Beginners and Beyond


Sooner rather than later SunDAILIES (Read 31 times)


Wickedly Average

    Which brings up a great idea - how about biathlon running events. Let's combine a 10K with 100 yard rifle shooting. Carry your weapon on your run and every 3.33K, you stop and shoot 10 shots at a target.

    I wonder how the city would react if there were several hundred racers showing up with rifles strapped to their backs.....



    ... they'd probably just think that hunting season had started. Smile

    Tom (formerly known as PhotogTom)

    5K - 25:16, 10K - 55:31,  15K - 1:20:55,   HM - 1:54:54


    Barking Mad To Run

      Canada does not do a time change, Lily?  If I remember correctly, I don't think Arizona or Hawaii here in States do the time change thing either.


      Rick, sometimes getting lost and going exploring can be a lot of fun...find new routes, see new things....long as you don't end up getting shot at, which happened to me once when I got lost.  Of course, it certainly WAS an adventure!


      Hope you did will with your15 miles, FreeSoul.


      Sorry about your crappy weather, Basya.  Come on down for a visit during Fiesta San Antonio - - I'll treat to you some margaritas.  Ole!


      Sorry about the DNS, Oski. I always feel guilty wearing a race shirt if I did not do the race, so I usually end up giving my DNS shirts to a local homeless shelter.


      Hope the 9 miles went well, Baboon!


      Happy long bike ride, Damaris!  When do you get to start making your running comeback?


      You are turning into quite the gardener/farmer, outoftheblue!   Good luck with your track work later.

      "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


      Former Bad Ass

        Scotty, I started running yesterday.



        delicate flower

          9 miles with the wife DONE.  9:31 pace.  29 miles logged this weekend.  Solid.


          Moe's for lunch, then a grocery reload!


            Lily, have a pleasant twenty-miler.


            Tom, which 9mm do you have?


            Rick, you finished your run safely. Just call it an unplanned adventure.


            outoftheblue, have a delicious day and a wonderful track workout.


            scottydawg, I wish that I were able to come! The blues shows sound like fun. Warning: I prefer whiskey to tequila and don't do mixed drinks.



              Good Gosh  ya'll........... I did my best to read all the posts but dang it, there is a lot lol.

              Umm.... sorry you had to cut your run outside short Basya

              Sucks that you had to DNS Oski, Sad if I don't show up for a race like yesterday, I normally don't bother getting the shirt as I didn't run the race - it's like my liquor, if anybody else touches my whiskey, rum or tequila I don't keep the bottle (don't ask, it's an OCD thing I have had since I turned 21....... I've used half the bottles for shooting targets  Wink

              Everyone else, hope ya'll are having a good day getting lost, getting your butts kicked by the SO, and with races or recovery.


               I ended up doing 16 miles instead of 15, I was feeling pretty good and figured what the hell....? won't do too many more of those before my marathon training starts this summer. I am honestly wondering how I am going to manage these long runs in the heat, but I think if I can get out the door in the mornings before the sun, I should survive. Smile

              *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


              5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

              10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

              15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

              13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

               26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


              Wickedly Average

                Tom, which 9mm do you have?




                Beretta PX4 Storm, compact. The sub-compact was too small for my hands.


                It's new, but ammunition is a little scarce for 9 mm right now. Can't wait to get a little range time with it.

                Tom (formerly known as PhotogTom)

                5K - 25:16, 10K - 55:31,  15K - 1:20:55,   HM - 1:54:54


                Run to live; live to run

                  Hiya dailies.


                  I did 6.5 yesterday and 8.4 today.


                  This is weekend project was more painting. Did the master closet and almost done with the master bathroom. Wouldn't be so bad if not so much cutting in around trim etc. that took forever



                    I actually meant I was driving and missed my exit off of the freeway, not running.  Anyhoo, 14 miles done that seemingly took forever.  I even wore headphones to help with the boredom or it would have been worse.


                    Bout to hit the shower then the theater for some yummy pizza and wine.  That's right, wine.  Which will be my first drink of the purple stuff in 12 weeks to the day!


                    Today's feature is the 300 sequel.  See ya!


                      5.5 this morning...


                      time change and watching the end of LA marathon now....glad not doing it - too warm....


                      tom - interesting about the biathlon, good luck finding the 9 stuff...has gotten easier than it was a year ago when there was none at all

                      basya - since you asked, what kind do you have

                      oski - sorry about the dns

                      marathon pr - 3:16

                      Hip Redux


                        time change and watching the end of LA marathon now....glad not doing it - too warm....




                        My husband is running.  Apparently, there was a lot of fretting by the runners at the Expo about the weather forecasted for today... I dunno, it's southern CA, isn't it always warm?



                          Hey, got a streak going here - 3 days in a row running outside!  I was able do Friday evening in shorts (albeit kind of borderline at 40F), but I have had to progressively bundle up further since then. This morning was 16F temp/9F windchill, so full winter gear. Although sunny. 7 slow recovery-ish miles, then went to the gym for an hour of Vinyasa yoga.

                          63.3 miles for the week, a new PB (for the 3rd week in a row...inching up 1 mile each week)



                          Former Bad Ass


                            My husband is running.  Apparently, there was a lot of fretting by the runners at the Expo about the weather forecasted for today... I dunno, it's southern CA, isn't it always warm?


                            Not really.  I wore arm warmers last year and it was in the mid 50s at the end.  Very nice weather.


                            And yes, 50s for some is not arm warmers weather but 50s is for me.


                            Hubby wants us to do the Vancouver HM.  With 12 weeks to train (it's in 14-15 weeks, I think), best bet would be make my own plan with Daniel's, right, LRB?


                            Hip Redux


                              Not really.  I wore arm warmers last year and it was in the mid 50s at the end.  Very nice weather.


                              And yes, 50s for some is not arm warmers weather but 50s is for me.



                              Forecast was for the 80s I think.


                              Based on Mr. O's last 10k, I believe he's melted.  Or in the process of melting!



                              Former Bad Ass


                                Forecast was for the 80s I think.


                                Based on Mr. O's last 10k, I believe he's melted.  Or in the process of melting!


                                It has been a weird Winter.

