Beginners and Beyond

Amateur marathon runners are slowing down.......(Wall Street Journal).... (Read 197 times)


never runs the tangents

    I'm slowing down the average, it's true.

    but not as much as these people:

    “Do what I do. Hold tight and pretend it’s a plan!” Doctor Who

    Hip Redux

      I'm slowing down the average, it's true.

      but not as much as these people:


      What the hell did I just watch.



        I'm slowing down the average, it's true.

        but not as much as these people:


        Thanks a lot.


        There's 2 minutes and 27 seconds of my life I'll never see again.


        That was the worst remake of Mousercise I've ever seen.



          My $ is on you for today's meltdown.


          I accept your challenge.


          I am slow because I am fat. I'm fat, but I used to be obese. I don't like fat Birdwell, but I didn't mind obese Birdwell all that much.


          I didn't realize that I was obese when I was obese. I thought I was fat, but I wasn't. My obese was regular America's "big". My current fat is America's "in shape" and Canada's "regular"


          When I get fit (American Translation= "way too thin") I will be fast, but 2013 fast, not 1980 fast. 2013 fast is 1980 slow.


          I like pie.

          Love the Half

            I'm slowing down the average, it's true.

            but not as much as these people:


            Damn.  That's the runner's version of getting Rickrolled.

            Short term goal: 17:59 5K

            Mid term goal:  2:54:59 marathon

            Long term goal: To say I've been a runner half my life.  (I started running at age 45).



              Nah... I'm PMS, which means I just want to argue endlessly. Big grin


              If you're still getting a period, you still have fat you can lose.


              Former Bad Ass


                If you're still getting a period, you still have fat you can lose.






                  If you're still getting a period, you still have fat you can lose.


                  I still have fat, yes. But like everyone here, I like that fat and don't want to lose it. Smile But I know it's there.


                  Btw, when I stop getting my period, I'll have more important things to worry about than just fat...

                  PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                          Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                  18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010



                    Lol, what about guys? They don't have periods so how we know if they still have fat to lose? Joking



                    I still have fat, yes. But like everyone here, I like that fat and don't want to lose it. Smile But I know it's there.


                    Btw, when I stop getting my period, I'll have more important things to worry about than just fat...

                    *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                    5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                    10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                    15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                    13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                     26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                      Lol, what about guys? They don't have periods so how we know if they still have fat to lose? Joking



                      I am qualified to do the love-handle test. And I do it for free for my fellow male runners. Big grin

                      PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                              Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                      18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                      Are we there, yet?


                        I am qualified to do the love-handle test. And I do it for free for my fellow male runners. Big grin

                        Be careful what you offer or you'll have a waiting line 42.2 Km long. Wink

                         2024 Races:

                              03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                              05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                              06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                        delicate flower

                          I'm slowing down the average, it's true.

                          but not as much as these people:


                          I want to punch myself in the face for watching this.




                            I want to punch myself in the face for watching this.




                            Slow and steady never wins anything.


                              I want to punch myself in the face for watching this.


                              LTH's Rickroll comment prevented me from clicking it thankfully...I think?


                              Skirt Runner

                                I'm slowing down the average, it's true.

                                but not as much as these people:


                                One would think I had something better to do at 10:00pm on a Friday night than watch this shit.....LOL

                                PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


                                I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to