Beginners and Beyond

SUNDAILIES Are Bringing the Noise (Read 51 times)


    I went back and took a couple of pics of the pipe to send to the city.  The first one is how it looked when I stepped in it, second is after I removed some of the grass covering it up.  It's about a foot across.


    That's crazy!  Where exactly is that, like on a main stretch or tucked away?


    Former Bad Ass



      YAYpril - B-Plus

        Wow, Dave. I am now thoroughly amazed you didn't snap your leg off.

          Hey everyone!


          Fuck you pipe!  15 miles @ 7:51/mile done.  #unbreakable  Smile


          I went back and took a couple of pics of the pipe to send to the city.  The first one is how it looked when I stepped in it, second is after I removed some of the grass covering it up.  It's about a foot across.



          Unbreakable is right, you're a lucky guy to have not got hurt from that Hole.

          First Race

          Hot Chocolate 5K Chicago November 4, 2012 30:17

          Second Race

          Penguin in the Park 5K Decatur Illinois March 23,2013 27:08



            10 easy with 8x200m hard sprinkled in over the last 4 miles

            Coalition for a Free and Independent New Jersey

              Just B.S., you are a badass.


              AmiK, may you have a successful training.


              Tom, nice distance and pace.


              wcrunner2, great job with the 8.3.


              Dave, amazing run. I'm glad that you're OK after running over that pipe.


              scrape., sweet ten with intervals.


              Weight training I done. I feel a bit cheerier. I decided to stick with the same weights. I'm not changing anything until after Jerusalem.



                +1 on what Damaris said. That is just crazy AND dangerous, glad you didn't get hurt Dtothe2nd.

                I feel pretty optimistic that if I stick to how my plan is going now, I see improvement in my future AND hopefully my first (maybe only) FM in the next year or so.

                *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                 26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                   That's crazy!  Where exactly is that, like on a main stretch or tucked away?


                  It's about 3 feet from the shoulder on a main road.  The road is pretty busy and cars do 50-55mph, so I was running the grass to be a lil safer, or so I thought.




                  Hurt like hell when it happened, luckily I was pissed enough that adrenaline carried me through the rest of the run, I still had a couple miles to go to pick up the car.


                  Wow, Dave. I am now thoroughly amazed you didn't snap your leg off.


                  Me too, I hit that thing cruising at around a 7:30/mile pace.  I still don't know how I was able to shift my weight and keep my leg from going deeper into the pipe and then breaking something.


                  Unbreakable is right, you're a lucky guy to have not got hurt from that Hole.


                  Just a scrape and a bump, must be all the milk I drank as a kid (I've actually never broken a bone...yet).


                  Dave, amazing run. I'm glad that you're OK after running over that pipe.


                  Thanks, it was a great run around the lake, I love that trail.  Me too, as soon as I saw it, I just knew I was getting ready to break my leg.


                  +1 on what Damaris said. That is just crazy AND dangerous, glad you didn't get hurt Dtothe2nd.


                  Absolutely, the city is going to hear from me first thing in the morning.


                  My running blog

                  Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                    Chilly 15 miles in the books. Feels like temp of 0 and gusting winds of about 20 mph. Ran with a group and we had a couple guys that were having a tough time with the slippery roads & conditions so it ended up as a nice slow pace. I really felt like I could have run another 15 miles by the end...but needed to stop to get ready for the game ... and EATING!

                    Train smart ... race smarter.


                      Return the weird Scandinavian thing at Ikea- checked

                      Buy two white shirts for school, one size larger, for my non-stop growing boy- checked

                      Find four wall hooks to add to the wall in my office for my Bermuda medals- checked

                      Grocery shopping- checked


                      NOW... I'm officially exhausted. Big grin


                      Heidi, I have two things I want to tell you, one good and one bad. The first one is: everyday you are my inspiration and I try to (note that I use the word try) set my paces based on what I see you do. If I ever get any faster, it will be thanks to you. :-) The bad thing is: I can barely keep up with you and you are killing me, woman!!! Big grin Honestly, I've accepted the fact that I will never achieve the times you will see in your future, but it's a joy and an honor for me to see you go. Now stop running so fast, darn it. Big grin (and Boston will be a 3:30 at best, 3:45/50 at worst)


                      April, Congratulations on your race! That was quite a difficult course!


