Beginners and Beyond


DAILIES for Wednesday (Read 45 times)



    Anyone and everyone can post your runs, cross-training, abdominal work, rest days, race plans, training questions, etc.. The only stupid question is the one you did not post. There’s a great mix of beginners and veterans, runners and walkers, and maniacs and returners, from injury  to running. We're all a little crazy here, too! While this thread is a terrific source of motivation for runners and serves as outstanding accountability, you’ll quickly find this remarkable group to be highly supportive of all life experiences. So, come on in, put your feet up, and stay a while (not literally)! And whoever is up first is welcome to start the thread and we definitely keep some weird hours.


      Mornin' Peepages! (yep, I stole it)


      9 miles this morning. Clear skies, lots of stars, cool weather.


      Have a great day everyone!


      Former Bad Ass

        Morning!  I have an SRD today.


        Dinner with Marjorie, though.  So, yay.



        delicate flower

          WEDNESDAY hahahahahaha!!!  Whatcha got there, Sparky!  I've got a few things to address in this here dailies...


          My treadmill run last night went well.  4+ miles in 45 minutes.  Cruising speed was around 9:30/mile.  My knee is feeling great, and my running legs feel a little better each run.  I still need to proceed with caution and stick to the plan.  I really wasn't sure what to expect when I started back up again, and it's going about as well as I could have hoped.


          After the TM session, I hopped on the rail trail just to see how the knee would feel running on pavement.  I did about a half mile of jog/walk.  My knee felt "tight" more than anything.  It's hard to explain.  It didn't hurt at all, but it certainly feels different.  I was very tentative and didn't trust my knee.  I could not get myself to just jog normally, and it wasn't a physical thing.  What a headcase.


          So during my injury timeout, I picked up a few pairs of actual running shorts, as opposed to the gym shorts I've been using all along.  I bought two pairs of 2XU and some Pearl Izumis.  At first it felt like I was wearing mini boxers.  "Where's the rest of the shorts!?"  But then when I got going, I was all like "Ohhhhh, that's why runners like these things."  Big grin  Sooo light and breathable.  I can't wait to take those things outdoors.  They do show off my wiry chicken legs a little more, but I guess you take the bad with the good.


          ALRIGHTY THEN.  This dailies entry was way too long.



          Wickedly Average

            Morning, Flarunner, D, & Baboon!  Morning dailies!


            Heading out in a bit for about 5 or 6 miles while it's cool out. It looks like summer is finally knocking on the door today, but it's around 60 right now so I want to take advantage of that.


            I might head over to the local running store this afternoon and see if I can't get fitted for a pair of shoes of some sort to add to my collection. Smile

            Tom (formerly known as PhotogTom)

            5K - 25:16, 10K - 55:31,  15K - 1:20:55,   HM - 1:54:54


              Mornin' folks.


              flarunner- Hey, I've got 9 miles on the schedule for today as well ... though mine will be at the end of the day rather than before it starts like yours.


              Docket_Rocket- Enjoy your SRD and how'd that trial go yesterday? It didn't interfere with your run & weights did it? Enjoy dinner tonight with Marjorie.


              Baboon- Don't think ... just do. I'm glad to hear your TM run was feeling good and I completely understand the trepidation with the trail afterwards. (I liken it to the first runs on snow/ice for winter - that overly cautious waiting for the world to crash around you feeling) Just take it easy and keep on your schedule ... it's worked great thus far!


              RunTomRun- Enjoy that 5-6 miles today and your trip to the LRS...a man can never have too many pairs of shoes.


              Well yesterday's run was a bit different than I had planned. I ended up dropping off the car for service (had them check/fix A/C as well) over lunch and went back to work instead of running. I decided to just run the 6 miles from the office to the dealer to pick up the car but chose to do it just before 5pm when the temperature was 87 degrees-sunny & no wind. I generally don't do great in the heat and last night had that heat funk feeling afterwards for quite a bit. Oh well, I'll never learn.


              I have 9 miles on the schedule for today but won't be able to do them until late afternoon/early evening so temperatures should be good. Looks like I may have to start pulling a flarunner and do the starry sky morning runs again for summer.

              Train smart ... race smarter.


                Good Morning, Friends!!


                Flarunner – Thanks for getting us started this morning!   9 miles already?  That’s Pinktacular!!   Was that your long run for this week?


                Damaris – Enjoy dinner with Marjorie tonight!!


                Phil – Good Morning, Amigo!!   Sounds like a great run on the TM yesterday!   Good for you!!   Your knee has been injured for long enough that it’s very reasonable that your brain wouldn’t trust it yet.   Over time, your knee will prove your brain wrong and then you’ll be able to run “normally” outside again.


                Tom – Nice surprise to see you so early in the morning!!   Hope you enjoy your miles this morning!!


                Bruce – Way to get your run in during the heat of the day yesterday!   I never do well when it’s hot outside….   Have a Pinktabulous run later!!


                I made it into the office today!!  Woo Hoo!!  And, today's the day that I'm having lunch with my nephew!!  I can't wait to see him!!   Oh, and my doctor's office called to reschedule my appointment at the end of the month.   They moved it up 2 days so now maybe I'll be getting my cast off on the 29th instead of the 31st!!   Fingers crossed!!


                Happy Wednesday!!!   And, may your next run be the BEST run you've had in a long time!!


                - Sarah

                But The Smile That I Sent Out Returned With You.

                YAYpril - B-Plus

                  Good morning!


                  flarunner, great 9 already. I have this mental block about running more than 5 before work, but I'll have to get over it at least once in awhile once I take some of my running back to the morning.


