mini-taper madness?


            Lauren- I hope you love the new shoes!


            Mitch- Sounds like a reasonable plan, especially with so many races coming up.


            HsM- Enjoy your easy day!


            kjtd- Enjoy the miles!  I'm trying to get outside even when it's dark myself this year.  We'll see if the resolve holds.

            Bin Running

              Thanks, Colony. Will take few days off and hope to kick off the cough. Treating it as a cutback week.

              2015 Races

              2XU HM - 29 Mar

              Bin Running

                Scotty, binette would be nice but my wife wont agree. The next best name I can come up with is Natalie. Smile

                2015 Races

                2XU HM - 29 Mar

                Jack K.

                uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                  Hi Pens...


                  JBJ: Nice miles. I'm glad you are feeling good. 6 hill repeats should be plenty, just make sure you have a decent hill. Slowly jog or walk down for your recovery. If you run them hard going up, you will get a good workout.

                  Kristin: I wouldn't go anything too hard, maybe just a few very easy miles. If you are not up to that, then rest.

                  PF: Dang, too bad about work. On the bright side, getting your runs in will definitely feel good.

                  Awood: Let's see the splits!

                  Bin: Congrats again to you and mummy, and of course bib brother. When you have had enough of being locked up in hospital, a run will feel good!

                  Gus: Nice work on the intervals!

                  D2: Are you training for the 50k or just using it as a "training run" for your marathon? Wink The Pfitz plan is going well for me.

                  Scotty: Nice run yesterday and even better, you had plenty of legs to see!

                  Jerry: Do you know what you are doing at the marathon?

                  Docket: When are you leaving for Chicago?

                  PAD: Good stuff. You have been running well and I know you are going to PR on Saturday.

                  Lauren: Jessh, be careful with the weights!

                  Hog: "Only" a nanosecond? Come on, it must have been at least four or five!  Good luck in your 15k, even if you only "sort of" race it.

                  HsM: Flu shot = bleh!

                  Zel: 6 miles on a track... is that worse than a treadmill? At least you had a soccer game to watch.


                  As for me, this morning we had our first downpour. It rained very hard for all of twenty minutes!  Later today I plan on running 8 miles with 5x800 @ 7:00. I think I will warm up for three miles, do the intervals with a 2:30 recovery after each, check the Garmin, and cool down with whatever is left of the eight.


                  Have a good day.

                  Dad on the run.

                    What kind of incline should I look for in a hill? This is the hill my wife and I use to walk before we started running. Its about .31 miles long and has an elevation of 149 feet.


                    Chasing the sub 20 5K.

                    Dad on the run.

                      One other thing. I have been thinking about just doing the half in Feb but sticking to the FM training plan? I figured this way I could actually run the half an shoot for a sub 2 hour goal. Thoughts?

                      Chasing the sub 20 5K.


                        Jack, I guess you could say I'm training for it, I've been maintaining good mileage (last month was a monthly PR for me at 260 miles), and my 20 miler on Saturday went really well.  The 50k course is two loops, so I'm going to take it easy on the first loop and then see how I feel and adjust for the second loop.  No pace or time goal, just going to run it by effort and see what I end up with.  Most of the race (about 24 miles of it) is flat hard pack trail, so keeping a decent pace there won't be a problem.  I'm going to explore the side trails prior to the race to see what they're like (luckily it's a local race on public trails), I've heard there's some roots and rocks, so it'll be good to get a feel for what kind of pace I can maintain on that terrain.  Glad to hear Pfitz is working out for you, I still plan to start mine next month, but I might add some mileage to it.


                        Jimmy, I'm no help on the hills, nothing but flatness here.  There's a new bridge here that's pretty steep that people use for hillwork. lol


                        My running blog

                        Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                        Former Bad Ass

                          Jack, Friday night.


                          Bin, I like natalie.


                          Jimmy, I cannot see the picture but I am on the iPhone.



                            Hello penguinsCool

                            just completed my first run after 5 days off due to chest cold and rt. shin splint. It was only 3.3 (slowwww but Tough) miles.I didn't cough but my lungs hurt bad. Must be the super dry air.


                            Bin, your daughter is precious Blush





                              Jimmy, that hill is 9% grade. I'd say that's a good hill for sure.


                              disclaimer: I suck at math and downloading pics to message forums.





                              Fear is a Liar

                                Jblack - the way I look at hills is if you can't see over the top it's good enough. Remember that 15 seconds may not even cover 100 yards. That being  said I think that hill will serve you well. I also think you would be better off  running the half, but I would do a half marathon based plan. You can still run a lot of miles but personally  I don't see the need to beat yourself up with 20 milers if you are doing a half. Overall training volume is more important the the length of any single run on a weekly basis.

                                I'm so vegetarian I don't even eat animal crackers!