                      Dave, OMG! Glad you're ok! Great run!


                      Basya, I'm glad you're feeling happier! How long will you be staying in Jerusalem? A friend of mine ran the marathon last year. Even though it was pouring rain, he said it was the most amazing experience of his life. And I have no doubt about that!


                      FreeSoul, thank you. :-) Wait til the little one is a bit older, when you have more time to yourself. Then, you will find that you can do amazing things yourself. I know that you have it in you. ;-)


                      Beth, jeeze woman... You should have signed up for the Armed Forces! You are one tough mama! WTG!


                      Bruce, 15 cold and windy miles are highly deserving of lots of warm food and alcholic beverages. Enjoy the game!


                      Kristin, I started running early one September and I ran my first half in April after that. I remember thinking "That's it, I'm done. I'm never doing another race again...: LOL


                      Tom, great job on finding a route for your run. I'm sure it's not always easy. Great run too!



                      Let me put the soup on the stove and I'll be back. Smile

                      PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                              Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                      18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010

                      Just B.S.

                        Just Beth-  I love everything about you. Smile


                        Gee, thank Hil. I don't know what prompted that but it means a lot to me.Smile


                        We have a lot in common, despite the age difference. And we both have awesome hubbies!!


                        Yours is too cute!

                        Just B.S.



                          Beth, jeeze woman... You should have signed up for the Armed Forces! You are one tough mama! WTG!


                          Well coming from one of the toughest ladies I (almost ) know that means a lot!! Besides in 1991 after I

                          gave birth naturally to that 11lb 23.5 inch baby I figured not much was ever going to be harder than that!LOL


                          I too give kudos to those that make personal comments almost every day. You are awesome.


                            Lily: You are so sweet!!!  Your training is going swimmingly and your paces are dropping like rocks.  7:00 anything for LRs and for 50 miles during the week?  Yeah, that's a damn good sign that you are getting smoking fast.  You have tons more PRs in your future yet, stop it!  It is fun to have someone of the same speed, training for the same distance race - it's nice to cheer one another along, learn from each other, all that.  I hope and think that you might surprise yourself big time in Boston, but I understand planning on a conservative finish as well, completely.  Your training is going so well and that is so positive!  Yay!


                            D2: ZOMG!!!  A picture is worth a thousand words.  I can't freaking believe you popped that amazing a LR and had no lingering injuries after stepping in that.  Holy hell.  That is SO flipping dangerous!!!


                            Scrape: Nice job on the 10x200s!!!



                              Well coming from one of the toughest ladies I (almost ) know that means a lot!! Besides in 1991 after I

                              gave birth naturally to that 11lb 23.5 inch baby I figured not much was ever going to be harder than that!LOL


                              I too give kudos to those that make personal comments almost every day. You are awesome.


                              Wow! My little guy was 7 lbs 3 oz and around 19 inches long, I gave birth to him in the living room in a birthing pool but dang, 23 inches and 11 lbs!!!! You are amazing!


                              happylily - thanks, I cannot wait though I am excited for when he'll be old enough to start as well, or at least watch and admire me Smile

                              *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                              5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                              10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                              15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                              13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                               26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)

                                Heidi, it has been too long!  it looks like you are making huge strides in your training.  We have some speedy folks around here.


                                Beth- 11 lbs? Holy crap, that's a big freakin baby.  Mine were 6lb 15 oz and 4 lb (preemie).


                                yikes, D2, that's dangerous.  It was camouflaged nicely, huh?  The city is lucky you didn't hurt yourself.


                                So I ended up running 10 miles total, including a 1/2 mile moderate grade hill x3.  I chose the hill repeats because the path was nice and dry, unlike the icy, slushy, wet mess on the pathways along the ridge by my house.  Is it bad to run too many hills?


                                5k: 25:05 (Sep 2011)     10k: 51:57 (Aug 2012)     half: 1:56:46 (May 2013)     full: 4:09:46 (Jan 2016)