Beginners and Beyond


Absent-minded things you've done while running (Read 111 times)


Super B****

    I was running on my regular path in the spring, and many of the trees & shrubbery were getting overgrown across the path at about head level. I kept ducking under them, which was getting kind of annoying. I thought why not run through them, it's just a bunch of leaves. My running-addled brain ignored the somewhat advanced botanical concept that leaves are generally attached to a branch. And my head slammed right into a rather substantial one.  Did not quite knock me down, but sent me staggering a bit. Decided that ducking is not so bad after all.


    I've done this.  More than once.  Along with the inverse... trees generally have roots.  Neglecting to take note of said roots tends to result in a faceplant.

    chasing the impossible


    because i never shut up ... i blog

    Gator eye

      I was running down the road one early morning after a storm and found a large tree branch hanging in the road just about head high. I decided to be a good guy and shove it off the road before a car came along and hit it. I grabbed the branch and started pushing it to the shoulder of the road but the branch wouldn't move and just spring loaded. Just about the time I decided I wasn't going to be able to remove it without a saw it slipped out of my hands and sprung back and hit me between the eyes.

      I saw lots of stars that morning. I ended up with two black eyes and a big scab on my forehead.


        This is not exactly while running, but certainly related.


        A couple of times while driving home, I've absent-mindedly used my running route (zig-zagging through residential streets) instead of the more direct route on the busy thoroughfare.  Once DH was with me, and asked "why are you turning here?".  I was too embarrassed to tell him that I thought I was running, so I made up some story about wanting to show him new landscaping on the street.


        That is pretty funny.



        The c word is repulsive

          My dog managed to fall down a bank running the other day. He was watching a car go past so didn't see it! Pleb!

          Hip Redux

            Scottydawg, paging Scottydawg.  Please answer the white courtesy phone. Clown


            Gather 'round kids, Uncle Scotty's got some stories to tell!



              I thought they were close to the edge of the sidewalk?



              and they are bright too!  But when you are in the zone......



              Runners run



                and they are bright too!  But when you are in the zone......


                what?  Who's dumb idea was it to put to hydrant in the middle of the sidewalk?

                Thats just stupid.



                  and they are bright too!  But when you are in the zone......



                  That is just an accident waiting to happen. And probably not usually waiting too long. If you do run into it, you can at least be thankful you are not on a bike.

