Beginners and Beyond


Onemile's Houston Marathon RR (Read 42 times)


    Unpleasant side effects?


    I know some people can run on an empty stomach with only coffee. I cannot.  With the caffeine plus sugar, I think there could be some blood sugar swings too. So it's a balancing act of what can your body tolerate.


    It is. I run on caffeine and sugar during the week only because I'm out the door about 90 minutes after waking up. On the weekends however, I have to eat because it's 2.5-3 hours or more before I run after waking up.


    Former Bad Ass

      I don't have a problem with caffeine on an empty stomach either; however, I stopped taking Caffeinated GUs because it was giving issues during marathons. I guess the extra stress of the race with the caffeine was too much.




        Is there a benefit to 100mg caffeine at mile 21? How much caffeine did your other ones have? I know caffeinated Gu has only 20-40mg.


        I guess I’ve been pretty lucky that the first thing I ever tried was regular Gu, because that’s what they handed out on the course of my first marathon; I didn’t have any problems with it and I’ve used it ever since. I have not really experimented, just take one every ~6 miles. And I assume any race performance issues are more likely due to training than in-race nutrition.


        All things being equal; fitness, training, rest, realistic goal, smart pacing, course, conditions, pre-race nutrition (pauses to take a breath!), in-race nutrition is generally considered the limiting factor. You have a point, but to dot all the Is and cross all the Ts, some people try to dial it in so it doesn't become the limiting factor. I think you've been able to race extremely well with 3? For me, I'd like to get the number of calories consumed to 800. I managed just over 600 with 5 GUs and Gatorade last race so I'm getting there.



          OK I did not realize it worked so quickly. Hence wondering about taking it so late in the race. Were the others you took Caff 100, and if not, why not?


          I don’t have problems with pre-run caffeine. When I was working, every weekday training run was after 16 oz brewed coffee (2 K-cups, no milk no sugar), on top of an otherwise empty stomach. And I always pick the caffeinated Gu flavors. But again they have pretty low caffeine content, so I never tried supercharging that.


          I took 2 of the caff and 3 non-caff with me during the race. The reason being is I thought 500mg of caffeine during the race was an awful lot. Especially because I drank 2 cups of coffee upon waking up.



            All things being equal; fitness, training, rest, realistic goal, smart pacing, course, conditions, pre-race nutrition (pauses to take a breath!), in-race nutrition is generally considered the limiting factor. You have a point, but to dot all the Is and cross all the Ts, some people try to dial it in so it doesn't become the limiting factor. I think you've been able to race extremely well with 3? For me, I'd like to get the number of calories consumed to 800. I managed just over 600 with 5 GUs and Gatorade last race so I'm getting there.


            4. Like clockwork. Some Gatorade during the race, but not much. I could probably up it to 5 Gu if I thought it would make a difference. And I know some people pop one right before the gun, I’ve never tried that. And IDK about limiting factor, I think no more so than all the other items you listed. Just one of the few things you can actually control once you get to race day. Of course since you CAN control it, don’t screw it up! But sometimes people put too much on it because it’s the last thing you remember, like blaming the guy who missed the last-second field goal for losing the game.




              There is one chick on RA who ate 9 GUs during a marathon!


              Are you talking about me? 


              j/k. But, I probably took 6.


              ETA: the first one I take is right at the start before the gun goes off, so I guess I take them at:

              4.5, 9, 13/14, 18, and 22 or so. So, 5 during the race. But that was with GUs.


              With the Maurtens for Tunnel, I think I took 7. So it was,






              and 20? or I think I didn't take the last few b/c they had no one manning the aid stations for the last several, and there was no water. Just an empty table. 


                Are you talking about me? 


                j/k. But, I probably took 6.


                lol - Her name has been mentioned in the group today...



                  4. Like clockwork. Some Gatorade during the race, but not much. I could probably up it to 5 Gu if I thought it would make a difference. And I know some people pop one right before the gun, I’ve never tried that. And IDK about limiting factor, I think no more so than all the other items you listed. Just one of the few things you can actually control once you get to race day. Of course since you CAN control it, don’t screw it up! But sometimes people put too much on it because it’s the last thing you remember, like blaming the guy who missed the last-second field goal for losing the game.


                  Fair enough.


                  P.S. Scott Norwood is on line 2, he wants to buy you a coffee. lol



                    lol - Her name has been mentioned in the group today...


                    Off to go read Big grin


                       Off to go read Big grin


                      It's the last marathon, CIM I believe.



                        I took 2 of the caff and 3 non-caff with me during the race. The reason being is I thought 500mg of caffeine during the race was an awful lot. Especially because I drank 2 cups of coffee upon waking up.


                        I've never raced with caffeine (had a bad trip during a training run in 2012). It's the one area I could work on I guess. 🤔


                        UM 45 Ohio 23

                          great report and another congratulations on breaking 3:10 and setting a new PR.  Your training leading up to the race was amazing and I have to believe it will set you up physically and mentally for 2020 races!


                          Refurbished Hip

                            Dudddddeeee!  This is awesome!  You are so freaking fast.  I'm excited to read about your sub 3:05 PR next time.    Then we all know what's next after that!

                            Running is dumb.


                            Go figure

                              Congrats on your new PR. It seems like you've found a really good coach for you, which I'm sure you're super encouraged about for future performance. It's just my opinion, but I really think you're in the mileage sweet spot for what what you need to run marathons at that pace and even a little faster. I think another cycle of that kind of mileage and you'll end up exceeding your expectations, and maybe even your coach's too.

                              Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


                                great report and another congratulations on breaking 3:10 and setting a new PR.  Your training leading up to the race was amazing and I have to believe it will set you up physically and mentally for 2020 races!

                                Thanks. That is probably what I needed most.



                                Dudddddeeee!  This is awesome!  You are so freaking fast.  I'm excited to read about your sub 3:05 PR next time.    Then we all know what's next after that!

                                Thanks... I am guessing, retirement? 


                                Congrats on your new PR. It seems like you've found a really good coach for you, which I'm sure you're super encouraged about for future performance. It's just my opinion, but I really think you're in the mileage sweet spot for what what you need to run marathons at that pace and even a little faster. I think another cycle of that kind of mileage and you'll end up exceeding your expectations, and maybe even your coach's too.

                                Thank you!  My coach is the best and I'm so glad I started working with him.  Definitely looking forward to running some more PRs this year as now my 'best' race time is my marathon (looking at McMillan equivalents)  It will be tough to exceed his expectations because they are huge but I like that about him - his optimism is contagious.
