Beginners and Beyond

SUNDAILIES Are Bringing the Noise (Read 51 times)


Former Bad Ass

    Wow, Lily.  That's such a life change but at the same time, it would be an awesome adventure!  Hope you guys make the right choice (I'm sure you will).


    Also, imagine all the new marathons you might be able to do over there. Big grin


    Good morning!


    I ran 7 very slow miles yesterday and I'm about to run 20 after breakfast. This will make 75 miles for my #2 recovery week after my marathon. I am very happy about this. I seem to recover so much more easily than before.


    In other news, my SO was offered a transfer to South Africa for a year, maybe longer if we want. We are seriously considering it. Me more than him. It would be a great experience for all of us and I think I need something new at this point in my life. Hopefully it'll work!


    Just B.S.


      I'm with Scott, I shorten my stride, or even walk if I see ice, or suspect that there may be some ice present.  I figure a little bit of walking is better than falling.  Luckily there hasn't been much ice, well, except for that one house that for whatever reason still has their freaking sprinklers on!  Idiots.

      Ditto! Ice under a light layer of snow can be very danergous.. We get lots of ice here thru the winter because

      of our constant cycle of freeze/thaw.


      It doesn't keep me from running outside by I am always very careful. I pulled a hammy in 2005 because I slipped

      on ice and tried to compensate. The leg I compensated with is the one that got hurt. It only kept me from running

      for a few days but took months to really feel normal again.


      Luckily we live in a very quiet area so running on the road where it is clear usually isn't a problem, traffic wise.


      It's exactly that kind of day here today. A light snowfall all day, with some ice underneath. We are running 13 miles

      and it will likely be very slow because of the snow (and of course the hills).

      Just B.S.


        In other news, my SO was offered a transfer to South Africa for a year, maybe longer if we want. We are seriously considering it. Me more than him. It would be a great experience for all of us and I think I need something new at this point in my life. Hopefully it'll work!


        That would be an amazing adventure! I've always wanted to visit South Africa (hint hint)Big grin

          Got my three out of the way, now for the trek to Sam's Club for the weekly supply of fruits and veggies. Have a great day everyone!

          First Race

          Hot Chocolate 5K Chicago November 4, 2012 30:17

          Second Race

          Penguin in the Park 5K Decatur Illinois March 23,2013 27:08



          Skirt Runner

            Lots of snow everywhere it seems....snowed here last night too. Headed to pilates class at the gym. This is the first time I've done pilates in about a year. I used to take a class at my old gym by my old apartment. Wow what a great core work out! The guy next to me farted through the whole class though..... eww. Hope everyone going on snowy runs stays safe!

            PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


            I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to


              Well, I got my 6 miles in. I had a great run. Not a dry patch on the route. I definitely shortened my stride. Holy workout going up and down the snow covered hills. 9:36 pace not bad for a run like this. I needed the fresh air and vitamin D. Big grin

              Running is my mental-Ctrl-Alt-Del. 

                robinde, great job keeping it easy. I know that easy can be difficult.


                Scott, amazing job having run the three miles already.


                BruceD555, I hope that you have a sunny fifteen.


                Rick, I hope you find a pair and get out thereWink


                Baboon, two more days...sending speedy healing vibes your way.


                Gustav, have a great two-miler.


                Kay, brava for taking care of yourself.


                Tom, enjoy whatever you do.


                SIAR, have a fabulous six-to-eight-mile run on the TM.


                I'mNotScott, I hope that you're having a wonderful well-earned rest day.


                Hilary, I'm the wrong person to ask. I'm also afraid of running on a slippery patch and injuring myself. I'm happy that you finished the six miles safely.


                Heidi, have a refreshing recovery run. I'm amazed at how tough you are.


                Damaris, I envy you your sweet five miles.


                Lily, enjoy the twenty. What about South Africa appeals to you?


                scottydawg, congratulations on another 5K!


                kristin10185, I'm happy that Pilates went well.