                  D, enjoy your SRD and dinner date.


                  Phil, improvement improvement! Your shorts monologue made me laugh.


                  Tom, enjoy your run and the LRS visit later.


                  Bruce, have a good 9 miles tonight.


                  Sarah, have a great lunch date! Fingers crossed about the cast getting off early!!


                  As for me, 6 with fartleks tonight. I was supposed to have plans but they fell through so I swapped yesterday and today's run plans.


                  Former Bad Ass

                    Trial was continued (again) so it didn't interfere with my running, except I only did my run with hubby and the weights almost killed me they were so heavy.  A good day, overall, LOL.


                    Mornin' folks.


                    flarunner- Hey, I've got 9 miles on the schedule for today as well ... though mine will be at the end of the day rather than before it starts like yours.


                    Docket_Rocket- Enjoy your SRD and how'd that trial go yesterday? It didn't interfere with your run & weights did it? Enjoy dinner tonight with Marjorie.


                    Baboon- Don't think ... just do. I'm glad to hear your TM run was feeling good and I completely understand the trepidation with the trail afterwards. (I liken it to the first runs on snow/ice for winter - that overly cautious waiting for the world to crash around you feeling) Just take it easy and keep on your schedule ... it's worked great thus far!


                    RunTomRun- Enjoy that 5-6 miles today and your trip to the LRS...a man can never have too many pairs of shoes.


                    Well yesterday's run was a bit different than I had planned. I ended up dropping off the car for service (had them check/fix A/C as well) over lunch and went back to work instead of running. I decided to just run the 6 miles from the office to the dealer to pick up the car but chose to do it just before 5pm when the temperature was 87 degrees-sunny & no wind. I generally don't do great in the heat and last night had that heat funk feeling afterwards for quite a bit. Oh well, I'll never learn.


                    I have 9 miles on the schedule for today but won't be able to do them until late afternoon/early evening so temperatures should be good. Looks like I may have to start pulling a flarunner and do the starry sky morning runs again for summer.



                    Run to live; live to run




                        Taking another URD, just because I can. My energy level was much better yesterday, and the hip flexor was mostly quiet through the day. I will probably try a short run tomorrow to see how things feel.

                        I have a massage scheduled for this afternoon, then a night out with friends at a Mexican restaurant. Time to carbo-load, right?

                        20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.

                        Hip Redux

                          Some sort of running on tap but not sure what yet, weather may not cooperate with a run outdoors.  Rain, rain, go away.


                          I have a @&*(#$ blister on my left foot - WTH.   Annoying.


                          I took the DH out for Mexican last night - starting the carbo loading for his Cleveland marathon this weekend, so right there with you Step.  Gotta get those chips in ahead of time.  :P   I am being the supportive spouse again and carboloaded with him also.   I'm such a good wife.



                            Good morning everyone!


                            I think today is going to be a rest day, something weird going on with my left hip.  It was sore the other day, thought maybe I had just tweaked something, but it's remained constant, walking or running.  Gets only slightly worse when running, but still tolerable, I had no problems with 8 miles @ 7:50/mile yesterday.  But I don't want to keep running on it and have it get worse.  I did some rolling last night and this morning, ITB is definitely tight/sore, so that might be it.  A little rest and some rolling/stretching and we'll see how it feels.


                            Hope everyone has a great day!


                            My running blog

                            Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!

                            Just B.S.

                              Morning All.     1 mile to day - took 49 minutes


                              But since it was in the pool and I'm in marathon recovery I don't feel like such a loser.Big grin


                              With Monday's swim that's 1.6 miles so far this week. I never run for a week after a full so I'm in the

                              pool this week and hopefully the bike tomorrow and Friday.  First Sprint Tri of the season is June

                              9th so I need some cycling time.


                              Long distance swimming is such excellent post marathon recovery. You can really stretch out the

                              body and get a great aerobic workout without stressing the legs at all.


                              Baboon, how much coffee did you have this morning?LOL

                              Bruce, hubby always runs to/from taking the van for service. He did that last week and when he went

                              to pick up was all sweaty and wearing the running gear, said the desk girl looked at him like he was a nut job.

                              Pink, have a Pinkalicious lunch with your nephew!

                              Shari, enjoy your massage! Hope the hip feels better for you race.


                              Have a good day everyone!  I'm looking forward to having dinner tonight with two of my best girlfriends!


                                Dearly beloved, it is with a heavy heart that I inform you that with only 72 miles on them, I have retired my Adrenalines.  May we please have a moment of silence.....


                                Thank you.


                                What up doe crew!


                                Flo, I could have sworn you said that first, or maybe it was that I was thinking of you when I wrote it because I was.


                                Boon, Good work!


                                Enjoy your lunch Pink!


                                Shari, runners can carbo load at a moments notice!


                                Supp D, April,  O to tha Ski, Marj, Beth, D2, Bruce, & Tom!


                                I got in 4 easy last night and 7.4 this morning.


                                I have been running exclusively in my Kayano 19's and racing in my DST 18's.  I wear the Adrenalines in a casual setting or when I am not running as they are black and go with anything.  Well, about a week had gone by somehow and I had not worn them and when I did, I felt some weird things in my right ankle and tendon.  It's hard to put a finger on it, but I am just not going to risk anything, it's over.


                                It was a great shoe to transition from the LG 4's, but the K 19's are simply far and above a better product, and a dream to run in.  There is no denying that.  They are expensive as hell but worth every penny to allow me to run consistently, injury and worry free.
