Beginners and Beyond

2015: Day 3. The Dailies (Read 45 times)

Hip Redux

    Post 'em up!  Happy saturday!


    Hip Redux

      I am heading out to run with a friend and I think I have on every winter layer I own.  Hmmm.


      Snow supposedly tonight and not enough to play in, just enough to be annoying.


      You Rang?

        I'm scheduled for 12 miles today.  Whether that will be double six mile runs or a straight 12 mile run remains to be seen.


        PR: 5k 25:01 (10/15) 10k: 57:44 (7/14) HM: 1:57 (5/15) FM: 4:55 (1/15)




          I am hoping for my first run since Sunday this morning, that is if whatever is falling out there doesn't screw that up.


          No, I haven't actually looked yet. 


            There is some kind of sleet/snow mix falling and I am not in the gambling mood so I will have to drive 40 minutes to one of my loops to run 50 minutes. 




              I am hoping for my first run since Sunday this morning, that is if whatever is falling out there doesn't screw that up.


              No, I haven't actually looked yet. 


              I think you picked a bad day. There is a thin layer of something white out there, which was making noise as it was hitting the ground, so I'm guessing it might be treacherous & I might end up on the treadmill.


              MTA: OK, looks like you're seeing the same thing. Trying to run in that would be like walking around with a loaded gun in your purse.


              Half Crazy K 2.0

                It's raining and sleeting here. Yuck. Weights at some point today. I may drag the treadmill or bike in front of the TV during the Ravens game, I'll see how motivated I feel about that.


                Former Bad Ass

                  Morning!  I have 8 and weights tonight.



                  delicate flower

                    'Morning!  Skiing with DW et al today.  It is COLD.  My new skis work!




                      0 for me again.  The wind is blowing so hard, I am almost glad to have an excuse to not run.


                      Everyone enjoy your weekend.

                      Runner with a riding problem.


                        I'm here, and so are the ducks. Off to run!



                          4 miles on the indoor track with several walk breaks. Most of my body loved that I was running again. Knee is undecided.


                          It will likely make its decision while I tromp around in the snow with DS at a "Nature Detectives" program at the local wildlife refuge. Fresh snow overnight should make it fun looking for little critter tracks.

                          20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                            90 minutes easy to finish my second 'high mileage' (everything being relative) week.


                            Week 1 : 67.25 miles (108.2 km)

                            Week 2 : 72.75 miles (117.1 km)


                            5F, windchill of -2F, I finally got to test my new running shirt and gloves. The shirt I definitely like. I don't miss the merinos wool at all.

                            I was surprised at the gloves. Thin as they are, they get the job done. Once I warmed up (3 miles like Dave said) they were quite comfortable. At $85 they're overpriced though.


                              Hitting the trails today for a group run.


                              Team TJ

                                I did 2 miles early this morning.  The only reason I only did 2 is because I ate WAY too much last night.  #gluttonyhastostop

                                Running for TJ because he can't.