                I did five miles on the TM at a 1.5 incline in 51:00. 10:12 pace. I started at 5.6mph (10:42) and increased the pace every 7:30.


                0:00 to 7:30 - 5.6mph (10:42)

                7:30 to 15:00 - 5.7mph (10:31)

                15:00 to 22:30 - 5.8mph (10:20)

                22:30 to 30:00 - 5.9mph (10:10)

                30:00 to 37:30 - 6.0mph (10:00)

                37:30 to 45:00 - 6.1mph (9:50)

                45:00 to 51:00 - 6.2mph (9:40)


                  Easy 10 miles @ 10:17 avg.  I wanted to stay around 10:00 to 10:30, which I did.













                  I was supposed to do 11 actually, but our bike path only goes 5 miles each way (with markers every 1/4 mile), so I just did the 10.  I'm supposed to do 12 next Sunday, which I can do on a measured trail I like to run.  That will be my last long run before the HM.








                    Good morning!  RD for me today.  I did just order myself a new pair of Kinvaras.  I was going to go to the LRS and try them on today, but there was a coupon in my inbox this morning that I just couldn't pass up.  Hopefully I like them, but if not I'll be able to exchange them for something different.


                    Lily- that sounds like an exciting opportunity!


                    Heidi- Enjoy the run today and I do hope you are able to keep it slow!  That will be good practice for the early miles of a marathon, when the legs want to go faster than they should, right?


                    Basya- Sounds like a good way to keep the TM run interesting. Smile

                      Nice running, everyone.


                      Hilary, I'm glad you didn't hurt yourself out there.  I would have run outside too but would have been nervous to suggest it, lest you hurt yourself.


                      Lily, 20 miler during a recovery week?  Wow.  That is awesome.  How many mpw do you average during your training?  I want to know your secret.  South Africa sounds like an adventure.


                      Nice 10 miler, Luke.


                      Kay, hope the knee feels better for your next run.


                      Baboon, only 2 more days.


                      I think I'll head out for 10-12 soon.  I'm already at 31 for the week because I ran my last long run on Monday.  It's a little icy out but above freezing temps so outside I will go.


                      5k: 25:05 (Sep 2011)     10k: 51:57 (Aug 2012)     half: 1:56:46 (May 2013)     full: 4:09:46 (Jan 2016)

                        Basya - I like to do tm workouts like that too.  It really helps pass the time.


                        5k: 25:05 (Sep 2011)     10k: 51:57 (Aug 2012)     half: 1:56:46 (May 2013)     full: 4:09:46 (Jan 2016)

                          Luke, great ten-miler. When will your HM be?


                          Zelanie, I hope that you're enjoying your RD.


                          paulajmcd, have a wonderful run outdoors.


                          I napped. I did my push-ups. I'm off to shower now. I have into the temptation to just crawl under the covers after cooling earlier.


                            @ Basya...February 17th is my HM.  My goal is sub 2:00.








                              Julie: Nice mileage: bumping it up more than normal, I see. You are going to kill it in Boston! I'm glad you recovered so quickly from your race, too!  That's exciting, the opportunity to move to South Africa: what an adventure!!


                              Luke: Incredible job on the 10 miler!  I can't wait to see how you do in your HM!!!  Sub-2:00 is in the bag.  Trust.


                              Sparker: Great work getting the three done today!


                              Kristin:  Nice work!  I died laughing at the fact that the guy next to you toot tooted his way through pilates class.  How in God's name did you keep a straight face?


                              Zelanie: Ohhhh la la - new kicks???  FUN!!!  Enjoy your RD today!


                              LRB: Ooops, sorry!  10!  My bad!


                              Recovery run done: 8.3 miles at 8:56 pace.


                              Go figure

                                7 miles done on the 'mill.  Time to consume my calorie allotment for the next week within the next 12 hours.

                                Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn